Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

its k i forgive you

you may kiss the bride

wait wat
Thanks for the reply Russel, good to know :)

Also cool things under your name ftw!
Heavy Strike could use a bit more flash in the wind-up swing to make it look different compared to a regular attack.
Would be cool if you could add some gust of winds that appear for the moment in more desolated areas ( desert one ).

Also I think game world is a bit too "flat" i have noticed that where you added false god there is elevation that creates illusion that you are standing on small hill ( it does not interupt game play ).

I would like more terrain to be like that , with elevations and depressions.
I think it'd be awesome that if you'd get a critical there'd be an extra effect on the character itself. I say the character rather then the spell or melee hit to make it easier then adding critical effects too all the different skills you have.

I think I may have posted this in the wrong thread.

My bad guys.
Last edited by Indecent_Ham#6734 on May 11, 2012, 10:01:46 PM
Hey, first a compliment to your awesome game, I am in a couple of hours now during the public testing and I like it!

What I noticed in game that critical strikes onto an enemy could use some more feedback, now they just drown in the flurry of blows you inflict.
Also especially in dark an narrow areas, I sometime would like to see enemies/barrels/chests/corpses behind wall better. So far they only show when you hover the mouse over them, right?

To be honest I think a x1.3 or whatever that shows up above you head when you crit is the only clear way of doing it. Making bigger explosions and so on only blends it into the mush of combat effects :P
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
I'm not saying bigger explosions with the skills that you use but like an aura or light that just appears by you the character, or something like that. Having numbers just pop up around the screen is pretty ugly and at the moment this game is aesthetically pleasing.
One thing would be a good addition:

The ledge could use some waves splashing and sounds effects that go with it. It's a large 80/90% cliff and the water creates no splashes. It just goes up and down.

One fix that needs to be made:

Whenever there is a fire on the grass... let's say from fire trap (but it applies to any fire), grass pulsates every second or so. It's a bit weird... as if it thinks that there's a collision every second or so.

"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot." - Charlie Chaplin
I agree with adding crit numbers above heads would not suit the game, maybe a subtle glow of the weapon or something...
I mean going overboard with this is also not my intention since other skills should be recognisable, but now I basically cannot say when I crit at all.

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