Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Why don't you just name the post what it really is. Character NERFS.

Melee is as bad as ever but that's ok it seems. Reservation efficiency is the issue? Really? Multi mirror aura bots will remain the same while the rest of us will lose an aura. Nice work.

But hey, fortify got a light buff so it might be slightly useful this time. So everything's ok then.
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BIMZERO wrote:
I don't really agree with trying to keep things fresh by taking away diversity and enjoyment.
Nerfing Gain When hit Flask, Aura Mastry, etc. are reasonable.
However, removing unusual effects and killing builds like Gravicius Extra ES Craft is the worst.

I don't understand what Spell Suppression is thinking anymore.
GGG implemented Spell Suppression by saying "Evade Builds are weak against Spell" which is incorrect.
All characters in this game are equally vulnerable to Spell, and it is only natural that all characters would try to obtain Spell Suppression.
I personally believe that implementing the nerf now is a lack of imagination and ability to balance the game.

Also, I often use Pathfinder, what is the point of this nerf?
That class is almost exclusively dedicated to Poisonous Concoction, and you expect to accelerate it further? The Pathfinder Node is currently underpowered and is a garbage class with no unique effect.
Besides, the act of cutting power from a Node that has no options is foolish.

Suppression was intended for right side evasion builds because the left side of the tree has the block nodes (and/or things like MOM) which provide substantial spell protection, and the marauder/duelist bottom-left side has max res, whereas the right side had less effective spell defense.
Last edited by Poiuytr133#2949 on Aug 4, 2022, 11:38:44 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:
In the past 6 years - the game lost about 95% of it's population because of pointless nerfs, and absurdish build killing decisions.

I am almost certain that peoples which is the target auditory for PoE2 already hate it, even without seeing it.

95%, what a lie
Stop trying nerf builds you saw streamers playing and make other skills stronger. Simple and fast.

I don't know what is happening to this team, but for sure I can see they lost the way.
GGG should have written a balance manifesto about monster vs player strength, instead of focussing solely on players again.
How did they expect this was going to go down?
I skipped Expedition, played 3.17 and 3.18. Well, 3.18 on and off until AN was somewhat nerfed. 3.19 looks like a hard pass again.

Struggling with mana (again), monsters (again), one-shots (again) ...
Why should I get expecited? Why even bother?

I will watch this from the sidelines and see how many hotfixes it will take to balance whatever one-shot mechanic they will have in store for us.

Bloody hell, just open your hard-mode SSF server and be done with it. Give streamers and no-lifers something to sink 100+ hours per week into.

If you feel threatened by them trivialising the game, then there is something wrong with YOUR perspective. I don't care if they faceroll the game. Why would or should I?

Just ... I don't know.

Whenever I found something I like it gets neutered the patch after.

I'm just tired. Tired of this barrage of nerf, buff, NERF, buff, NERF.
What a joke.
More defense nerfs "too many people use x" while oh wait, Aegis Aurora, the shield that 32%!!!! of leaderboards used (probably because AN mod monsters kill most builds that don't use the ES recovery on block) at the end of Sentinel, the league where actually high quality equipment was available for more of the playerbase than any league since Harvest, remains untouched.
Go ahead lads, nerf that too. Tall poppy syndrome to the max, cut everything that makes players progress through the game.
After all that is the goal isn't it? Force the players to struggle through the content because that extends the league content cycle and keeps players playing for longer? Isn't that why the league challenges in Sentinel were made in such a way that you'd have to respec your Atlas for old leagues and then spend a week trying to force RNG to feed us super specific encounters?
From one of the best power fantasy action rpgs to Path of Witch and Inquisitor.
It's even better when you look at the obvious nerf to Juggernaut.
"Split Unbreakable into two narrower but more powerful skills" more powerful? Where? Where's that more power? From 5% reduced damage taken to 8% of armor applies to elemental damage from hits? Oh how lovely. Do you put studio laugh tracks in the background when planning this sort of stuff? Untiring is supposed to be MORE power? It's the "1.5% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second" component from Unbreakable with a 40% regen rate increase. It's literally 1 line from unbreakable with a 2 small passive tree node bonus for an ascendancy point.
On an ascendancy class that was already 0.3% of leaderboards at sentinel end and never broke 1% during league. That horse was dead before you shot it guys.
At this point you're just making fun of the carcass.

Why do you think everyone used spell suppression though? Are you really unaware how overtuned spell damage is nowadays? Or are you just looking to make player die more to prevent the players from finishing builds, again, in hopes of making them stay longer? People used spell suppression over other stats because it's not "extra defenses" you can stack if you want to be tankier, it's mandatory defenses for anyone trying to do league content.

I voiced my concerns in 3.18. I really hoped the development team would have a look at the general sentiment of playerbase in forum posts and shown by player numbers. It's pointless I guess when the devs are too busy making their next project to bother looking at what's happening to the game that built their success.
“This has led to the combination of Defiance Banner, Determination and Grace feeling near mandatory for characters in hardcore leagues, and very attractive elsewhere.

Solution: Substantially reduce the armour and evasion granted by Defiance Banner.”

This is not a solution. 😂😂😂😂 It doesn’t feel mandatory. It IS mandatory because it’s HC and you want to stack defensive layers. Can someone smarter explain how this solves the issue with needing to stack defences using the most efficient auras/banners grace, determination and defiance banner?

Edit: it seems to me there’s a misguided approach to balance changes because players will find the next best thing to use in order to get the best defences. So, in a way, you will never find the balance because everyone will always default to choosing the most popular/efficient set up. You will be forever chasing that balance with low effort nerfs GGG devs. Would be nice to know what you think about this?
Last edited by HowToGusta#6151 on Aug 4, 2022, 12:13:32 PM
My bad. PoE lost about 97% of the population in the past 7 years of nerfing expansions.

- Analyze based on static peak sum + 25% addition on the peaks.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Dear GGG probably people use those powerful defense tool A LOT because they are not 6 portal enjoyers?

Maybe... just maybe if you bring down monster damage to sane levels poeple would have a choice again.

If Monster damage stays untouched people will just use the new most powerful defense tools because... getting oneshot is still unfun. And then you will nerf those again.
These "changes" look terrible. I don’t like it, I have already begun to doubt that I will play in this league.
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