Community Designed Divination Card - Place Your Vote!

Which category of item should the card redeem for?

Harvest Labyrinth Offering
Specific Map
Specific Winged Scarab
Poll closed
lowkeyripper, thanx a lot men :)
thx alot for your effort <3
3 best options

Watchstones: if its a specific type. even if the region is random. normally you want to stack up the same mod over and over again. there is no guarantee you get the type you want so even it its 1/3 to get it it can take long. The unqiue ones can also take a while to get since sirus also doesn't always drop one and there is no guarantee its the right one and maven watchstones have no guarantee to be good. The unique ones is also consumables so you always need more if you want to use them.

Unique maps. Vinktar Square, cortex the other synthesis ones and the one that only drops in delve.

Blue's since if you want to farm a specific reward from then it can take a lot tries and while their not rare it can be hard to get specific ones.

For those that dont know winged scarabs is obtainable outside of harvest. There is a reason they are 5-20c this league and it isnt because of harvest.
There is a elevated sextant mod that say possessed monsters drop's a winged scarab. so if you use it right and have the right atlas passive that is 3 per map or 9-12 per sextant(atlas passive: sextant have a additional use). and if your using fractured maps it's 3 every map you play for the rest of the league.

The offering would come 4th they are cheap in trade the for the ones with new enchants(last time i looked)And while not common in harvest they do get offered more then the 6 enchant one(i have 1/8 stash tab full of them and i even stopped picking plot that offered them since there is stuff I want more). The one that gives you 6 enchant can be replaced just by using a normal offering.

watchstones sounds nice :o
I do hope the card to be usefull and realistically farmable, I cast my votes on Watchstone, hoping for a random craftable one. As the process to get those are way too grindy right now
It might be easy to think that, but remember that a lot of us have been playing since like, 2013. That said, my account is worth more $$$ than I'd like to think about right now XD
Couldn't choose between watchstone and scarab, so had to roll the dice. Hope you guys include more than one thing from that list (even if this vote is for just one of them)! :D
Make lab optional! Give us another way to get the ascendancy points we need.

None of these options seems particularly spectacular, but a card for a random unique watchstone could be a fun gamble.
My Dervish guide:
I voted Watchstone, I was happy to see the community is basically on the same page!
Watchstone B O Y S

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