Winners of the Hideout Competition

Another hideout conquest another negative feedback. GGG maybe its time to change rules? Guaranteed reward? Theme choosed by you? One hideout per person? People wont be so mad because they spend a lot of time to do 3+ hideouts and win nothing. Beacuse yea if someone doing few hideouts he want to win not share with people how good he is.
Impressive hideouts, 35% of them are non-mtx so not a bad number but i hope we can get closer to even split in the future.
I think Kalguuran Hall by Susihukka5 should rank higher because he has created a hideout that matches the topic of the competition.
CauldronGeal wrote:
Another hideout conquest another negative feedback. GGG maybe its time to change rules? Guaranteed reward? Theme choosed by you? One hideout per person? People wont be so mad because they spend a lot of time to do 3+ hideouts and win nothing. Beacuse yea if someone doing few hideouts he want to win not share with people how good he is.

Separated Mtx and Mtx free Hideouts top 20 for each , you can post 1 hideout/account and Ip , With Shorter time limit like 1 week but maybe 2 comp a year , Giveing critic/Feedback by the judges why they choice the hideouts , Chosen themes also a good idea but that make the whole comp blend, i dont think that poeple want a hideout comp where make the same stuff , if the theme is forest that or celestial or hell like that narrow down the possibilitis , but on the other hand make people go insane if they want to create something cool in that theme , but some people wont even try becouse they don' like the choiceen theme , in the Iron Hideout Competition poeple they try to do this and people can vote for the best hideout the problem with that it can be easly boted , or manipulated by people with bigger influence.

Im up for the idea :)
Last edited by SoLPoe#7141 on Sep 21, 2021, 7:30:58 AM
predator0220 wrote:
Here's a list of the MTX-Free Hideouts (using free, non-legacy hideouts):

5th place: Flowers of the Dross
11th place: Celestial Lotus
12th place: Aether Generator Room
15th place: Ice Tower
18th place: Night of The Hunt

Thank you for this.
~ There are spectacular moments.
predator0220 wrote:
LeShor wrote:
what is your rules GGG ?

"Your hideout must be created after the release of the Expedition expansion.
Hideouts that have previously been featured in the Hideout Showcase news series or submitted to the Hideout Showcase forum are not eligible for entry."

in january:

right now for the comp:

What is your rules again ?

( sorry sol this is for the exemple )

/!\ I ask for a reassessment /!\

on day 2 there were 17 pages of submissions, with it taking weeks to double that, meaning there were a lot of Hideouts that were made in previous months but unreleased, then all dumped after the competition announcement (also, while some might play standard, most hideouts logically would have the new masters if the hideout is meant and tested for actual use and not just an artpiece).

The "made after announcement" rule can't really be enforced, but it creates a really bad environment of "droughts" of Hideout releases before competitions, followed by a flood of hideouts on hideoutshowcase after, all competing for attention in a very short timeframe.

I don't have most of of the masters in my hideout because I felt it detracted from my theme and it wasn't a rule to use them.

This was a bit of an inconvenience for me since they say to leave the hideout up and I ended up adding two near my stash for maps while I played. But I didn't feel that Niko for instance belonged at the Baths of Atziri. Really maybe only Alva would fit my theme.

BUT! I think it would be neat to have contest where you had to work in all the masters, stashes and interactable NPCs.

Again, I would love to see videos by GGG talking about how they choose the winners. Absolutely no shade to the winners, congrats, I'd just like to learn how to do better next time. And hey, the winners can get extra praise from the GGG commentary and the community can learn something together.
Last edited by Razvan_Sedekiah#2717 on Sep 21, 2021, 8:08:10 AM
Out of the top five Ye Old Tavern was my favorite by far
seen from an outside perspective; some nice considerations, some understandable considerations and some totally strange picks by the jury.

i really would love to see the "how" and "why" like done here for example:

congrats to the winners though
I'm happy to see that many of you liked my Kalguuran Hall. Thanks GGG for making hideout competitions even thought feedback for these events is always lit like reddit. :-D
outstanding creations those people should help GGG in design new arenas

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