Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

as usual, the casuals get fucked again. keep letting the streamers and big brain content creators prove that they are smarter than ggg devs. that is not balance, that is a total fuck you to pretty much 99% of your player base
Last edited by kbellmore#3542 on Apr 13, 2021, 1:59:35 PM
Anurag14 wrote:
after reading most of the comments its like u give a kid good toy then u took it back and now that kid is crying and this kid dont want to try other toys he has.

Sorry for bad English

Nope. It’s more like I take all of your toys and in one month, if you’re lucky, you’ll get a new one, but not your favorite, this one is gone forever. Haha
Last edited by SlimShady63#5520 on Apr 13, 2021, 2:03:04 PM
Rage bois malding *Evil laugh*
Amazing... The crybabies are back to reality. People who dont understand, that overpowered abilities and gameplay options have no reason to stay in the game.
SlimShady63 wrote:
Anurag14 wrote:
after reading most of the comments its like u give a kid good toy then u took it back and now that kid is crying and this kid dont want to try other toys he has.

Sorry for bad English

Nope. It’s more like I take all of your toys and in one month, if you’re lucky, you’ll get a new one, but not your favorite, this one is gone forever. Haha

"take all of your toys"
All other league mechanics got buffed a lot(except for talisman but who cares).
Try other crafting methods for a change maybe?
Did you need harvest crafting to kill A8 Sirus before harvest?
Imagine spending 3 months discussing how to destroy all of the things that increase player retention, "Hmm this person has a headhunter and a self curse build and has been farming valdos rest harbingers all the way until the last day of the league, let's hit every gameplay mechanic someone who played this long enjoys"

You guys really wanted to make the casuals "happy" all you are doing is removing their fomo by removing anything they could strive for
haniii11 wrote:
GG thanks for reducing the endgame, now il quit much sooner and actualy do something productive in real life, so once again thanks and good job!

Yeah, as casual player now it's more fun just to put 2 hours overtime at the factory instead playing PoE.
I love it.
Destroying meta shit and the abusing broken game mechanics.

But Alkaizer is still stuck with champion lul.
As someone that considers herself pretty hardcore but not a no-lifer I'm pretty cool with most of these changes. I'm still pumped about bricking Split spammers cause I genuinely hated that abuse.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.

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