Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
Not liking these nerfs on harvest
Me and my wife been investing more time on Poe this league than any other. 5-8 hrs everyday since the league start(we usually stop playing after 3 weeks old every league). We love what harvest offers and the dopamine kick whenever we see the harvest symbol in our map, it brought us to play more each day to not miss out opportunity to enhance left over item needed some help. Does this mean we got mirror tier item by now? Sadly no. Still struggling on late game bosses even. It is late league now and we are more bothered to play a new build instead because we have item harvest crafted good for the build, rinse and repeat. Didn’t get to mind maven yet Me and my wife are instead struggling on encountering harvest right now, like once in two days even. Now imagine nerfing it. What a bummer |
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Time to Quit until a reverse then the RNG of the game is very good balanced in 3.13 thanks to how harvest works @Chris !
your reverting back to 110% full rng overdrive dogshit like a couple seasons ago ! below 1% of the top high end playerbase maybe like it to have more rng couse you take more time to complete a gearset/ char etc but 99+ % of the playerbase will not appreciate what your doing there do you rly expect everybody to invest 10+ hours each day every day over weeks just to get a toon to a somewhere decent level ? not everybody is lucky and will get HH in the first week no matter the method and has enough money to buy the luck of other players in my case i have not found a single good item max worth 1 ex from a blank ex drop in 3.13 and i do delirium shit bossing etc. ofc. i work´d my ass up with selling harvest crafts und rolling explo chest mods on cheap bases etc thats where nearly every single bit of money came from that i investet into my gear with that changes you postet and the amount of badluck i had this season i would prb still run around in yellow maps .. no thx Chris with that harvest changes im 100% outa here and NGL the best items i have is from selling harvest crafts and not begging for rng just make the stuff more common so ppl dont pay 6 ex for a simple R/A Speed >_> If it´s more common to get harvests and such crafts they aint worth so much just double? chance of harvest (depends on area if that atlas echo skill trees stay) Reduce chance of reforges crafts by 20 Reduce chance of Randomise crafts by 10 maybe add a few stats to the game ? give attribute stats a seed maybe ? and mana / curse ? and all those block things reduce the amount of exchange currency x for y etc all that dogshit crafts that rarely any1 uses this and the prices on TFT drop so low ppl are not even gonna bother that much anymore >_> i wouldn´t say no to increasing the amount of crafts storable but remove the possibility to do it on other ppl´s gear aka soulbound ? like in WoW that if u use an item it gets bind to you but here if u harvest craft on an item it gets soulbound or something ? |
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As a causal player coming back this league was so fun being able to upgrade my gear as i played lil by lil. I only play an hour a day so this was great. I could feel my progression every day and was happy playing. I was so exicted for next league doing the same thing but now i dont know what to say. i am scared that i might lose interest real quick after i hit a brick with my character and cant do small upgrades to get stronger to progres. Pretty disappointing.
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Nerfing this is one thing (it's only been part of 2 leagues anyways, but still annoying), but it's irritating when stuff like this is patched right away, but major issues like currency shards not stacking and a massively broken trade system get ignored for years with no response or acknowledgement whatsoever.
1% Players getting gg endgame 6 mod items instead of 4-5 mod items and killing bosses in 2 seconds instead of 1 second, problem. All non SSF players dealing with afk trains, spam whispers, user offline and afk-train trading to get items worth 1c, not a problem. If were going to push item crafting more in favor of other currencies (such as essence/fossil spamming, alt/regal exalting), it would be nice to at least make it so trading for these currencies isn't such a painful experience. As it stands, it seems like GGG's ideal endgame experience is spending 20 minutes trading for scarabs/watch stones/etc. to run maps with, run a few maps, spend 20 minutes picking up all the item clutter off the ground, spend 20 minutes selling/converting what you got from the map for what you need to craft with, then YOLO exalt/annul your item and 99% brick it since the mod pools have expanded so much from when exalts were initially implemented into the base game |
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THE ONLY WAY to make casual players enjoy harvest crafting is to make the items soulbound once you used it. Any other way will make the .1% of players enjoy harvest and make the others frustrated.
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Honestly though. Who even cares about selling crafts. No one is forcing players to pay for them. YOU might not want us to have top tier items. but that doesn't mean we as players want to settle for garbage we pick up off the ground.
want us to stop deleting bosses by day 2o r 3? make them more challenging. And I don't just mean "unavoidable Damage" or crappy memory games. that is unbelievably lazy. I don't care if a boss has multiple phases. I dont care if they have super armor that gives them 90% dmg reduction for however long. If im build a boss killer. I WILL DELETE YOUR BOSSES. its that simple Ill build EVEN MORE into dmg on the tree and go in for AW8 sirus at 1900 ehp and ZERO defenses outside of my life pool and res. its inevitable. it was always going to happen. and it will always continue to happen in the future. the biggest point no one seems to be figuring out at GGG is...Just because we as players are actually PLAYING THE GAME and ENJOYING a particular aspect of it more than something else does not mean it needs to be broken just because it happens to be our favorite toy. that's petty and done purely out of spite because you lack the imagination to make the end game more challenging. One shot mechanics are garbage unavoidable dmg mechanics are garbage. mini games inside tiny boss rooms are GARBAGE that's not "hard" you want us to stop using TfT for crafting? make the crafting system more intuitive you want us to stop solely relying on harvest to build our items? MAKE VANILLA CRAFTING WORTH IT. 95% of all the groves that DO spawn are full of useless crafts as it is. want to balance harvest? LOWER the encounter below base for other mechanics. Make it a 2% chance Leave the crafts alone. Make Zana not able to offer harvest missions. remove the atlas passives for it. there are more ways than just ruining a perfectly good crafting alternative to balance it. Look at how you butchered fossil crafting. you know what fossils people use? theres maybe 5 that have any sort of demand and its not for crafting items. TLDR; You lack imagination and are taking it out on players that are new to crafting to make up for it |
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GGG opens Pandora's Box then waits for the TOP 1% to profit then nerfs it to the ground before anyone else can profit too.
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I really like the Oshabi change. But please consider just to adjust the rarity instead of removing harvest crafts.
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Yes. Thank you.
Crafting without Harvest is basically gambling. Crafting with Harvest actually feels like crafting. Slowly over time, they made "crafting" feel more and more like actual crafting and not just straight up gambling. And then Harvest basically made it so that crafting actually felt like crafting without loosing that gambling feel. It let EVERYONE do it, so that if you grinded hard enough, even if you were a 99% player, you too, can craft a useable item. But no, because a small group of players (maybe around 20-50) can pool all their resources to make mirror worthy items, you HAVE TO NERF TO THE GROUND for everyone else. GGG once again nerfing a game mechanic to the ground just because a small group of players can use it to a level that 99.99% of the player base cannot. This is a minor inconvenience to the crafting cabal, and a mechanic killer to everyone else. Its the same thing as killing thousands of people just because one of them might be a murderer. I will never, ever, understand that mindset. |
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Well i think this is a realy Bad change ofc deterministic crafting was not a thing until harvest. But this is the only way casual gamers can craft their own items. With this changes we go back to the pure rng and 1% who can afford Beast imprint until gg item. Just a sad decision.
And Yeah I get All the tft discord trading is some what annoing but i think it's pretty cool that people come together and find a way to trade These craft so everyone has a Chance to craft gg items for themselves... Last edited by Obermaster10#4008 on Mar 10, 2021, 11:57:00 PM
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