Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
Dont listen to delusional folks who say it needs to be balance around casual player cuz they are majority. Majority my ass, this isnt casual game and deterministic craft wouldnt make it one, but will surely ruin this game for everyone in the long run. Actually it is already ruining item progression and power levels. Builds can be brought to their full potential in mere hours with nothing left to strive for. I've made a character this league just out of boredom that was able to onshot A9 sirus and it's not even worth a mirror. It's just some 350 ex ish character that can do any content in the game. I've killed Maven bursting through her fazes so quick that i didnt even see her abilities exept for memory game. Is it really the game you want to play? Running around atoll for months to sell your crafts in discord getting scammed only to make any content in the game completle and utterly meaningless? I dont think so and hope GGG think so too.
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It would be nice to know if the decision of not making harvest crafted items account bound is the technical impossibility or is by design.
Because the choice of convert harvest crafting (the only real crafting system in PoE btw) in something useless does not solve the problem of insane easy mirror tier craftable items, because TFT is there, and no-live players (minimum of players base I guess) will craft that items anyway, you are only hitting hard to casuals and especially SSF. The reasoning behind the decision is correct, the solution is really, really dumb, because does not solves the problem, only solves the problem you have with casuals with mirror tier items, if too much of those items exits now is not because harvest crafting is because TFT, and TFT is not going to disappear. If fact I could make a prediction, TFT is going to raise heaven, you are almost forcing ppls to go to TFT, the more difficult (time expensive) to get a craft is the more need to go to TFT to craft an item (and you know it) BTW I'm almost sure you lie when you give us data or I'm the ppl with worst luck in PoE, I made tons of maps with harvest and still waiting to see a "remove life", "remove add chaos", and many others crafts I did not see yet this league, I don't trust your data, those crafts are just now insanely rare, but if you can go to TFT and buy it, obviously are converted in a common thing via extra-game pages. PS: Of course I would not spend a single dollar in PoE till you properly fix harvest crafting, let see in POE 2, I still have hope in it... |
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Again this shows how little they care for the big msyority of the player base.
Well my my own nerf comes here I wont buy more support packs till i see Chris craft his own mirror item whit the currency he manage to farm alone. ░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄░░░░░
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I dont think its a good plan.Even removing the entire harvest content from the core would be a much better choice. All these changes will only lead to one result:it would be much more difficult(or impossiple) for normal players(or players that dont spend much time) to get ending-game gears.At the same time,top players can even benefit from these changes.These nerfs make the gap between normal players and top players larger. Perfect gears would be more likely to be monopolized.I dont think its a good news for most players.At least we can get good gears through our own efforts in 3.13,which is not a very difficult thing.But in 3.14,We may have to spend 10 times as much time and currency to get the same gears in 3.13, which is difficult and unacceptable for most players
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Like many have said, this is sad to read.
I'm not one to post on the forums and hate on the updates, but damn GGG, it really seems like you're balancing your game based on the top 0.1%. I have been playing this game for a long while now, but have sunk up more and more hours since Betrayal and this has been the best league ever in my opinion. A big part of that for me was being able to make my own itens as i went and not just farming currency mindlessly to trade for the next upgrade(that and the AMAZING player agency in the atlas trees). Several of my itens, if not all my rares, i bought/dropped a base and crafted on it and that has been really fun for me. Altough I must be the worst player in the whole playerbase, because i've made few characters this league and none of them(3, to be precise) have these "mirror worthy items" you keep talking about. And thats coming from a person that plays around 5-6 hours a day(probably more than a lot of the playerbase). This leads me to believe that either my playstyle(mostly solo, not making exalts upon exalts a league and playing off-meta builds) is a extremelly small subset of the playbase, or GGG is basing they're assertions and balances based on and the players trading for harvest crafts of discord. This statement "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not.", just shows how much out of touch with the playerbase you guys are. Because you know what? Almost no one wants to exalt slam an item and have a 2% chance of getting a good mod. This is just gambling. Like your loot boxes :) I strongly believe should ditch this elitist attitude of thinking that only a "small upper echelon" of PoE players should have good items. As you said time and time again, items are important. That makes us not want to brick them, despite what you seem to believe for some reason. Improving our gear little by little is what makes us come back day after day. Anyway, this has been a long rant from regular player that has wasted more time than he should on a comment that no one will read. I'm off to play something that respects my time. |
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This is good.
Harvest ruined the game for me, I already spend so much time out of content managing inventory and trading, harvest just interrupted the game. I would argue it should be removed from the game, the best gear should be found and enhanced, or traded for from other players who found that gear. You know, by actually playing the game. Perfect crafts just end the league, nothing to do. |
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" 18+ game, I get it, but what do you achieve by spewing expletives at somebody online because they disagree with you? Maybe the majority of us happen to LIKE it and don't really care about these mirror-service crafters? |
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it is nearly impossible for regular player to get a end game item that nearly perfect.
but with harvest craft,it could be.therefor,players would keep improving their charaters,one piece by piece,untill all ten items are done.The reason for players willing to do that because they can see they would keep playing. Me as an example,i wouldnt spend that much time to improve the gears i have today if wasnt because of harvest carft.i am still trying to craft a better bow for myself. maybe it is a good idea to nerf it a bit,but honestly i would stop improving my gears if i think it is too hard to craft one.i am quite enjoy the current harvest crafting system,well something is a bit annoying.but still very good. not sure how you will change it at the end.but pls dont make it too hard for everyone to enjoy crafting. |
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" You're right, honestly. I'm mostly reading through all this to see what the opinions are.. And so far it's been vastly negative with only a few positive comments, and most are by people who are actively trolling as well. Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Mar 10, 2021, 9:06:31 PM
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" Yup and as people who actually spent money on the game it's disappointing. IGN: Sweethart
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