What Happened with Items

Glad you are trying to winnow the comments for constructive ones. No need to publicly debase yourself with mea culpas. The people you are doing it to persuade will only sense blood in the water; everyone else doesn't need it.

SSF feels pretty good in Kalandra. I've stopped playing trade, because it seems too "pay to win" (though of course with in-game currency) and less about playing the game.

Whether it is true or not, I see your revisions to the game as ways of enticing players away from "speed, make money" trade mentality and more toward the SSF "play the game" mentality. I see the development effort as trying to broaden the min-max, "must have this one thing", meta build mentality to something more like the SSF mentality of trying out lots of different things. But I know trade mentality regards itself as the masters of the game, the elite players, and perhaps they are.

My only wish is that there was some way to make death penalty less harsh - like maybe making it so all your xp gain at a certain level can't be wiped out by death penalty, but only taken to a minimum that depends on how much you've done - e.g. some lowest xp per map or something that can't be cancelled by death penalty. Not to dumb the game down, but to make it possible to slog through exceedingly slowly rather than getting stuck at lvl 84 or whatever.

i like being able to slam exalts on things but there need to be divine shards (preferably this league) at least and cards for divine orbs by next league.
also should be a craft that can do what divines did.
also more good crafting options returned.
also drop more good loot and less flasks plis <3
Facts are nice cause they often cut through confusing drivel ment to confuse and disarm your anger or negative feelign this current league is inspiring if you give it an honest shot.

Show all your work for an honest debate. Most statement you make are one sided cause you have all the data and make your own assertions without actually showing the real data you made judgements from.

Philsophy 1 - everything you wrote is useless by these next few statements. You care about IQ and IR. I disagree why didn't you make divine shards for this change. You effectively are giving players a lot less now. Who cares if you fixed interactions to be more approriate as well you give much less and of that less most is crap. Math is math no matter what you're selling me.

Less is always less and it's pathetic you're couching you're argument in the way you did as a deflection to the over all hit we took.

Philsophy 2 - We can't follow what going on because you made things react in less than 1/10 to 3/10 of a second on your garbage netcode and it infrastructure. This is made worse by an art direction in which skills and degens can interact but somehow we don't have icons or status warnings for all of them. The warning should be centered on top not displayed on the left as well hover above player but what I do know about game design. You did this intentional as poor excuse of making the game. What it really does is just punish able players by forcing them to wait for degen that can linger much longer than it should. Kiting is bad though, what's worse is your suggesting that sit there and take it knowing I don't have the life, energy, shield, armor, resistance or damage reduction to do so. Get gud is your philosophy even though you made it a clumsy chore of rngesus.

I want to like this idea but rewards suck so it's nothing burger. Fewer monsters that are much harder in a slower game means they would need to be much rewarding which is concept you don't like a lot except unless it's amazing drop out of 100k. No one wants this considering that one amazing drops over a 3 month league means your currency sustain will be garbgae.

Philsophy 3 - You guys really don't get your own logic. If we take your argument harder monsters should be twice as rewarding they should be twice as hard not 10x or 100x harder which is what you done. There's no argument you added archnemesis modifiers to the core then gave us crap rewards. You took away archnemesis rewards from OG league as well I remember garg giving tons of currency now it's crap. So what's 2 x 0, but again with you're logic it's all good since you intended to give us crap for our efforts and want us to accept it.

You made your game 50x harder and now give 1/20 of the rewards by the very logic you're trying to use. Way to go and I'm just leaving the basics so people stop sucking on the koolaid and copium you trying to sell people.

Lake of Kalandra Balance Change: Rare Monster Normalisation
Lake of Kalandra Balance Change: Monster Item Rarity and Quantity Normalisation

People who had builds that could take those spawns were doing it because you're game was such crap before hand. People who invested hard could also lose hard. How many people who invested hard ever in your game ever had the returns for it and how often? Not a stat you're willing to share with us cause it would be scary.

Consistency would be good except you give so far less it can't make a real dent to what people saw before.

What went wrong you had a grand idea you didn't bother to test and weren't going to be able to given the scale. Instead you do what the game is known for use as guinea pigs and now we are all suffering cause you want to meet deadlines for more MTX profit. To the profit driven crowd at your company great idea make a crap product and think people want to spend money on it.
Don't trust anyone here because as I said you didn't meet players at half way or even moderate way if that can be quantified. You didn't even bother to make divine shards which are still missing last time I checked. The fact you earned money on this league is a joke. The shills buy up all your changes and rarely see what the nuance or crap done on the margins to any player be it empyeran gaming or a pleb like myself.

You should lose a lot of respect what is mentioned here but you won't.
You've done a good thing here, I don't hate the direction you guys are going towards. There are still problems with game difficulty vs rewards, but I trust you guys can fine tune it.
poppetmcgimsie wrote:
Glad you are trying to winnow the comments for constructive ones. No need to publicly debase yourself with mea culpas. The people you are doing it to persuade will only sense blood in the water; everyone else doesn't need it.

SSF feels pretty good in Kalandra. I've stopped playing trade, because it seems too "pay to win" (though of course with in-game currency) and less about playing the game.

Whether it is true or not, I see your revisions to the game as ways of enticing players away from "speed, make money" trade mentality and more toward the SSF "play the game" mentality. I see the development effort as trying to broaden the min-max, "must have this one thing", meta build mentality to something more like the SSF mentality of trying out lots of different things. But I know trade mentality regards itself as the masters of the game, the elite players, and perhaps they are.

My only wish is that there was some way to make death penalty less harsh - like maybe making it so all your xp gain at a certain level can't be wiped out by death penalty, but only taken to a minimum that depends on how much you've done - e.g. some lowest xp per map or something that can't be cancelled by death penalty. Not to dumb the game down, but to make it possible to slog through exceedingly slowly rather than getting stuck at lvl 84 or whatever.

You're in your forties with quite bad even for SSF gear. Let us know how you find playing the game SSF to find materials for crafting your gear. Drops are at least 50% lower, crafting at least ten times more expensive and much more difficult with many more bricking your item opportunities. You'll need many many divines and many YOLO annuls. Good luck!
Hi Chris

I like the way you just own up to your fuckups and take responsibility.

Good to see that from the CEO of a very successfull company.

Hope you get the stuff fixed, 'cause people really love the game.

"Opinions are like a$$holes: Everyone's got one!" - Clint Eastwood in "Heartbreak Ridge"
Sounds all fine and so on but you already did this mistake back in the day with the flask changes after that you promised to not fuck up like that again...

Second you didn't explain anywhere why u completely shitted on harvest once again - you cant tell me you just wanted to get rid of people going to TFT.

5000 Lifeforce for a fkin quality enchantment on my wand? come on do you know how many maps that is to get 5k? I doubt.... but on average you get like somewhere between 50 to 150 lifeforce from ONE crop (not one harvest, but one square in the harvest)

Iam still playing kalandra league but man, you guys made big mistakes twice so youll probably do it again i guess

I dont know guys but right now i dont see how this game is going to survive

Gives me flashback of harvest nerf memes "THEY ARE MAKING TOO POWERFUL ITEMS!"

I understand your philosophy and partly agree with it but... and this is a big but, the philosophy of any game should be first and foremost to be fun.

"Philosophy One: Reward mechanisms should scale properly with Item Quantity and Rarity bonuses"

Totally agree, this means that if you run the maximum ammount of quantity and rarity you should get the maximum ammount/rarity of loot possible and that seems absolutely fine, but that's not the end of it isn't it.

To get loot that is actually valuable (40 flasks droped from a mob doesn't help anyone) you need to get a speciffic mod on a rare mob (that is a second lair of RNG) the third one which is huge, the valuable mod needs to be paired with other speciffic mods so the mob actually drops ok loot.

So you see, right now to get good loot you need to go through several lairs of RNG... so the loot system is not in line with your philosophy that states the loot should be based on IIQ and IIR, or you are not telling us the whole truth.

Philosophy Two: Players should fight fewer Rare Monsters at once, but they should be more challenging and rewarding

Agree as well, but there is something to mention here:

- 99% of the rare monsters drop bubblegum currency, a metric ton of flasks and fractured items (which in 99.9% of the times are crap). How is this in line with the philosophy? How is dropping 40 flasks or 300 blacksmith wetstones rewarding, in what world is this considered rewarding?

Philosophy Three: There shouldn't be a large gap between the difficulty and rewards of league content and base game content

Sort of agree, while there shouldn't be a huge gap, the league content should be more rewarding, by a good margin, so it provides a good reson to play the league content.

So, while I don't think the core philosophys are wrong, I think that all changes should be checked against one simple thing, is this fun to play, will the game still be fun after implementing this changes.. and sadly the answer right now is no, the game is not fun, yes you can play it, yes you can find ways to get loot but it's not fun, and that is the main issue.

Linking AN mods with loot drop chance and quantity is just bad - you basicaly took a mob mechanic you implemented a few months ago which required a lot of patching to get to a playable state (and players still hated it) and tied the whole game experience to it - Why? This makes no sense!

Last edited by AngryC00kieZ#4542 on Aug 30, 2022, 9:03:31 AM
ThuglifeBELGIUM wrote:
i like being able to slam exalts on things but there need to be divine shards (preferably this league) at least and cards for divine orbs by next league.
also should be a craft that can do what divines did.
also more good crafting options returned.
also drop more good loot and less flasks plis <3

either its new orb that reroll ONLY magix/rares gear (not uniq)
OR swap back div/ex as it was before with all changes like div recipe 6links and more common drop rate div
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 30, 2022, 9:44:12 AM
appreciate the candid post. there arent many developers, if any, that admit their mistakes. people can argue against the changes.. but they cant accuse GGG of not being transparent.

show me one other company that would write a post like this one.

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