widescreen resolution removed from the game.

btw why we cant have a "widescreen / zoomed out mode" while maintaining the full size of the screen. it has clearly advantages to the gameplay and preferred by many gamers. sounds for me a great feature to advertise by GGG and to "modernize" the game :)
I would like to know... What improvements did we get in exchange for this widescreen change?

Performance went down a lot, my minions ai is no longer reliable even in small arena's, this had broad reaching effects in the negative.

what good came of this? If anyone happens to know i'd like to hear it.
Innocence forgives you
Yea a lot of people hating on it really, I really hope that PoE 2 at least supports 32:9.

IMO both games look beautiful and it really adds to it that immersion, especially PoE 2 it really does look very very nice.

As others said I see no performance gaines going from 5120 to 3440 its more or less the same. Idk one can dream.
Highly considering not to buy early access if the game does not have 32:9 support in a game releasing in 2025...Please devs.
Pashid#4643 wrote:
XeoTech wrote:
Any game developer who would have done 1 hour of market research on consumer monitors and cutting edge resolutions would have saw that 32:9 was popular and becoming more popular as these monitor's prices are more accessible to the average consumer.

2.25% usage of 21:9 monitors and 0.30% usage of 32:9 monitors that's not even close to be considered as popular.
Even 4k is only used 3.71% and not really popular even with gpus getting pretty powerful for 4k gaming these days.
(numbers are based of the Steam Hardware & Software Survey. Not 100% accurate but it gives a good glimpse of the low low portion of people that actually own a UW monitor)

You can say that 1440p is in fact popular these days with the slowly increasing amount of players using one over 1080p lol.

You are loo9king at the wrong stats, check the multi monitor setup (which the G9 for example technically is). It is 10%.
Yea hopefully it has 32:9 support, game is looking amazing that would really be the icing on the cake.

Been playing Oldschool Runescape lately fullscreen and honestly I didnt think OSRS could be immersive but im really loving it, works perfect.
Oh look, this problem is still unaddressed and unresolved.

There are no valid reasons for the removal of ultrawide support in PoE 1,or for the failure to include it in PoE 2.

It's been 2 years, 132 days since this was removed for no good reason.

Fix it.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
2 years, 133 days

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
2 years, 134 days

Fix it
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Dude, it does have ultrawide support. It doesn't have superultrawide support (Samsung G9) and there are 100% valid reasons for it not to. Very few aRPGs do it and I've yet to see one do it well because they are designed around a particular viewpoint so you can start to see off the edges of the world.

Diablo3 "has" superultrawide support where there are missing chunks of the world. Doesn't bother me but I guarantee people would be filing bugs about it. Or it could be like Grim Dawn where things don't render properly or you can see at/past the edges of designed terrain/structures, which again I guarantee people would file bugs about.

(And based on some of the discussions I've seen around mods to get superultrawide "working" it's like D3 where chunks don't load in because they are too far away form the player. It's not worth GGG's time to fix it for a minuscule part of the player base.)

It also can affect skills, ultrawide already gives some advantages for point/click skills where you can target enemies farther off screen than intended.

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