Upcoming Improvements to the Archnemesis Panel

more space please, these changes wont fix any of the issues with it, it wil still be just a big mess with a filter lol
please add room for more mods
Tôi muốn có 1 cái hòm to hơn để có thể chứa được nhiều hơn
its kinda sad to see that ggg released the league mechanic in such a bad (no fun) state.

at first i just used kinda random things in it and had some fun with it.
than i realized u need to do the reciepes for good dropps and for the better ones to drop.

so i did it "the right way" with a spreadsheet on the scnd monitor.
the way its designed (no space for all the things, no stacking .. no nothing) its just not fun to do.

had alot of ANTI FUN doing it and than quitted the league mechanic.

now i read this "improvements" and i still dont wanna do it.

please dont design league mechanics like this. there are so many league mechanics that stops you from mapping.

like blight/harvest/ritual/expedition etc .. you sometimes spend more time in a map doing leaguemechanics than in the actual map.

and for the changes .. like sorry for the wording but WHY THE FUCK is the space still limited and u cant stack the currency ??? like just why !?!?!

so much different reciepes u gotta do with so limited space, i dont get it, do u want this do be tiedious ?
More capacity and let me buy my own tab
This is awesome. Could we get a function to call up the Archnemessis UI.... Maybe under 'H' Next to Delve/Beast etc ?
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~
man lvl 87 no ex dropped KEKW
ArkamHatchet wrote:
nice, but seriously start thinking about hiring a guy who is going to sit in every meeting and scream QoL every 10 seconds. The league is goog but it could have been great with these little details. great job anyway

I don't know whether they have a System / Business Analyst, but they definitely need to look into that (that's a guy who looks at requirements and search for "empty spots", what stakeholder haven't said, what to improve - in UI as well).

Guys! If you want to add this functionality with possibility to choose multiple recipies (sequence), add numbers to those, which one was the 1st, which one the 2nd and so on. Not for old and geeky players, but for newcomers :)
Last edited by sowus#6449 on Feb 17, 2022, 7:27:31 AM
its NOT Improvements AT ALL!

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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Feb 17, 2022, 7:43:32 AM
You can open it at the same button as scourge tree. Form its ' button.

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