Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
Yes. Thank you. (I have channelled some of that very same, sweet sarcasm dripping off this reply.)
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En serio ?
Que tenemos que hacer para recurrir a items para "min-max" las builds de los que no tienen bots para farmear y tradear (que en teoria es ilegal y banean, pero cada vez se ven mas)? Tenemos que terminar matandonos para farmear de a "puchos" para terminar cayendo en un bot, que en definitiva si esta, es xq beneficia a la compañia del desarrollador del juego, para poder comprar un item con 10+ de hp, o 5+ de res. Muy bien GGG, lo hiciste otra vez. |
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The problem I have with these changes is that I have never liked the base crafting system in the first place. As in, I have never used an Exalt or Annul on an item, ever, since Beta.
The simple reason is I do not like RNG. Even if it is favor of me, the loss of an item hurts much more than any possibility of a good item outcome (see "loss aversion"). That is why people liked Divination Cards. The simple reason being you can work your way to an item with incremental progression feels good, no matter how long it takes. I only play trade league but I almost never buy anything other than Uniques and Currency, and I am sure a lot of people do the same. I do not like the randomness in the game and I try everything to avoid it (which is why I hated the map progression in the earlier iterations, but this got significantly better). Harvest craft allowed me to enjoy crafting for the first time. Until then, I have never tried to craft an item because ruining an item just doesn't feel good, and the power you gain compared to that just doesn't justify the risk. If anything, I would rather have Harvest Crafted items soulbound (to account, not character) than to remove Harvest. I think Soulbound is generally a bad thing but this is how much I hate the base crafting system. Again, incremental progress is important. Another issue is that the end game difficulty without good items is kind of ridiculous right now. You can't just nerf Harvest Craft without addressing the other core issues like rare drops being pretty much completely useless, the Screen Clutter, and one shots, which occurs even with godtier gear, now imagine everybody has 30% less life 30% less defense and 50% less damage. One post a day, keeps the Death away
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The big crafters in Standard will be happy about this.
They were bitching and moaning when Harvest League was on about how easy it was to craft items. |
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Compare the number of replies with all other manifestos and you'll very much see how impactful this change is. It'd be best to attach a poll so you actually can see how people would receive those changes as a collective. I've catched up on the pages and... the replies - and the removes by moderators - speak for themselves.
Is GGG going to read it and give it more thought? Probably not. At least we got some more MTX we can buy. (Obvious sarcasm) My Hideout -> (PoE1)
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I have a pitch: what if instead of Harvest crafting serving the same purpose of currency, Harvest crafting could instead contextualize currency we'd have to spend even without it?
Like, instead of a Harvest craft acting like a chaos orb that will re-roll a rare item with a fire modifier, what if the harvest craft would say "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod -- using currency on an item in this window will roll at least one Fire mod." Higher-tier Harvest crafts could be "Harvest Craft: Fire Mod Lucky -- using currency on an item in this window will roll a Fire mod with lucky values." Or maybe "Using any Conqueror's Exalted Orb in this window will result in an item with any conqueror Influence and one Influence mod." Or mimic other stuff available elsewhere in the game, like the Temple of Atzoatl: - Spend a stack of Vaal Orbs to double-corrupt an item - Spend an Ancient Orb to change a unique to another unique of the same type, including league-specific items A lot of the Harvest crafts could even stay the same but require the currency to fuel them: - Spend one Jeweller's Orb to re-roll the sockets on an item 10 times, keeping the highest number of sockets - Spend an Orb of Horizons to change a map into another map, but prioritizing maps you have not yet competed yet. - Using a Gemcutter's Prism on a gem in this window will add quality to a gem between 1% and 10%, but not raise a gem's quality above 20% We'd actually HAVE to use our currency to get deterministic results, but the deterministic options would still be RNG in terms of discovering them. Then it'd really be end-game only, cuz you'd have to save enough currency to take advantage of the Harvest crafts when you got them. |
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This happens when fans are more efficient than developers ... don't let players move to other platforms ... so you makes the game worse. GGG you really have no idea what you are doing there and you are saved by the fans and you are still complaining.
Last edited by In10se#7991 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:08:45 AM
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Random chance to get Harvest on a map.
Random chance to get the right seed type. Random chance to get the right harvest craft from the seed. Random chance to get the modifier you want from the craft. Somehow this is still too deterministic? Obviously it's more so than slamming exalts at an item the way the devs seem to want but I'm not sure how that would be considered fun in any way. Harvest was the only crafting that made sense to me as being worth working toward instead of just farming and buying gear off the trade site. Really disappointed as this seems to be a nerf targeted specifically at the "casuals" (only play 20 hours a week) that can't afford to gamble for items. I loved being able to get an explode chest this league. But I guess that's something they only want available to the full time players. Oh well, still plenty of time for changes to be made before next league actually starts and I have to decide if POE is worth my time. |
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every time, more and more convinced, that the game, is for people who can put their a°° in the chair 24/7, and farm, or use bots, that are benefict to developers and company...
Thanks GGG. Now you are more closer to D3, with every step. Your argument, is that the harvest crafting, is broken. Broken is the bots are since, a couple of years, ruining the economy of the game. [Removed by Support] Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Mar 11, 2021, 12:13:21 AM
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