What Happened with Items

Erkhan1 wrote:
TheNightmareGrows wrote:
I'm with Chris. Honestly, the game since Betrayal reached the state when it needed to nerf the loots. The loot bombs are disgusting, honestly. No irony. If you get some yellows - now you 99% skip them. PReviously in PoE you would pick up any yellow to check it's stats, because RARE loot was RARE back then.

This game really need nerfs to loot systems. 41k % to rarity from Arch monsters isn't good as well. I would like to see the "Hard Mode" for PoE. I want it.

And honestly, it is so funny to look at all you simps, who saw some whining from youtubers who plays in stacks of 6 ppl, that they got nerfed, but you, soy boys, were playing in solo mode most of the time. Stop screaming for your idols. This madness should have been stopped long ago, I'm very glad this time has come at least now.

No more loot bombs!

1) in ur logic ur simping for ggg lol

2) if u juice ur maps with 200 - 300c u should be able to get a loot explosion

3) thats the point of playing in group! more people = more hp mobs, rarity = more loot!

4) idgaf about the youtubers. every player who plays this game knew immediately that the loots were shit!

5) remember they didnt told us the loot nerf!? and chris told us to get our MF chars ready lol

6) if u lose more than 50% of ur players in a few days ur games not fun for those people

7) play your game if ur having fun but dont tell us what we can and cant do and let us criticize what we want cause as yearlong customers its our right to do so!

1) logic of empy is irrational
2) you got loot explosion. and dont tell me nothing. in long distance you have back about 200% investments.
3) group still work. and still up your drop.
4) nothing to say.
5) MF chars work good. you have no free loot. but MF work.
6) yes, but who this players?
7) you can criticize game. but stop blame developers.
Righteous Fire forever.

if ur a solo player u are boned.

if ur a party player? you might get lots of loot...if you have a MF build.

they basically shafted everyone, doubled down on the disliked AN mechanic, and forcing magic find builds to get anything worth your time.

Gotta say thats god awful game design.

GGG managed to screw the playerbase & the economy all at same time.
[Removed by Support]
And i heard this has been hotfixed? sure?
Its mind boggling that GGG thinks dropping dozens of divines/exalts from lotto mob is better than previous loot drops.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Aug 26, 2022, 3:48:25 PM
I dont see the value of geting 40 wetstones dropped.
I can only play for a few hours a day at max. I still would like to build my character. Do you realy need to have POE as a full time job to get some decent drop?

I have over 6,3 K hours on this game trhough steam, and add 2 years not playing through steam so who knows how many hours i have played.
Never seen a mirror and i guess i never will.

So what i read i have to juice up my T16 map to beyond what i can do in hope of geting a divine?

I dont have data to back up what im now saying, but i belive that majority of the players never get todo that type of content and cant.
Would love to see what kind of players that generate most of the income to GGG, the one that get multiple mirrors a day or the one that is happy to kill maven once a league.

how can you keep a "crowd" playing if it have to be a full time job to build your character? I am not "happy" with my place when it comes to loot, because what i read is Fuck the crowd and satisfy the few.

Dont get me wrong, i belive that difficulty should be rewarded, League mecanics, this time around not so much.
shaping the lake takes how many red maps to finish? I dont know i havent had the time to get there yet, only at yellow maps so far.
Last league was brilliant, a button push or 3 and you could be rewarded, so players with limited time to play actually could get something if they managed to sta alive and kill those mobs that was enhanced.

I dont understand the policy, who do you want to please? me and my better half have spent about 2k USD on diffrent packages and transactions because we loved this game, im not sure anymore.

Difficulty should be rewarded, IF your character is in OP gear and you buff your maps to get rewards, then it is technically not difficult for that player and then shouldnt be rewartded.
Killing a T5 map boss in act 5 gear can be just as hard, but you can look forward to be rewarded some portal scrolls at best?
Last edited by Emerios#7911 on Aug 26, 2022, 3:39:42 PM
Well Let's Play Another game so... since your vision is more important than the players...
If you didn't buff it yesterday, loot still feels awful. Flat-out: loot was nerfed. No, not 90% for alch-and-go, but nerfed hard. You feel it is in a good place. Ok? Can we have numbers, please? I promise we can handle the math. I'm likely to run out of scours soon, just scouring blue maps to alch them. Currency is a lot more down than that 25% nerf. If not for heist, I'd likely be out of alchs at this point.

Archnemesis is overpowering everything else, and isn't fun. I can't do blight in maps at all, heist I only run low levels, 3+ rares in close quarters is too rippy otherwise.

You apologized, good I suppose. I'm not accepting your apology. You have nerfed loot and archnemesis makes it even more slow and painful.

Revert, or go into detail about what the nerfs/"buffs" did. Until then, I'm calling your nerfs making the game worse for alch-and-go players. Not as bad as you nerfed minion players (well, if there were any besides SRS), but substantially.

TL;DR: This really isn't good enough, Chris. I'm unhappy and losing a lot of trust in you guys.
skynexion wrote:
Erkhan1 wrote:
TheNightmareGrows wrote:
I'm with Chris. Honestly, the game since Betrayal reached the state when it needed to nerf the loots. The loot bombs are disgusting, honestly. No irony. If you get some yellows - now you 99% skip them. PReviously in PoE you would pick up any yellow to check it's stats, because RARE loot was RARE back then.

This game really need nerfs to loot systems. 41k % to rarity from Arch monsters isn't good as well. I would like to see the "Hard Mode" for PoE. I want it.

And honestly, it is so funny to look at all you simps, who saw some whining from youtubers who plays in stacks of 6 ppl, that they got nerfed, but you, soy boys, were playing in solo mode most of the time. Stop screaming for your idols. This madness should have been stopped long ago, I'm very glad this time has come at least now.

No more loot bombs!

1) in ur logic ur simping for ggg lol

2) if u juice ur maps with 200 - 300c u should be able to get a loot explosion

3) thats the point of playing in group! more people = more hp mobs, rarity = more loot!

4) idgaf about the youtubers. every player who plays this game knew immediately that the loots were shit!

5) remember they didnt told us the loot nerf!? and chris told us to get our MF chars ready lol

6) if u lose more than 50% of ur players in a few days ur games not fun for those people

7) play your game if ur having fun but dont tell us what we can and cant do and let us criticize what we want cause as yearlong customers its our right to do so!

1) logic of empy is irrational
2) you got loot explosion. and dont tell me nothing. in long distance you have back about 200% investments.
3) group still work. and still up your drop.
4) nothing to say.
5) MF chars work good. you have no free loot. but MF work.
6) yes, but who this players?
7) you can criticize game. but stop blame developers.

i will just ask u this. why are players leaving the game?! what caused that?
figure the rest out for urself.
if u cant understand why people are frustrated then good for u
@Chris Wilson hmm, seems that as far as I can see you guys seem to be stretched either too thin with time constraints or with insufficient staff...the solution to this is quite simple to increease the new leagues to come out ever 4 months or maybe 4 and 1/2 months so you guys have time to properly test out the game properly or maybe look into having PTR realm where the community can help you test out bugs found in the game and report it via a bug report. I would much rather wait for a quality league that have the fiasco that were the Archnemesis and LOK to be fair.

2nd Issue is the look at the moment still feels dissproportionate...nobody should be using 3rd party programs to see if the league mechanic has ARCHNEMESIS mobs in them so that is the only thing worth running since it drops so may divines/exalts/mirrors etc.
This ruins both the economy of the game and the crafting needs and fun this game has!

3rd Issue is making sure that you make campaign mode easy and keep it that way as people who are new to the game do not enjoy geting distroyed in acts later on, aslo here you can reduce the number of items that drop (say out of 20 rares maybe 2 of them are worth keeping even for leveling up...) and instead make starting maps more rewarding in overall mechanics, not so much discrepencies like essences who people used until 2 leagues ago to farm to create their own gear or sell for profits have incredibly high difficulty for a new starting character in maps and that mechanic is pushed to the side for late game when your build is optimized to do much harder monsters...this is just an example, there are more mechanics like this that feel lackluster and totaly unrewarding and at least put to the side if not tossed all together (which is a shame really imho)

4th Issue This game should not have to use any outside source of information regarding how the game is played, and by that its absurd to ask a new player to instal Awaken POE just to get an idea of what items are worth keeping or selling, or the fact that you as a new player should look up guides and youtube videos for your builds, they should be promoted and encouraged by the game and there should be videos where you can check out different starter build on the site like they do with Blizzard games when they are promoting streamers and their video guides.

5th Issue and the last but most important one always remember to listen to your community and not do everything in your power to be disconnected from them, since that's the best business model that works everywhere.

Running 10 maps and not getting anything more than an alch is not good game design. Killing super juiced Arch mobs and getting 5 garbage utility flasks is not good design. Killing hard bosses and having nothing drop is garbage. Killing something difficult should be rewarding or people will feel like its wasting their time. Killing an enemy that has more that 3 modifiers should yield a minimum number of items. Even if its just alterations or something. Nothing is more demotivating than killing 4 or 5 rares and seeing literally nothing dropping. This is a game all about getting loot and getting stronger, but if you optimize out the loot there is no reason to play the game. When a league is 3 months long and it takes you 2 1/2 months to get anything good there is no reason to play the league at all. Look at all of the creators who are just done with the game at this point. If this is what is going to happen when PoE2 drops then the hype is going to completely die. You are sabotaging your own game. This is why PoE 2 should have been a separate game where everything is reset to zero. The power creep, the loot, the experience. But you wanted to add it to the core of PoE 1 and now it has ruined the play experience for both games. If you want these games to succeed you should have top players from each playstyle give feedback on what makes the game fun for them and use that to balance the game. Have minion players, aura stackers, 6 player group players, bossers, all get together and find a happy medium where the game doesn't feel like crap. Nobody wants to waste hour and hours a day for no reward new players or veterans alike.
You have the opportunity to save this game. Do the right thing.
Well, now I can't progress normally in this game. My build doesn't kill bosses, but farm cards, now worthless. "New vision," made a fun game for me, for work. Yes, I'm not the best player by far, but I have the right to play the game the way I want. That is, i had the right

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