Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

HalfSteps wrote:
EvilBob2U wrote:
If the developers don't have an idea of what they want to perfect the game into, then isn't all of this just a bunch of cannibalization? The game is released, it changes a, then it changes b, then it changes c, etc...
and now you are to the point of like, here is the game a-a, with mechanic b-a, and changes c-a, but what we really want is for the game to reach a state of perfection in x-y-z.

Will the game ever reach a point where they no longer update it? Where all of the classes are perfect? Where all of the things they don't intend to happen have been removed from the game and so the developers are happy and say, "here, I have made the most perfect creation"?

Because if the game is going to continually change and evolve over time with no finite point to be reached, then there really should be a way to play the game in the states that it existed in in the past. I want to play PoE vanilla, then I want to play PoE Metamorph, then I want to change to PoE Harvest rules or something like that. Because, if the intent is to have fun playing the game, then give me the version of the game that I enjoyed playing the most.

So you want a game to be finished and then never touched again? That's better? No, PoE will never be perfect, because it evolves with the player who also will never be perfect and gradually change over time.

It's the imperfection that it makes perfect. The need to change. The wish to be adjusted and not to be left alone in the darkness of the void that is called 'old'.

Exactly! Where are things going? If a game continually updates, maybe it should have a stated purpose as to what it is trying to achieve?

If you don't make a finite game like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Morrowind, etc... then, what are you making? What is the point of your game? Does it have a story? Or, is it just rampaging map after map, enemy after enemy?

What is it exactly that they are "balancing" their game around? A balance has a focal point. If the point of PoE is to kill monsters, then who cares about balancing class damage across the board? If PoE is about keeping people coming back league after league for a fresh economy, then balance it around that. But, my ultimate point was, what are you trying to produce?

And, quite frankly, for whom are you making this game? Is it for Chris? Or, is for the people that play the game. There are often massive misunderstandings between the creator and the audience, no matter what avenue of entertainment you are talking about. People receive things differently than they were originally intended to be received by the person transmitting.
Last edited by EvilBob2U#7672 on Jul 20, 2021, 12:32:36 AM
Second Wind.. WTF?
i dont think these changes makes the game more fun, but defenly more frustrating and unrewarding because it will be extremely difficult to reach end game item, I see a constant in every patch wich is the buff of some sort unsed gem and unique, have you ask why dear GGG? u take the fun out of it nerfing things and then give a buff a bit a the time in next patch, these is stupid. gamers are more prome to get the same tanky build to survive, and this kill build diversity! I remeber the good old day when "build of the week" was such a good and awesome content, where is now? people are forced to play what few streamers are playing because u want so!

You guys are going in the wrong direction, i dont know what happend to you, but after 9years play this game, i found less and less fun to play! last Harvest in ritual was a very good direction, introduce account bound items, if they are too powerfull, i want to play my build, not keep killing my self grinding hours and hours for exalts..

so sad to see these!
i want to subscribe
I don't know if devs or GGG staff will ever read though 50+ pages of this manifesto feedback showing how dissatisfied these nerfs are...
darkenergy0 wrote:
i dont think these changes makes the game more fun, but defenly more frustrating and unrewarding because it will be extremely difficult to reach end game item, I see a constant in every patch wich is the buff of some sort unsed gem and unique, have you ask why dear GGG? u take the fun out of it nerfing things and then give a buff a bit a the time in next patch, these is stupid. gamers are more prome to get the same tanky build to survive, and this kill build diversity! I remeber the good old day when "build of the week" was such a good and awesome content, where is now? people are forced to play what few streamers are playing because u want so!

You guys are going in the wrong direction, i dont know what happend to you, but after 9years play this game, i found less and less fun to play! last Harvest in ritual was a very good direction, introduce account bound items, if they are too powerfull, i want to play my build, not keep killing my self grinding hours and hours for exalts..

so sad to see these!

I like this post as well! Because I have often wondered where the content is supposed to "fit" into the game. Metamorph made sense, you kill monsters and collect their parts and make a new, more powerful monster. Heist, a contract is dropped and you can go do other stuff besides maps. But, where did Harvest come from? How did Harvest spring up in the world of PoE? Or Rituals or Ultimatums?
EvilBob2U wrote:
If the developers don't have an idea of what they want to perfect the game into, then isn't all of this just a bunch of cannibalization? The game is released, it changes a, then it changes b, then it changes c, etc...
and now you are to the point of like, here is the game a-a, with mechanic b-a, and changes c-a, but what we really want is for the game to reach a state of perfection in x-y-z.

Will the game ever reach a point where they no longer update it? Where all of the classes are perfect? Where all of the things they don't intend to happen have been removed from the game and so the developers are happy and say, "here, I have made the most perfect creation"?

Because if the game is going to continually change and evolve over time with no finite point to be reached, then there really should be a way to play the game in the states that it existed in in the past. I want to play PoE vanilla, then I want to play PoE Metamorph, then I want to change to PoE Harvest rules or something like that. Because, if the intent is to have fun playing the game, then give me the version of the game that I enjoyed playing the most.

It's very clear they don't have a plan. Some employee sees a streamer doing something that looks powerful and in the next staff meeting they get crazy and start throwing more potential nerfs on the table. There just isn't a plan, there never has been, there never will be. All they know is, when they see something that looks powerful, they freak out and nerf it into the ground. This has been going on for years now at an increasing rate.

Balance? They don't even know what that means or how to achieve it. It's just a bunch of random sticky nerf notes on a completely covered white board.

It's insanity. But somehow it makes sense to Chris and GGG so what can you do lul?

It is what it is.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Ok, so now im feel like i was scammed by GGG. I spend more then 200e to my char, auras, skill effect… and now my build is completly death. 😡 and nothing is sellable.
Ty GGG scammers
People are crying about their 5mil dps builds will now start dealing 4mil instead, that is funny, thanks GGG
pride comes before a fall
Thanks GGG for hurting the meta kids.
IGN : Iss_Limit_Less

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