What We're Working On

The 20% Chance to Impale on Physical Masteries does not work. Actually, a lot of masteries don't work, any fixes soon?
Scourge Feedback
We've been monitoring all feedback related to Scourge and have a few improvements coming which we will outline below. We are aware that the bulk of players' feedback around Scourge revolves around the rewards it provides. We don't have any updates to provide regarding this but we are reviewing the feedback and discussing it.

I mean, really it's more that it takes FOREVER to scourge something to Tier 1, much less 2 or 3. When you combine that WITH the fact that the rewards for T1-2 are pretty garbage over all.... it feels very underwhelming.
Any ETA on the patch with ballistas fix? Please?
i never crahsed since the bigin of the league but today after the patch 5crash in the mine in 1h...

loots in scourge are realy bad... buff at 150+ sometimes 180+ and nothing nothing nothing...

where's the fun????

for me the changes of atlas and curencys looting in stacks are very good but this league is (for the moment) very bad :/
Can the remove-only tab be PLEASE a map stash tab?
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What about VRAM overload and issues with textures it provides on 2gb video cards? Or we "just" need to buy 4 or 6gb vram one?
Community_Team wrote:
Some players have reported that it's not obvious enough when the Blood Crucible is full. We're making both the sound effect and visual effect more obvious to help with this.

Why is the visual effect a temporary pulse?

Making it permanent strikes me as a more thorough solution.
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-GGG, 2015
Last edited by Sarno#0493 on Oct 27, 2021, 4:28:47 PM
I have been going through Reddit and forum posts and man there are so many problems, with masteries not working, league mechanic bringing literally nothing but death, and a whole lot of non-meta builds not even working anymore due to dodge changes I fear if changes don't come soon people will start leaving a lot earlier than usual. I was hyped for the league mainly due to atlas changes but when I saw that some of the atlas passives I really liked were removed/nerfed I lost a lot of will to play, don't get me wrong I'm still playing, and having some fun but not at all what I was expecting from this expansion. Next to the atlas passives revamp what is bothering me the most is the league mechanic, I have yet to get a single valuable item from it, I have been playing non-stop from launch, and it's really disheartening that after so many maps and hours played I encountered only 4 bosses non of them dropped anything worthwhile and all items I scourged became vendor trash. The map gets really dangerous the more you clear but you don't get anything from it. Also, the fact that items which drop from scourge don't drop at your feet when you exit the scourge is pretty disappointing since not every time the direction you are clearing in the scourge is the same direction you have to progress to clear the normal map so there is a lot of backtracking and sidetracking which takes a lot of time I'm not sure if there are some technical obstacles that make this impossible or too much work for what it is but if this could be changed it would be a massive improvement.
Last edited by ImmorTaliSx#4542 on Oct 27, 2021, 4:45:18 PM
Quelex wrote:
Can you guys remove or rework the life drained per second while in a scourge? You literally can't run it as a CI build. I can't tell from the wording of what you posted if that's being considered or not because I don't have the scourge mod text right in front of me.

Very much intended and won't get removed/reworked. There are always going to be mods that will be impossible for certain builds to play.
When did 3.16.0 Hotfix 2 happen because that happened to me earlier today when fighting Al-Hezmin,The Hunter(Snake man) and after only 1 death all portals closed earlier today.

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