An Overview of Upcoming Changes

Ok so maybe some fixes, MAYBE, for a ton of problems you caused? Yay? We have to wait and deal with the mental gymnastics in the meantime though rather than just playing a fun game. Remember when video games were fun? What the fuck happened...
Thank you so much for your efforts.

We do realize that all those changes we needed and we understand that you, guys, need some time to implement them accordingly and balance.

<3 u
This is cool and all and i gotta thank you guys for creating one of my most loved games ever, but this should have happened before the release, not now, not 1-2 days after, you keep repeating the same "mistake" over and over again, and its getting old really fast. The selling point of PoE was always complexity/variety and with over 100-200 skills everyone is playing the same 6-7 skills, not because they are op, but because they are the only ones usable if you want a build that can keep up with the current state of the game, game is getting stale as ive never seen before. And i think it was about time you realize that leagues with mechanics that are played outside of maps are a failure 99% of the time unless they are very very rewarding, because time spent there is not worth it.
IGN - Slayonara
This are good paths to make changes :)

I still would love to have AN hp multipliers lowered tho.

I don't like loot goblin philosophy, I would preffer enemies to drop 5 times 1 stack of currency rather than 5 stacks at once. Like it's way more fun when enemies drops loot from time to time and not whole loot at the same time.

Also I don't like philosophy that rares are basicaly the most important monsters on map. I would love to see them nerfed by 50% (even if this would mean -70% in terms of items from them). I want to see loot spread across whole map and every content.

I don't juice maps, alch and go style so loot nerfs doesn't hurt me too much but as I stated previously I don't like all drop at one time.

And dear GGG, please implement loot 2.0 (from talismans, they were absolutly amazing) for rare items. It's really hard for me to get good items and I'm the dude that picks items from ground and ID them.

Also please make rare tiles in lake less rare... I don't know if they even exist for me xD
Last edited by XeitPL#5165 on Aug 31, 2022, 5:20:13 AM
Well GGG thank you to start with! It seems you are starting to listen to your players.

However, there is yet no mention of Headhunter. The belt is in a bad state still due to the lack of mods and rare mobs.

We are planning to buff Tainted Currency.
Beyond is garbage now?

Spawning one giant ZUG ZUG boss in a map isn't Beyond, it's just garbage!

We are also aware of the feedback around loot in Path of Exile overall and will continue to discuss and monitor this situation.

The situation is BAD! there is no incentive to juice maps. Without altars like no loot drops. Unless you find a good loot goblin "1 in 2000 chance".

The most fun I have had in this game was the 4 days before 3.19, where I farmed a ton of divines running beyond for 6 links. Those days are lost forever it seems. Now we get some garbage ZUG ZUG boss for beyond? No, it's rubbish!

You are starting to listen though GGG thanks for pushing the game back to where we want it. I look forward to seeing more posts like this and praying the game is a bit better before the weekend, as 3 weekends in a row of the game being bad is just disappointing.

Thanks again GGG, getting there :)
why are you ignoring the situation with Gifts for the Labs?
👉Labyrinth enchant service, PM in game! 👈
this_name_already_exists wrote:
We are planning to limit the number of Archnemesis mods that can spawn on certain rare monsters. For example, those that spawn additional monsters in boss fights and those that can't drop items.

That's not the problem. The mods in certain combinations completely invalidate certain builds. Also half of the mods are cancerous. Extremely high block on a white mob with ward? Why is that a thing? Volatile dead mechanics again? I thought we agreed that they weren't fun. Since you're not going to admit that rng Archnemesis mods were a bad idea(like the entire point was to design a difficult rare, what you have now are more like rogue metamorphs), you'll have to either nerf them to a point where they are irrelevant or you'll have to completely redesign them to a point where they no longer resemble what they were during the league.

We are aware of feedback around Harvest crafts but don't have any commentary on this yet.

Just remove it entirely. Have Chris write up another 40 paragraph essay on hoe you guys tried to implement Harvest in a healthy way but couldn't. Dude's on fire right now.

Seriously, just remove it. Since you absolutely gutted the desired crafts and more or less replaced them with fractured items(at least in trade), removing harvest entirely, in my opinion, is the best thing to do. It's either going to be the best crafting option or it will be trash in comparison with other crafting mechanics. And since you don't want it to be the best crafting option...

We are aware of feedback around Minion survivability and are making it so that certain monster auras and debuffs, such as the Rejuvenating and Executioner mods, do not apply to minions.

But you play tested it and concluded it was fine??? Meme's aside, those mods are cancerous for players too.

We're making improvements to how Lightning Mirages from the Storm Strider modifier spawn by increasing their cooldown and making them spawn close to the player but not right on top, so that builds that hit multiple times in quick succession are not swarmed by Lightning Mirages.

You could also make them not do 15k+ damage on top of having shock and scale with AoE on maps. Just saying.

There are other changes coming which you can see in the upcoming patch notes. This does not signal the end of all changes to come, merely the areas we have decided on at time of writing. We will let you know as more things come down the pipeline. Thanks for your continued feedback.

I mean this is damage control and you as a company seem to be completely blindsided by the negative feedback. This league is already dead. Figure out what you want to do, make a proper patch 2-3 weeks from now and have the players play test your proposed changes. What you're doing right now is changing bolts and nuts on a wreck that should be scrapped.

best feedback ever! props to you Sir!
Finally !

Juste like that, sometimes i meet monster archnem take no damage with my ok tier build corrupting fever...
Lilac lily anemone and roses to you GGG
Loot is fine.
Archnemesis is not fine, MF is not fine
Divine/Exalted changes is not fine
Harvest is not fine.
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.

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