What Happened with Items

xirik wrote:
the ole quadruple down. We want steady, reliable loot. not some EXETREMLY RARE rare mob that MAY drop us multiple divines. I personally am sitting at 600,000 monster kills this league between two lvl 90 characters and have never seen this rare mob.

Is there a way to see how many monsters i have killed?
Antiquities from the early days of Path of Exile

Mahariel wrote:
xirik wrote:
the ole quadruple down. We want steady, reliable loot. not some EXETREMLY RARE rare mob that MAY drop us multiple divines. I personally am sitting at 600,000 monster kills this league between two lvl 90 characters and have never seen this rare mob.

Is there a way to see how many monsters i have killed?

/killed was added recently.
It might also be /kills
I forget. It's something obvious.

It's only /kills
When you said killed it led me off thinking that was right.

Last edited by Andvareel#7518 on Aug 26, 2022, 4:29:55 PM
Actions speak louder than words, this is something like the 4th or 5th time in recent memory you have had to come up with a large Sorry for not communicating but we won't do that again. It's bullshit and frankly insulting to your player base who seem to know more about the workings of your game than your employees, and probably at this point yourself.

You still have major problems with this game and I don't know how you get out of this hole
The divine exalt swap was fine on the surface but eliminating EVERY other possible way to roll items is just crazy. You over nerfed this like everything you guys touch lately. Exalts still drop very infrequently despite their value slowly falling to around an annul. Divines are now too valuable to use and also almost never drop. So you seriously throw a wrench in the currency looting and crafting and now with the drop nerf it compounds even moreso.

I'll come back in a few months and see if you finally fix this mess. A few hints - get over your love of AN rares and bring back the old rares. Leave the divine exalt swap but introduce divine fragments and increase exalt drops and loot chances like in heist currency wings, harbinger drops, ritual, etc. Eliminate large party mf cullers by calculating total damage done to mobs with the mf of the player doing the damage and not only the killing blow. Then increase league rewards. The loot drops should be smoothed out as well without these random large drops, people are already figuring out ways to abuse it and it causes some serious dry patches.
Man up. HCSSF is the way to go folks.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
I think that the reaction to this incident is a gross overreaction. I think loot feels fine, as an "alc and go" player I have not had issues sustaining maps, but hey I am not a juicer, but hey neither are like 90% of the people in this thread probably. If you expected this game to "feel" exactly the same every league then you probably just started playing haha. And demanding guaranteed returns is dumb, if you get 1 divine orb for every x # of kills that makes the game boring. When you juice a map, or use any currency orbs, it's a gamble. Every new league adds content which makes balancing that much more difficult. Thank you Chris.
Last edited by Frozen666#0811 on Aug 26, 2022, 4:49:14 PM
Still can't wait for the next league where they'll add timed maps with keystones to enter them. We already have Kadala, now we have loot goblins. Make my dream come true and go back on everything you said before and also add Greater Rifts to PoE.
InspireLight wrote:
Very well written. Thank you, Chris, for doing your absolute best. Your game and vision really help me have fun and enjoy the game bit by bit. I know there are many things that players do not like, and, in a way, their voiced opinions and views are helpful to keep making this game awesome, and yet I on the other hand feel as well that everything is excellent and that I can trust everything you have done. I am just the single minority, and this comment is not as important as most in here, but just wanted to thank you Chris and voice as well that I am truly so grateful for everything you are doing for us. I am patient and understanding and again truly grateful for creating such an awesome game.

Probably my only concern is how you emphasized being the PoE1 director vs the PoE director. I really hope that when PoE2 comes out that you will still keep being around for us. We all love you and support you in our own way. Thank you so very much.

Geez dude, you're really kissing some ass today. The fact that you say that everything in the game is fine, shows that you don't know much about the issues at hand or you don't care to know about them.
How do you expect people to react when you give them something good, take it away, not replace it with something equally rewarding. But then are surprised that they get upset about it.

As for the trust everything he has done part, I would comment on that but insta ban would be headed my way.
So mapping characters are all garbage tier now?
The only loot comes from 4 mod archnemesis mobs so you are better off using a bosser and just ignoring everything but those touched ANs?
sounds "fun"
So we are the ones to be blammed in the end and we should give you more money. Stop asuming that we don't get the full picture because we have eyes, we are not stupid Wilson and this PR your doing is there on top with EA and Activision.I think there are at least 5-6 leagues maybe more since people start told your over and over again what not to do and you keep pushing thinks on us that no one wants them. We don't care about your philosophys cuz we are here to have fun with the game not debate the frabric of nature and space time. Is your game and you do what you want with it then close the servers and play it with your friends and collegues if you don't like when community wants something to be done with the game.
We deserve what we tolerate!
I'm not going to jump on the hate train, but, I would suggest that you spend a day playing your own game just so you can understand fully what people are complaining about. It's one thing to read feedback. But, with no hands on experience, you really can't fully grasp what we're talking about. Also, just a suggestion, but, if you want us to rely a bit more on item drops, perhaps you should make them useable. 99% of rares I pick up, I end up vendoring because the stats are just absolute garbage for my build. I've been playing this game since 2017 and I may have picked up a handful of rares that were half way useable in maps. The fact is that gear has too many stats that can roll and entirely too much RNG that happens when those stats are being rolled, and no reliable way to focus-craft an upgrade. It's all about gambling. I've seen people spend 1-2 weeks farming and crafting an item, just for it to be bricked and deleted in the end. Having said all that, I love this game. It's been my favorite for a very long time. Even when I take extended breaks because I burn out(entirely my fault) I speak for a lot of us when I say that I appreciate the post, and especially appreciate you taking responsibility for the fuckup.

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