Please Display Gamertag on Trade Market
" Seriously, 17 leagues on console - the price fixing and market manipulation has gone on long enough, if this was happening on PC it wouldn't go unnoticed like this... |
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They will never make it so that the seller's gamertag is visible. It's a can of worm's that they will never open. I've expressed why a couple of time's in the past, so i have no wish to say it all again. It's just an opinion anyways.
Hopefully they do something at some point though. I'm playing mostly ssf as of late, cause I can't be bothered with the TB at all anymore. It's just a slog. Find an item you could use. Ask "how much?" (I never put offers, i always ask how much to save a step) Person never answers, or person answers and gives a price that you meet, then they decline and reprice at a higher value. Or they msg back NFS, so i politely ask if they can put 999ex so i dont re-offer in a day or so, and they give attitude like i'm the rude one. Its one big pain in the ass. |
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" It doesn't have to be a pain! It's an integrity issue, anyone who has a problem with their gamertag on their items for sale is simply part of the problem and manipulating the market themselves. They need to make the change to bring us in line with PC's Poe Trade. There's really no excuse at this point. |
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I am against making gamertag's visible. So I'm a price fixer then? There can be no other reason to be against it otherwise huh?
That suck's cause i really despise pricefixer's. What the hell do I do now? Last edited by I AM SQUINT#8343 on Apr 13, 2022, 4:51:02 PM
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" They might be slightly different values, but since the drop rates and "big ticket" items are the same on console as they are on PC. One could search for all potential "Big Ticket" items using and whether the item is worth ~1c or multiple mirrors. Items will not differentiate much in value between the two platforms, you'll be able to tell right away if things have been price fixed. A 40ex item on PC will never be 1c on console. Another consideration is more people play PC than they do console. That means if something is worth 40ex on PC, it's going to be worth more on console because there's less supply and demand — less stock in circulation. |
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" Just out of curiosity, why are you against it? I can't think of any reason why it's a bad idea. |
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" Because I have always respected you mirroring your items at more than reasonable prices, I will share some issue's I have with it with you. I am not what can be considered a "people person" i mean i am, but i need to be treated as i treat you. When i'm not i'm out. Life's too short. It seems a simple thing to me, but as years go by fewer and fewer people can seem to do it. So now i'm playing with my small group in a Battlefield 5 party lets say. It's going good until asshat's start popping in asking me if i would consider selling my headhunter for half my asking price, or will i trade my 6l Shavs for some stuff they have (oh and they are a whooping level 40 in week 3, so i'm sure they have tons i want) So now i have to explain to everyone what a headhunter is and why this keeps happening, and maybe could we lock the chat? or i guess maybe if i go offline everyday, i guess i could do that? Oh hey sorry i didnt hear your callout cause i just got multiple incoming msg's. WTF its some dude saying he saw my Axe for sale and could i give him some crafting advice. He must really want the advice cause he's msg'ed 3 times about it in the last 10 mintues. I'm sure my small group of friends will love me, knowing when i join it means we have to lock the chat. Am i over re-acting? While i don't think all of these scenarios will happen all day everyday, i can guarantee you they will happen. I don't like most people, and i don't like being hassled. 1 time would be too many for me. It is a can of worms that GGG will not open. That's just my opinion. PC is different. Your handle is tied to POE. Not an entire platform. Is it even tied to steam? I'm not sure as i use the standalone but still. Well, so just ignore them right? Well now i can't buy from them when before i could. Also they were part of "The Demon Banjo's of Yestermore guild" and everyone and their Uncle from it is finding ways to fuck with me, cause people these days can't just handle shit on their own. So now i have the Yestermore's pitbull bloodlust raining down on me over some pixilated fucking belt. People say "Man you're fragile if you cant handle blah blah blah" I just don't have the patience for drama and playground bickering. Some people welcome it. I do not. Now i could end with a blanket statement and conclude with "If you want Gamertag's visable, then you like conflict" but i wouldn't. I am but one opinion of many. One day we might become Borg, but not yet, amd hopefully not in my lifetime. Alot of how i read comes across as snarky and with ninja hostility, but i swear it's not. I lose alot without my vocal tone. It's why i try to stay away from text chat and limit it to as little as possible. Not a fan. But as i said i do respect you so anyways that's some of how i see things. It don't matter anyways. Its been years and nothing has been done to help so... Anyways Happy hunting to you! |
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Speaking of your mirror items
Your "Skull Emblem Fossilised Spirit Shield" if i'm not mistaken, can be re-divined, to have 30% on the "increased mana efficiency" modifier. Cheers! |
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" Picked a spot at random to quote, really wanted to reply to the whole thing. I'm not an XBox user at all. Does XBox not have a simple option to prevent non-friends from messaging you? Also, I'm pretty sure the whole concern falls under the category of "expecting the worst possible outcome". I don't think it's likely that a lot of people would behave in the way you describe. And you *should* block people who behave like that. Even if there's a small detriment in being unable to buy from them anymore. Also, you *could* block them with MS/XBox, which (assuming it works like PSN), would NOT stop you from buying from them in-game, but would stop them from messaging you outside the game. | |
" It does yes, somewhere. It still creates a hassle though. It's late and the scenario i'm thinking would take too long. Also it of the worst case scenario type as you describe below. " That's my motto. "Hope for the best, but expect the worst" Especially when it's pertaining to people. I pretty much just expect it with people lol " I think i would get some form of something at least once daily in a new league. I think it would happen much more than you believe it would. We are both just guessing at it though. Still a hassle that an instant buyout would not create. Instant buyout solves all of it without creating MORE conflict. Heck even global chat would become more mellow cause its mostly toxic due to people getting caught being shady from manipulating the TB in one way or another. Not all of it obviously :) Someone in i think this thread said something like "Viable tags would also get people coming back, cause you could ask about an item they had for sale long ago and by asking them about it it would maybe get them playing again" I mean this is what i don't want. You know that Seinfeld episode, where George is getting upset because his friends are getting too involved with his girlfriend and his "Worlds are colliding!" Well i am George Costanza in this instance. I Want POE when i'm playing POE. I don't want it hopping into a party chat, and asking about a quiver when im battlefielding. I just gave reason's why some wouldn't want visable tags. Others might have reasons being against it other then mine as well. It's not as black and white as say an auto buyout. I mean now who wouldn't want that am i right? :) You'd have to be a real fucknut to not want an auto buyout am i right guys!! Just funning :) They ain't done squat to help so far so i am living the motto until they do. Cheers! |
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