Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Incarcerated wrote:
Ruspi wrote:
Incarcerated wrote:

Actually, no.
If GGG always buffs and never nerfs, we end up in a situation where they need to buff boss/mob health again. Nerfs are how we keep the game numbers balanced and the game has NEVER been as balanced as it is now so quit your whining and appreciate the delicate dance they are
performing for us.

You're wrong, every time they nerf (and ruins mechanic) of many "popular builds" that to make them powerful you have to spend a lot of exalted ... what's the point of this ?? no sense

You're so close.
Ok so, most of the time the 'popular builds' are those that are cheap but effective to run. So if they're nerfing these builds to where it's expensive to be powerful, they're doing their job. The ideal situation is if builds are viable but have a long build to endgame, extending the playtime in the league.
If you're worried because you don't have the time and want to experience all of the game despite this fact, you're playing the wrong game.

You're the only sane person here. This is the exact answer. Anyone crying in this thread about a popular build getting nerfed, is only crying because now they can't beat the game with minimum effort. I know. I played carrion golems two leagues ago. And many leagues before that, if my build failed, I just played Cyclone because you just breeze through. Both of those, I took down Sirus A8 with my eyes closed and about 25ex. Why, for the last 10 leagues, do these two skills capture 11-30% of all players? Because traditionally, it's been EXTREMELY easy to "win" at whatever you're doing if you're using them. This shouldn't be the case. It should be HARD to kill Endgame bosses. People just default to BV or CG or Cyclone because it's the path of elast resistance because they're so powerful. This is the right choice for the overall health of the game.
Incarcerated wrote:
IcedInferno007 wrote:
Incarcerated wrote:

Ok some quick points here:
Deep delving changes affects people at around 500+ delve level the most. 99.9% of players do not get this far in delve so don't try to make this an issue.
Delirium will still be as accessible as it was before. The cost has not changed, the rewards have simply been lowered. They were also too profitable by far and WILL REMAIN VERY PROFITABLE. Again, this is a non-issue.

The fun for 90% of players is not affected by any of these changes aside from accessibility to overpowered items. If you need overpowered items to play, you're either playing a bad build and need to optimise or you're not good at playing the game.
I can't stress this enough. The nerfs are needed. A diverse meta creates more opportunities for all players and makes build enabling items more accessible.

Or maybe overpowered items enabled weak, but fun builds to get to end game? This and harvest hits, are a hit to diversity.

Nope. I have made viable builds with every skill I have wanted to play in every league since around bestiary. Creativity and experimentation is required. OP items aren't. My benchmark was to always design my builds without including influenced items and then add them to the build later when it is in the final optimisation stages.
OP gear makes you lazy.

Absolute nonsense. Go defeat maven using glacial hammer with a 2ex budget.

Strong items lowered the price and enabled more people to ha e better items, opening up lots of weaker, off-meta play styles.

I can tell you're an annoying know it all, so feel free to respond with more nonsense, I won't be replying.
Last edited by IcedInferno007#3962 on Apr 13, 2021, 12:14:35 PM
Hahaha, the comments are hilarious. The butt hurt is strong with a lot of you. It's not your game, it's GGGs game. They obviously felt that a lot of crap was over powered with the direction their game was taking versus where they intended the game to end up so when POE2 drops (whenever that will be) it should be a smooth transition for those of us wanting to go to POE2. Not only for POE2s sake, a lot of people were abusing obvious tactics that were not intended to work a certain way. They've leveled the playing field tremendously and I believe are trying to break up meta builds to get people to try out the 100's of other possible builds that could be better. If you don't want to change your playstyle then I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems but that ain't one. POE shouldn't be and won't be, anymore, based around the top few meta builds to zoom zoom zoom mass amounts of currency and items so that a few top players can determine the market early on. Times change. It's a video game. Get over yourself. As Zizaran said, if the worst thing in your life is you worrying about a video game then your life is pretty damn good. I for one cannot wait for some of the gnarly builds we're about to see from top content creators.

TLDR; slow down, learn to have fun, get over the nerfs because there ain't shit you can do about it. It's all uphill from here on out, maybe.
I like all of the nerfs. This sucking pew pew streamerbuilds will have an end god thank u. Damn that they havent killed this f*** headhunter. In my opinion does this item kill the whole farming game.
All my possible Builds seem playable :)

another carrion nerf?? this is sad
IcedInferno007 wrote:

Absolute nonsense. Go defeat maven using glacial hammer with a 2ex budget.

Strong items lowered the price and enabled more people to ha e better items, opening up lots of weaker, off-meta play styles.

I can tell you're an annoying know it all, so feel free to respond with more nonsense, I won't be replying.

Glacial hammer on 2Ex could be possible.... I'll look into it.
Meanwhile, I think you missed my point. 2Ex should be your startup cost. That's a day's work at leaguestart. After that you build to more powerful items.
When i say OP items, I mean 'perfect' or close to perfect items that provide insane amounts of power to a build. If I got me a 3x T2 phys staff for Glacial Hammer, it's not OP or perfect. But it would be very powerful at 700pdps and therefore quite rare.
The equivalent item providing power for other builds however is far easier to craft and has a higher damage ceiling. This is why the nerfs are required. Harvest needed nerfing as well to make 'insane' items rare because they should be the EXCEPTION and not the rule.
You can't change that when it comes to rich players as they will exploit anything they can to get what they want. They have more time than you, more knowledge than you and probably a team of buddies helping out. Why are you trying to compete with them?
piop85 wrote:
another carrion nerf?? this is sad

What is the point in arguing and complaining here? They are not going to read it and they don't care about our opinions because they have their own ViSiOn. I have long since stopped caring about what they nerf and what they "balance" as it accomplishes nothing except giving me a headache. Just accept the changes and move on.
Daibert wrote:
trapnaRrr wrote:
so many whiners yet again..

I swear this shit is too funny

go back playing d3 or some other shit if y'all whinnies don't like it

Nobody will miss you and the game will keep growning like it always does

Well deserved nerfs all around


don't be so cocky or arrogant ... bigger games have already fallen for less, some due to devs' mistakes, others due to unrepentant players like you. Remember to respect everyone's opinion.

I personally will do no such thing, when people's opinions are whining and crying and bringing nothing constructive to the table. Just telling GGG to F off, respect everyone's opinion lmao no thanks I will choose to think clearly and with dignity, it's fine if you do not like the changes and voice your opinion but when you are a piece of shit about it you deserve no respect. Who tells someone to respect everyone's opinion lol such an unreal statement to me, so if someone says I don't believe women should leave the house, people should not have equal rights, racism, etc I'm just supposed to respect it because it's their opinion. This game is not going anywhere, there are still a ton of builds and builds that will destroy the game people are overreacting per usual.
Fleshdancer wrote:
Mum! GGG nerfed my favourite build! Again! They do this every league! ;(;(;(

Don't worry son, instead of 1 second, you might need 2 seconds to kill non-phase bosses next league, maybe now you will eventually see some of the famous boss mechanics your friends are talking about!

But mum! If i don't kill the boss in less than a sec how would i survive all the horrible onehit-mechanics? You know my reflexes are not that great! I feel like GGG hates me!

Come on son, how would you ever learn to play without exploiting those meta skills? And every league again you expect them to stay that way! How is this rational? Just pick a different OP-build if you really have so much fun switching off your brain for 99.9% of the game...

But mum, my favourite toys make me so efficient and...


An exchange with my mom, 12.04.2021
I still love her, but she just doesn't understand how nerfs affect our brains, am i right guys!

OMEGALOL this is gold

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