What We're Working On

Archernar wrote:
Didn't really understand the removal of dodge, and, if you can believe the people in this thread, it actually killed a few builds, as i'd imagined. With evasion and dodge, you could reach damage mitigation of over 90%, now you're at 75% evasion (if you even reach that) which gets potentially lower vs accurate enemies. I like the spell suppression thing and i never before understood why there's dodge and evasion both, but i'm afraid evasion alone is just not enough without like 7-8k HP?

Because if you are going to buff base defenses, you need to nerf the low investment overpowered defenses. Evasion/Dodge characters did not need a defense buff. That was the point. the people that needed a buff were the ones doing just evasion, or just armor etc. Dodge worked because you can get easy blind for automatic 50% evasion. With just a little evasion gear, people tend to sit at 60% evasion. However, according to GGG, only top players were using this strat. So as this may be a nerf to those players, it is an overall buff to the majority of players who were relying on base defenses.
Last edited by KaseyM21#1589 on Oct 27, 2021, 5:07:32 PM
Arnstone wrote:
KaseyM21 wrote:
"We have no news on how we are going to improve scourge, but here is how we are going to make it worse:"
We're looking at updating two of the possible Scourge Map modifiers, specifically the "Only Shift into Nightmare on Killing a Rare or Unique Enemy" and "Shift on reaching Full Resource, Killing Enemies Drain Resource" modifiers. The former modifier implies that it is activated on every Rare or Unique kill, and will have its description updated as well as being changed to activate more frequently. The latter modifiers will be modified so that there is a slow Scourge Blood drain over time, so that there is still some time pressure for finding bosses while having a lower Blood drain from kills.

Have you played these maps? ...any added drain is good in my eyes! So annoying having full cleared the nightmare part while only having cleared a third of the 'normal' map, and then you just get stuck in a loop of killing 2-3 enemies and get violently thrown into the nothingness that was nightmare, while furiously clicking your league interaction button, just to get shifted back into nightmare 3 seconds later >.>

...at least with some drain, I can go into nightmare, and maybe walk to the kitchen, get a glass out of the cupboard, run the tap to get it cold, fill the glass, drink it in a few slow sips, sigh, place the glass on the counter, saunter back to the computer, and maybe then I can kill 5-6 enemies before getting moved back into the void!

I have played those maps. Those are the best maps. You are pretty much guaranteed to get a full clear of Nightmare if you aren't dying. Not having the time pressure is the best part about this map. It can be considered a negative to you, sure, but every mod isn't supposed to be a positive for you. They are literally removing the only version of Nightmare that took away all time pressure. This is a subtraction of a mechanic and therefore is an overall negative regardless of how you personally feel about it.
Inuyaki wrote:
This is all? Disappointing :(

Guess I have to wait for another week to see if this league will be worth playing...

This just in....It won't be. Go play Last Epoch or something.
Anything about the ridiculous damage coming out of Scourge? The damage in high reds is on par with the absurd damage of Delirium and Betrayal launch.
No ETA on the Ballista change....and no change in currency drops.

Last edited by soierhgsprodfihgsdpogj#5410 on Oct 27, 2021, 6:57:19 PM
Solid work guys, and dont worry, there was no way to know that players wanted a rewarding league, and I am sure in testing the rares that dropped with scourge mods, were pretty great and its just a tiny bug that makes them completely and hilariously useless. Its good that you just now decided to discuss how rewarding the league is.
Can you please prioritize the standard map conversion? I'm already done with the league since it's just flat out no fun, and all I want to do is play my legacy characters in Standard right now.
the change to damage over time on the bow makes some builds feel trash to play ...played occultist death aura last league and this league ... and 40% DOT removed ... it just feels trash to play .. ok you want to nerf, do it from the end game when I have 100ex or whatever and I can get dmg somewhere else, but taking from the early game especialy on a league start scenario it just creates frustration and makes the game to feel bad... I can easily clear the map I can`t kill the boss I have Zero damage vs single target and that is exactly where this nerf hit ... litteraly feels bad
Make loot drop from reality in place where we enter. Thats unhealthy to moving forward backward 100000000 times for below ground tier items.
Harsh RNG, fair trade is dead, botting everywhere, oneshot mechanic -=RIP=-

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