widescreen resolution removed from the game.

tackle70#1293 wrote:
* The GGG community post about this is pure gaslighting. Go find users on this forum or on reddit complaining about problems with 32:9 before GGG removed the support. I'll wait. They don't exist.

5 years ago. Already debunked. Stopped reading there.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Stopped reading there.

Of course you did...

tackle70#1293 wrote:
* The only real problem is 32:9 being exploited in races. This was a real thing and players did complain about it. Ok - so limit races to 16:9 so everyone has a level playing field. Not a reason to remove 32:9 support from the game.

It's almost like...

tackle70#1293 wrote:
None of the people in this thread arguing for black bars know what they are talking about and none of them are arguing in good faith

Thanks for continuing to prove my points.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70#1293 on Mar 12, 2025, 3:32:32 PM
tackle70#1293 wrote:
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Stopped reading there.

Of course you did...

[Removed by Support]
Multiple plsyer have already proven you wrong from time to time, so seeing the same strawman "arguments" can get boring for some.

tackle70#1293 wrote:

tackle70#1293 wrote:
None of the people in this thread arguing for black bars know what they are talking about and none of them are arguing in good faith

Thanks for continuing to prove my points.

There were no valid points from your side to begin with. Simply saying "Fix it" or "Black bars are not acceptable or defensible" is neither a proper argument nor a reason why GGG should revert a change and fix they made long ago.
It's just a demand for something that GGG clearly won’t bring back, as they removed it for obvious reasons. Too bad you fail to see those reasons.
I wonder if you would even tell a GGG dev that they’re wrong if one waa to put down the reasons for the removal in this topic.

[Removed by Support]

In the end, it’s gone, [Removed by Support] or struggle will bring it back. Your best option is to move on or fix your own hardware.

Luckily, GGG is also starting to rightfully take action against all the third-party junk plaguing the game. So even the third party 32:9 "fix" will be gone for good in a matter of time, just like the official client support for that aspect ratio. :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Mar 12, 2025, 5:07:38 PM

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