Please Display Gamertag on Trade Market

Instant buyout isn't a good idea because prices can fluctuate throughout a league. But showing somebody's name on their items will make it clear who owns multiple of the same item (even if they have alts, it will still help in most cases).
Ted the Dragoon wrote:
Instant buyout isn't a good idea because prices can fluctuate throughout a league.

That's actually a non issue for 99% of the trades. Just remove super high end gear from trade before you log off and price check when you are back. For pocket change items it does not really matter.

The problem I have with showing gamer tag is that people will bother them while playing other games. I really don't want to get flooded with trade offers while for example play a hard raid in FF14. But the core of your suggestion is very good so here a idea have it without privacy issues: "add a "show items of same seller button!" and if you press it all of them will be highlighted. Sure it is not perfect if the fixer is multi accounting but maybe allow highlighting more people at once using said method.
I have an idea to counter price fixer, put everything at a 100x the real cost. If somebody want something they will engage in a conversation, at that point you can negotiate the price of the said item...

I know that using the scammer strat will only amplify the scammer problem in a sense but talking can solve some "issue"...
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.
Butch3r_kush wrote:
I have an idea to counter price fixer, put everything at a 100x the real cost. If somebody want something they will engage in a conversation, at that point you can negotiate the price of the said item...

I know that using the scammer strat will only amplify the scammer problem in a sense but talking can solve some "issue"...

This is already happening, and it is amplifying the scammer problem.

There are items listed for dozens even hundreds of ex and if you message them saying hey thats worth like 30c they say dont worry go to this link and you can have it for just a couple bucks.

My current opinion (changes often), do not display gamer tag, do not allow messaging at all. Put a buyout price, no negotiation, and it either sells or doesn't.
SoulMule wrote:

My current opinion (changes often), do not display gamer tag, do not allow messaging at all. Put a buyout price, no negotiation, and it either sells or doesn't.

This is the way.

Names will do nothing. Why would they care if you can see who they are, they are still going to pricefix. At least with the buyout guilds of pricefixers can no longer throw the underpriced bait out there to snipe items and corner the markets. Plus this allows for underpriced bids to serve as negotiations.
Gamertags will help a lot, especially if we could with a click ignore them on trade market aswell, just like you can on the chat, hiding all their items, even the items they want to sell will they struggle with as not many will see them after a while... Just a example, on ps on standard I guess 90% of the exalts are belonging to the same, or quite few persons who never sell. It will be a lot easier to manage to filter them out on gamertag and not wasting more time on them....
Direct buyout is the thing anyway. If you are afraid the price are rising after you set the price, then simply do not set a price. I will happily sell all my pricefixed items instant. Not worrying too much about if they go up in price a bit.
GGG customize the game for you. and you, with your small amount of mind, break the game and complain that the game is broken.
until you fix yourself, you won't see a perfect POE game.
Greetings from Russia.
I agree to 100% it would be great to have a seller name displayed in some kind of small window or whatever. u would be able to buy from people that are trustworthy in your eyes. On The other Hand we also need a displayed name for the BUYER cuz if it need to work in one way it needs to work in the other aswell. Cuz PPl are scamming on priced items aswells its annoying for the sellers aswell.
In general this Buy and Sell-System definetly needs work especially in terms of Qol its so bad to look up 50 pages of ring to not even get one in the end ....
imo revealing the gamertag is an option, but not the best one.
I think implementing an instant buyout would be the fastest and most efficient way to prevent price fixing and making trade (more) enjoyable.

In addition, for high value or heavily price fluctuating items where you want to check market prices before selling (as mentioned before), maybe there could be added some sort of tag, which allows to show these items when you search for priced items (~), so you know this person really wants to sell it (in contrast to people who place the item in a trade tab, but answer NFS) and then you can negotiate with that person.

If GGG wants to keep or even increase player base for the future, I think, this should be tried. Especially for new or even casual, more unexperienced players it can be very frustrating to notice getting scammed in each league. Especially for console where there's no way to check the correct prices (average prices), because all websites apply to PC prices.

And of course, a cross-platform trade for PS and Xbox in combination with better display/filtering system would be great, to increase supply and findability.
Last edited by Duuderino#9469 on Jun 17, 2022, 8:38:11 AM
displaying gamertag has pros and cons. me personally I wouldn't want to start getting harassed on the forums for some of my high value items.

if you could set auto-accept per stash tab, and displayed on items if auto accept was on/off, you'd easily be able to identify price manipulators because they would all have it turned off.

Even some new categories would help a lot. Maps for instance, why no categories for synthesis maps, blighted maps, elder maps, guardian maps etc. How many pages of maps have you guys flipped through to find a cortex?

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