Winners of the Hideout Competition

gz winners
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
I love that Endless Sands one! Wow!
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
These hideouts are insane! Great work winners! Congratulations!!
Always happy to see some great new hideouts.
Northern Town and Hades gate are my favourite. But wow, the level of detail in these!
gz to the winners
Lot of money in that 'tane expedition' ho :p but ye, some realy nice ho's!
Last edited by Rekill#3893 on Sep 21, 2021, 2:10:28 AM
Guys heres little guide for win:

Dark hideout is necessary, light effects do great work.

Flat hideouts like nebula or abyss would make work much easier

Put as many mtx as you can(it doesn't matter they dont fit to your theme)

They like to click Z and see wall of text so put many decorations.

Dont force you to create something new (they like nebula with mechanism, symmetrical hideouts, dark red theme etc)

Its not hideout competition is about to do pretty location so put masters somewhere on map or cover they with rock.

So next time just make one hideout and change your nick fork SolPoe or Synopsis (you guys do great work not sacrasm here)
Congrats to the winners!

I am truly inspired by so many beautiful details, especially the lotus + primordial ones and the candles in the endless space. And the winner's HO is indeed very beautiful! I'll certainly copy-cat some of the details for my own crystal lair HO :)

Maybe I should start building something themed around Día de Muertos and the afterworld in this context... [wandering off into PoE and building HO later]
Razvan_Sedekiah wrote:
Congratulations to all the winners!
Congrats to everyone who finished and submitted hideouts!

I would love to hear a commentary video from GGG on how they picked the top three. Like what are they looking for and what makes a good entree.

Great work everyone!

That is an amazing idea! would love to know the thought process behind their choices. I like all the winners but I would rate some higher than others. Just me, but I think the totally or mostly red themed ones have been done to death and they all look pretty much the same. Maybe next time GGG can provide a certain theme, which would drive the creativity of HO designers to a higher level.

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