PS4 trade prices are an UTTER joke
" Lol please, son. First and foremost, I never said anything about prices, personally. Secondly, your attitude is a huge part of the problem and does nothing but make you look like a greedy douchebag. Just sayin'. Maybe people pay the prices because they don't have a choice? Because of dick moves like price setting (buying something cheap then selling 500% higher) everything is going to stay expensive. Last edited by binoculars#9468 on Jun 7, 2019, 11:16:21 PM
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I'm not going to mention them by name, but there is a certain group who is manipulating currency prices and specific uniques. I've noticed them doing this during Flashback and its carried over to the merged league. Don't think there's much that can be done about them honestly as they exist in pretty much every online game.
Also, the best advice would be to avoid playing any builds that require either high end crafted gear (since crafting hasn't really taken off on PS4 yet) and ultra rare uniques like Headhunter, Eternity Shroud, and what not. For Legion specifically when it comes out, I'd suggest making a caster league starter since a lot of people will be going melee and melee gear will be insanely expensive. Look for starter builds that don't require more than a 4-link. Builds like Essence Drain / Contagion didn't get adjusted and will be really strong this league. Storm Brand still looks viable, just can't shotgun with brand recall. Even simple ataple builds like Arc, Frost Pulse, Spark, SRS, Phys Skeletons, etc. are still viable and are cheap starters that can get you to mapping with very little investment. |
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I've notice a lot being a new player that it is near impossible to get a item on the trader MAKE A OFFER means make a OFFER don't laugh at the person when you reject it. I have gotten 3 exalted orbs where my husband hasn't gotten any. It's just frustrating to spend half a day bidding on something and have it be rejected and then laughed at...... If you want a specific amount specify that don't say make an offer.......
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I am more of a seller than a buyer. I have many stash tabs full of stuff for sale. I make 20-50 sales a day and get more than twice that in offers. If I have something that I might end up using in a different build later, I will price it high because it is worth more to me and I wouldn't care if it didn't sell. If I have a duplicate item, I will generally sell it for a lot less, so it doesn't keep sitting in my stash tab.
If you are a buyer, here are some tips from my experience: - It never hurts to offer - many people don't know the value of their goods and may sell for cheap. - Use the chaos vendor recipe if you are short on currency- I have made over 100 chaos in a day from this - Use a build that doesn't need expensive uniques - many people get to level 100 on SSF leagues - Play the game - the more you kill, the more currency and gear you will get - Sell stuff for cheap - the cheaper something is, chances are it will sell faster |
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Maybe peeps just don't like that you play on PC?
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I was #1 Juggernaut in ps4 flashback
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I honestly agree with the topic starter..console prices have grown out of hand. When a 1c Div Dagger is priced at 18ex on console there is a huge problem in the market..with drop rates the way they are on exalts and chaos it takes a good while to amass those exalts..and with limited amount of players using the market it makes a stale market..its bad for everyone..i see guy says he will continue to sell at a high price cause stuff sells..i actually watch some items for the purpose of how long it stays up and i can say for sure that items arent going like hotcakes..ive watched items sit for over a the same rate..reason is cause the sellers on console are forgetting the item..there is no excitement in the market..PC has a way better support group for the market..which makes the items move faster..due to supply and demand..more users playing...equals more items found..which lowers said value of items. On Console its low numbers playing which means lower numbers of said item increase the value due to rarity..then greedy console players jack up the price which kills the market..i think if we could cooperate and use poe.goods to regulate the prices with PC it would stable the economy on console..making it more enjoyable for everyone in turn keeping a strong player base...GGG has dropped the ball on Console Support..and has honestly shown to have little to no interest in putting in time to fix poe for console..we all see it..those players who have crossed over from PC to Console or play both can see the difference..console players who have only played on console are usually the ones making this markert.
But in closing..nothing will change like u want...1 voice in a crowd is unheard...and with a thriving PC community and the revenue they get from PC..Console can shut down and they wouldnt blink.. |
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Trading on PS4 is a big problem. Why it is impossible to make sorting by price? Or as a last resort, why there is no possibility to remove the display of items, that do not have a price?
You are talking about the fact that it is hard to buy endgame gear, I fully agree with all that has been said, but here you can’t even freely buy ordinary low-level uniques. I tried to play PS4 for a change, it's rather fun, but this trading system discouraged any desire to continue. Last edited by Arifmeticus#4972 on Jun 10, 2019, 10:36:33 AM
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market its totally garbage, they should implement filter item list like the pc version and filter options like descendent price, ascendent price, time when was listed on trade, etc..
Just implement good filters on trade and will solve many problems. |
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Started playing on PS4 for Legion. Wanted to upgrade my 2H sword and went to the marketplace. A level 15 two handed sword, 4 sockets, no remarkable stats didn't seem to go for less than 5c.
5c, for a stinking sword with no stats. It wasn't just one. Then I checked prices for other stuff. People putting prices on the PS4 version are absolutely bonkers. They don't know how to price for crap. |
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