Upcoming Improvements to the Archnemesis Panel
The picture shows the problem for all... NO SPACE?! Cmooon! It is miserable to play this league
Please bring back the search bar along with the new improvements.. Quickly finding a single mod is annoying now.
well nice add thanks for that ggg, but what about the inventory space for the pieces, its too small
Please make them stackable and give us a sort button.
This is still not manageable BS, especially on Console! |
Most important fix we needed was sorting and then stacking. we got nothing and instead got search bar removed. Please don't release this... I like search bar better than this.
Atlas is amazing!
" Would you like to share this secret information what mechanic or what monsters drops what arch mod? Or if there is some reliable source which has it listed? From my obserwation it can be bound to monster's mod, but then you can target some monster's mods to only some degree, so its still random. |
Problem at the moment is far from being the recipes (I even memorized all the usefull ones anyways). What we need at the moment is more space, make it stackable or something, most of the ingredients I have to ignore/destroy, because in order to get the best recipes, I gotta reserve a lot of space for the pieces, and until ALL (maybe improve some of the drop rates also) of them drops, I can't pick any more ingredients..
Looks promising!
I think with less recipes it might be able to go core that way. Btw, wtf why are you talking about removing search bar in the comments??? Nothing is said about a removal. Pictures can't show it, as it is below and GGG only told us in the text, that you can highlight without needing the search, but not that they remove anything?!?! Seeing forward to have improvements implemented. |
nice, but seriously start thinking about hiring a guy who is going to sit in every meeting and scream QoL every 10 seconds. The league is goog but it could have been great with these little details. great job anyway