Announcing Path of Exile: Heist

Seems like a neat league idea though I suspect it will all turn into race through mobs against a timer again.

POE really needs to have a new endame or even a few endgame options as Maps is really dull IMO and they need to add some options for people that just don't want to continuously rush through content.

Way too much catering to the streamers and 1% ers. Hopefully POE2 will address some of this
NeoG wrote:

Best comment evar :D
Verminaardth wrote:
I think I "leveled up" to "this game is too complex and tedious to play anymore" camp.

I understand design and monetisation model behind it but I think that GGG over-loaded the core.

This is ARPG game and the most joy, at least for me, is in doing challenging and rewarding content. In this game it's metamorph, upgraded breachstones, juiced T16 maps, delirium/simulacrum, timeless encounters, deep Delve, Sirius or Uber Elder, advanced crafting, making high-end build and usually whatever tops current league mechanic.

All of this is gated behind hundreds of hours of gameplay - it just takes too much effort to get there, knowing it will reset again in 3 months time.

It's probably too late for POE 1 but it would be good to re-think that model for POE 2 and focus on locking down what really "core" is to make sure that time investment required does not grow to the point when it alienates players.

Depending on how much content will be there in POE 2, it would mean being more ruthless and innovative with leagues, having only few being added to the "core".

Also, consider evolving monetisation model itself. Living off stash tabs and league packs is quite outdated, micro transactions are too expensive, promos are just so dead and bland.

It's 2020, whatever noble F2P ideology was there 10 years ago, it needs to adapt to evolving market.

Can't agree more with this !!!!
Chris Wilson, just take a look at votes on youtube heist announcement video. If you still can't tell the alarm is ringing, don't complain when you're going to face some Red Shirt Guy Syndrom ...
johnnysd wrote:
Way too much catering to the streamers and 1% ers. Hopefully POE2 will address some of this
you can't solve a problem caused by a way of thinking and keeping that way of thinking at the same time.
GGG don't listen to us. And votes on non GGG censorable platforms (reddit, youtube) is starting to be clearly visible.
Аstyanax wrote:
Regarding the supporter packs...disappointing yet again, which seems to have become the norm this year....

Don´t argue too much on these packs, look on it like i do :
since they are not impressive its even easier to save money which GGG anyway should not get for yet another round of overengineered stuff [Removed by Support]

Syhler187 wrote:
heist has nothing to do with ARPG.

so another league where i will not support you GGG


+1, good choice
Last edited by bex_HB#1414 on Sep 3, 2020, 5:37:23 AM
Path of Exile gets a heist league because its producer saw Ocean’s 11 on Netflix
GGG co-founder Chris Wilson tells us that he and the studio’s technical director Jonathan Rogers were mulling over the theme of the upcoming expansion back in February. Stumped, they turned to Netflix. “We get to a car racing movie and think, can we do a league about this?” Wilson recalls. “We seriously talked about what it means to have a vehicle that you’re building, Path of Exile, and how that would work – but that didn’t pan out. Eventually, we got to Ocean’s 11, or some other heist movie on the list, and thought, well, that would be cool.

that's the reason for this league which actually sound as disappointing as synthesis or harvest
This leauge sound´s awesome.
Another shiet league, i just skip again. Good luck

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