Community Designed Microtransaction - Theme Suggestions

Cyclone it!

How about some NEW Zombie Skins, they look like BLAH, maybe some that look like females, maybe a kidzombie or 2. come on GGG, Zombies needin some Love! Zombie Cyclone???
Summon Succubi instead of Summon Zombies?

Get some cute horned ladies with whips going on that stomp their high heels for their zombie slam ability.
Cherry blossom cyclone, leaves a trail of flowers behind maybe?

Think Byakuya bankai from bleach.
Whatever, I will buy it as long as it can fxxk up my display card. Just give me more effect
How about a dust cloud that looks like that old cartoon fighting effect, two things start fighting and you just see two animals/gods/something duking it out in still frames popping out of the dust every now and again.
Golpher / Groundhog Ground Slam. It's like whack a mole except the miles are the spikes .
More bees obviously. Bees are love, bees are life. BEES.
Catnado? Catclone? Just a tornado of cats, so we can combine it with Cats on Crit + Celestial Cat Soulrend. Can never have enough cats.

And then when PoE 2 comes out, we can use werecat form with cat cyclone linked with cats on crit celestial cat soulrend.
Last edited by Diezin on Apr 26, 2021, 1:17:18 AM
Harbinger burning arrow - ba kinda deserves a mtx although harb is quite classical, hard to make it impressive

Demonic star sigil of power

Weeb sigil of power which changes the sigil into an anime girl

NPC master mirage archer/totem - change those guys into your summons

Bowling ball frostbolt

Hot dog blazing salvos which makes those firedogs

A swarm of savage Toucans spiral down from the sky to envelope the Exile, spearing and pecking through the countless hoards.

All the while the Exile is frantically spinning, wondering, hoping, that the power of memes can carry them through to the end game.

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