Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 1 - Flasks and Ailment Mitigation

Im begging you! Please makes fire dot multi clusters usable once again.

Or Buff Ignite, I want to play Fire-Dot Builds that i used to play.
Cheers, GGG I know you don't listen cummunity anymore so whatever...
Last edited by TheycallmeFlex#2149 on Oct 6, 2021, 5:43:38 AM
Firstable Flask shouldn't never ever have that much power, and should have worked as simple as Flask. What they have done is complicated even more an already complicated game ...

Are people nowadays even use their brain ? Or it's just easier to follow some nolifer and do/tell/say/repeat/copy/paste the same stuff that he said/do/etc ....
People got no opinion nowadays and are so so easily manipulated .....

Why on the earth i should be happy or congratz GGG for this changes?
I should actually slam them. Why?
Simply because, just like someone said, they created the problem, and now they are giving us the solution, which is even more complicated than before .....
They pretty much wasted their time, by first creating the problem, and second try to solve it. And that time could have actually been placed in what actually the game needed.
90% of their time is wasted on Buffing/Nerfing/Destroying and redo all the stuffs that are already in the game, and complicated stuffs even more.
Instead of actually gives us new areas/lands/acts/zones, not just different layers, but the same b.c. that we already played through the acts. Same monsters, same bosses that we already killed million times, same b.c. etc.

And finally actually balance the game, not X skill does million of damage with very little investment, but Y does 100x time less with way more investment into it. If you are not playing the X amount of meta builds for the current League, you are pretty much wasting your time.

And sorry but this ain't fun playing. This require zero player, and it's just a stupid simulator, that turns so many people away from the game.

Just start from 0:42

And finally for the million time.

- When you wanna slow the game, and actually make it a decent game, be sure to first fix:

- the garbage drops, and make the rewards comparable to the new speed
- slow the game for everyone, not for certain amount of builds, that will suffer big time, and let Y amount of builds still doing millions over millions of damage
- stop wasting our time with annoying game mechanics and stuffs like:
- Trade is garbage and it's for the entire game, FIX this already
- make me wasting my time with million crafting options and million stuffs to place/roll on maps/atlas, every single content i wanna do i need to waste heavy amount of time to do all the above and more.

And actually understand what is the minority and majority of your community.
Majority actually play the game, and not make 24/7 alt accounts and cry out in every single forum/platform there is.

But POE currently is beyond repairable. If they decide to move in the right direction, there is a revert next league ....
Last edited by Styah#4425 on Aug 18, 2022, 3:55:58 PM
On the one hand, the Purity of Elements change is a huge quality of life boost. Elemental ailments are persistent, dangerous, and very hard to see (I have a 4K monitor, so I need to significantly change my line of sight to tell if I've been hit with Shock or Ignite), so getting blanket immunity from a cheap (unleveled!) gem aura would make it an auto-pick for most of my builds.

On the other hand, Ailment Immunity used to be something you had to pay 4 ascendancy points for, and anyone who could get access to it took it. This is a gigantic transference of power to the low-mid-earlyend game, and I'm wondering if it's a good idea over-all. I'm happy to have it, of course, I'll definitely be using it and there's a huge argument to the point of 50% mana reservation being a significant investment considering how essential auras are even for SSF or solo-most players...but still, it seems like a lot to hand out. I hope the devs are sure about this, cause it'll be hard to remove once it's in.

Then again, I don't think a single build I ever ran before this used purity of elements, so maybe it needed the buff?
Every death brings me life.
Last edited by TheRhazensten#5633 on Oct 6, 2021, 6:19:07 AM
TokeMcBong wrote:
Seems like a step in the right direction. However it feels like Purity of Elements is now a mandatory aura.

Only for leveling this is a good option. End game there are enough ways to get ailment immunity so it saves you 50% of your mana pool. I think this is a good thing to have in the game. Especially for Hardcore.
These are great changes for flasks, ailments and curses immunities. I love that you have so many options to tackle these problems, and that players have to chose between these options to solve the problem in the most efficent way. People are saying that GGG it's reverting the immunities to 3.14 state, but they are introducing some tradeoffs, and lots of differents options, that make the immunity system much more atractive than just roll a flask so you are immune 100% of the time without any penalty.

Still, I have a few minor concerns, such as some of these solutions been gated behind high level mods on flask or the amount of extra mods introduced to flasks and other gear, that would make crafting them way harder.

I think these changes are a move in the right direction tho, and I belive in the next few leagues the flask and ailments system would be in a good spot.
Last edited by guNtE00#7735 on Oct 6, 2021, 6:27:31 AM
Dirtynecro wrote:
Throw Tempest Shield on the garbage pile with Flesh and Stone, useless.

What? Are you crazy? The most used auras in Hardcore.
RoyalMarauder wrote:

- When you wanna slow the game, and actually make it a decent game, be sure to first fix:

I prefer slower gameplay too, but I wouldn't make slower the whole game. Instead there is a lot of past league content in the game. Reworking some of them as slower gameplay friendly would be enough. This way everyone would find their prefered content.
None of the 3 manifesto topics mention adding the fun back in.

This one seems like "Now you get to jump through 30 hoops to solve a problem you didn't have in 3.13".

Yes. So far its exactly this.
POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.
I like the changes. Good to see there will be more possible ways to get yourself protected from ailments besides the expensive avoidance crafts on gear in late game or flasks.

I also like the idea to put immunities on Auras for having multiple ways to protect yourself early game from ailments besides flasks. The flask management for immunity early game (for bosses like Dominus) was always so innoying in Hardcore.

However I think Purity of Elements with the ailment immunity seems powerfull. Protected from 3 different types of ailments just for 50% mana reservation is a lot. Think this will be the way for early game. No doubt. I think it would be better to separate these elemental ailments on multiple gems, like Freeze immunity was put on Arctic Armor. But it might be okay, lets see how it turns out.

I love the way how Pantheon is being buffed. It was always a choice between the same few picks over and over again.

Good work GGG, can't wait for the rest!

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