
With .11 patch I was all excited to dust off my Cyclone marauder and try a radical Staff build using Cyclone with Splash and other damage boosting goodies. I had found some excellent high DPS Staffs with my LA Shadow (range toons are soooooo much better...but that is another forum). One was 300-400 mainly physical damage and the other 200-300 but with additional tri-elemental bonuses to push it to 320-430. And with all the bonuses to the staff nodes I thought, hell lets make a radical Cyclone Marauder with the full respec.

Level 70 Marauder. OK so after respec my resists are still 75 across the board, HP's dropped below 3500 but my Cyclone DPS shows around 1600 with auras up (pretty close for either staff).
Now with 37% block thru nodes and staff bonuses, and 14% life steal and nearly 60 life per hit I am in sweet spot.

So into docks I go....
And first mob of dragons kill me.

Ok maybe my fault. Cocky, overconfident.
Next group of archer skeles I go slower. NO...I go real slow. Back and forth, back and forth, health potion, health potion, granite flask, back and forth.
It took forever. WTF?????

Next mob of dragons and I die again.

Rage quit.

LA shadow you are my friend again. Back to the shelf with you Cyclone Marauder.
How does block interact with cyclone? Can you block when cycloning?
IGN : @Hrrrrrrgh
shaar wrote:
How does block interact with cyclone? Can you block when cycloning?
and evade, and dodge
From my experience Block does not work with Cyclone. Other areas of the forum I see debates about one hand, dual wield, shield benefits etc, but there isnt a precise answer. All I know is that I did way better with my Unique Axe and its culling strike mod, than with the high DPS staffs.

Now I forgot that I had my speed boots on, plus that Passive node that makes you not suffer armor speed penalties. Which is another oddity with Cyclone...why are we punished for moving faster??? I dont get why it is better to be the biggest slowest blob spinning? Shouldnt we be better if we spin extra-fast, move extra-fast, hit mobs galore??? Instead if I move slooooowwwwerrrrr I hit more often??? Bizarre.

Anyways, I went back to the LA shadow and just cleared a 72 map in 3 minutes with my buddy who is a 77 Explosive Arrow Ranger. Two ranged toons who can clear giant areas with no fear of being touched (just keep eye on Energy shield to show the Reflect Damage mob).

I love the theory of Melee...annoyed how much easier Ranged is. Glass cannon --- hell I am a Glass Nuke with my LA shadow, my Cyclone Marauder is scared pussy.
I'm not having any survivability issues as long as I'm not one-shot. Cant get near kole-type bosses yet with 10k armor :/

I don't know about block, it isnt clear. I'm running tempest shield and sometimes it seems archers get hit by the lightning proc far away. Thing is, there's so much desync I'm not sure I'm actually cycloning on the server at that precise instant.

Can a dev please answer?

Does block work when cycloning?
IGN : @Hrrrrrrgh
Krashkraken wrote:
With .11 patch I was all excited to dust off my Cyclone marauder and try a radical Staff build using Cyclone with Splash and other damage boosting goodies. I had found some excellent high DPS Staffs with my LA Shadow (range toons are soooooo much better...but that is another forum). One was 300-400 mainly physical damage and the other 200-300 but with additional tri-elemental bonuses to push it to 320-430. And with all the bonuses to the staff nodes I thought, hell lets make a radical Cyclone Marauder with the full respec.

Level 70 Marauder. OK so after respec my resists are still 75 across the board, HP's dropped below 3500 but my Cyclone DPS shows around 1600 with auras up (pretty close for either staff).
Now with 37% block thru nodes and staff bonuses, and 14% life steal and nearly 60 life per hit I am in sweet spot.

So into docks I go....
And first mob of dragons kill me.

Ok maybe my fault. Cocky, overconfident.
Next group of archer skeles I go slower. NO...I go real slow. Back and forth, back and forth, health potion, health potion, granite flask, back and forth.
It took forever. WTF?????

Next mob of dragons and I die again.

Rage quit.

LA shadow you are my friend again. Back to the shelf with you Cyclone Marauder.

I have a lvl75 cyclone duelist with BM.
my hp is a miserably 2.5k, Armour of only about 3k, cyclone deals 1.5k dps.

I play quite ok docks except those multiple projectile dogs. (i use warlord mark)

I ran a couple of maps with my buddy last night, with him a witch summoners. His army minions
is the meat shield while i do the spining. What i found out is that with the meat shields around, we can easily clear. But when the minions die, thats when i started to takes visible and invisible hits (desycn hits is what i call them nowadays).

So the story is, you should have no issue with skill if you desycn less often. Correction, it should be the mobs desycn less often.

Else stay away from this skill.

Perm. Retired from this unforgiving land of the Exiles.
Self-impost EXILED.
Krashkraken wrote:
Which is another oddity with Cyclone...why are we punished for moving faster??? I dont get why it is better to be the biggest slowest blob spinning? Shouldnt we be better if we spin extra-fast, move extra-fast, hit mobs galore???

You don't have to be slow, even if everyone else is telling you to. Remember, you are a hurricane of death that blows through shit leaving death and destruction in your wake. Hurricanes of death don't move slowly.

I assure you most things die in one pass when you have enough dps. Who the heck told you you had to cyclone in a straight line? Did you know high speed cyclones have very adaptable paths? You can "arc" your entry to keep enemies in your blend zone longer. Or draw spiral patterns. (And yes, I end up faster than someone with no movespeed even if I do that.)

And besides... if they survive the first pass, run over them again!

Krashkraken wrote:
Two ranged toons who can clear giant areas with no fear of being touched... my Cyclone Marauder is scared pussy.

You probably built your marauder wrong -_-" . Marauders have access to all the best survival HP/armor/resist nodes.

It's beyond me why people link up Multistrike to Cyclone. Cyclone is a movement skill, and executing it three times in random fashion is akin to teleporting without specifying a destination. Even if you don't desync, you could put yourself in a really bad spot.

IMO Multistrike shouldn't even work with Cyclone to begin with.

As for suggestions, please stop littering maps with invisible objects to snag our cyclone on. Or at least make it so we don't stop all the time even if we hit something. Could we at least "bounce off" or "slide around" these obstructions??
Toupy - Lv93 Facebreaker Cyclone Duelist
Last edited by Myrthr#6542 on Jun 16, 2013, 7:47:00 PM
Ypokrator wrote:
Cmon guys do something about multi+cyclone!!! Getting permadesynced all the time is not cool and i dont have 4 hands to click , drink pots push enter and /oos every 3-4 seconds.... i am getting 5%-6% xp and losing it from desync deaths.

Same here mate. Can't get over 75 level.
A question here guys.
I took RT off my marauder and basically I can't see any differences.
Is cyclone not vulnearable to accuracy? I am at 58% now and I hit literally everyhing.
Are critical hits worth more than RT in combination cyclone+multi?
you hit twice a normal attack period, continuously until the skill stops moving you to destination. most people attack far too fast to care about thier acc, 75% acc estimation with 10 attacks per second = 15 average number of hits a second (2 * 10 *.75). no one's acc will be that low because this gem is primarily dex req., a player will have enough dex for decent acc (90% character screen estimate). adding in multi hit causes desync due to server doing the second two retargetings of the "extra" repeat attacks, but practically doubles dps (triples attack rate but less damage per hit).
Can you block attacks when cycloning?
IGN : @Hrrrrrrgh

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