What Happened with Items

what a joke.

you are lying man, alch+go is affected also, incursion too, much more than you are sayin'.

why you are not mentioning harvest changes?

why you are not mentioning divine x exalt change, which is nonsense, because u dont haev cards for divines in amount of exalts etc... which is killing SSF

why you dont talk about retention

why you dont talk about your build diversity where 52% of players playing 5 skill gems in game where u have (?)100+ gems LOL!

I tried, i wanted to give you another chance after another fuckup.
After that arrogant post "what we are working it" you post this, u think "its my bad" etc sentences will save it?


Our plan is not to gut the rewards out from Path of Exile. We play the game too and enjoy finding heaps of valuable items. Our "could an alternate version of the game with extreme item scarcity also be fun?" experiment, currently internally called Hard Mode, is an entirely separate thing and its changes have not been folded into regular Path of Exile.


oa7x wrote:
Put the game in the place you think it should be at and avoid reverting at all cost, keep up the good work ( unironic )


Zoltarek991 wrote:
How you have fixed it?!? wait what did I just read,
I played 6-8hours today doing juiced t14-16 with rituals and expeditions atlas tree using scarabs and corrupting maps and i have found a single divine BUT i did find 1400 armourers scraps. You think the game is in a good spot just like you thought archnemesis mods were in a good spot and "tested" last league.
Maybe its time you ACTUALLY listen to us


estyles31 wrote:
What? Come on, PLEASE... I was desperately hoping that you were actually going to fix this. It still feels awful.

We all did.

Atchh wrote:
No explanation on harvest crafts!?!?!?


KilenWoods wrote:
I literally do not believe that you understand the state that the game is in. The fact that your post is focused on rarity, rarity, and rarity, and does not bother to engage with quantity of items.

What you posted is a post-hoc justification for making the game more grindy, requiring players to spend more time to achieve similar power levels.

I see you (Chris) as a liar. Feel free to prove me wrong -- but your track record doesn't inspire.

This guy has a point
Actually quadrupled down.
That's it for me.

Can't believe that I'm saying this, but I'm actually hyped for D4.
what a bad joke ):
You say you understand what happened and what to do to make it better, but you dont. If you would understand, you would have reverted the loot changes entirely and restored certain harvest crafts already.

But you didnt and it doesnt look like you will in the future. You dont understand why players enjoyed previous leagues and why so many hate the current state.

You keep pushing your poe2 transition agenda and its taking a gigantic toll of the game. The current game allows next to nothing in terms of character progression and is just a unfun shadow of it former self. The moment you would understand that, you would know what to do to make it better.
tired of this, you should really play your game for once
you lied a lot, people hardly sustain alch in red maps and you said thay they are mostly unafected ?
you didn't even talk about solutions for the scaricity of the loot, for you, the problem is solved since it goes with your "vison" of the game.
Enterti wrote:
Hey Chris, I understand where you and the dev team are coming from. However this league has felt incredibly unrewarding compared to previous ones. I think a reasonable fix would be for lower rarity archnemisis mods to have guaranteed drops as well especially currency drops. This could help flatten progression especially early on and helpo players reach the actually rewarding content.

Further it was mentioned that drop rates for things like harvest were balanced around specing into harvest nodes. Why was this the case? Shouldn't the game be balanced around the baseline with more power going to those who spec into the individual mechanics like those of us who are specing into expedition and ritual? Clearing an individual harvest with no spec should at least let us do a couple small crafts and higher investment should result in the ability to do a medium or two.

Finally this league comes on the back of multiple patches of nerfs to the only builds that could have handled the increased difficulty of Archnemesis rares. Why does GGG nerf builds from so many directions while simultaneously increasing the difficulty of the game. This league has horrible build diversity and it is not because some builds are too powerful. Its because most builds are horribly weak. Could we get a few patches that concentrate on buffing underperforming builds instead of hammering down the only ones that can handle farming? I think the game would be in a much better place if we could league start a wider variety to fuel our latter builds.

Thanks for reading if you do and I hope to hear some discussion of this from GGG in the future.

Quoting for attention. I mainly play alone and would like to in peace, being able to main whatever class I'd like. Stop nuking everything. Whoever said molten strike needed to die and now necromancer is a horrible person.
Thanks for the write up, cheers ;) <3!
Hello Cris, we are still here my friend! Mistakes have been made but we are all liable to make mistakes. Also, I see in you and your team the determination to fix what needs fixing and deliver the best experience possible. I reiterate, we are here for you and count on us.

Greetings from Brazil!
To be honest it feels as far from enough as it can, arch nemesis monsters feel extremely unrewarding maybe besides few. Uniques being more rare make them more expensive, especially 5/6 links are 2-4 times more expensive that previous leagues not to mention their horrible rolls. It has been worst league start for me so far when it comes to drops, being in red maps I still haven't seen SINGLE exalt or divine drop so it's hard to believe that it's OK. Everyone been complaining about harvest and seeing lack of good quipment on trade it seems true. Another thing that still hasn't been mentioned is minions survivability. I will still be playing but it seems very underwhelming and my experience is similar to most streamers opinion: changes were bad, arch nemesis are still not rewarding enough and pack way too much dmg.
Last edited by Stiw99#2109 on Aug 25, 2022, 11:07:21 PM
Oh god oh f u c k

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