Following up on Recent Feedback

xMebbox wrote:
Positive Feedback for once:

I think harvest is in a completely fine state right now.

Its functionality has changed significantly from what it was before, and it seems people just cant let go of the old overpowered harvest.

I'm specced into harvest and have used it for so many things that I cannot get any other way. But of course those things aren't as powerful as they were before, which is completely fine. It is still strong.

I don't see any need to give harvest its old crafts back, like reroll prefixes. Especially now with the tradeable lifeforce.

Keep it up, I am enjoying the league very much after the initial tuning 👍

since when is being non rng being overpowered?! holy shit this state of mind is insane! there is no problem with bricking an item with weeks of investment but deterministic crafting is "overpowered" ..

edit: i cant even say what i want cause it gets deleted or i am getting banned!

but seriously why is ggg not being able to letting us craft in an arpg?!?!?
Last edited by Erkhan1#6334 on Sep 2, 2022, 4:06:19 PM
We understand that there is a call for us to bring those crafts back but it isn't really possible while allowing Harvest to remain tradeable.

This is just flatly untrue. "Isn't really possible" only refers to your unwillingness, not any serious technical barriers.

Harvest crafts were already fully tradeable with TFT AND/or the Trade channel. Itemizing Harvest has been a great idea in terms of lowering the potential to get scammed, but otherwise it didn't really make things "easier" for players in trade league.

If you want to add some of the removed harvest crafts while making them more expensive relative to current harvest crafts I'd at least understand that it's intended for balance. But completely removing crafts that were critical to the workflow of making many if not most top tier crafted items is a huge nerf to everyone's character power--not just to the Harvest mechanic itself. The best items are now dramatically more rare because of additional crafting RNG, and correspondingly more expensive, IF they exist at all.

Short of the "reforge keep __fix" crafts, at the very least you could add crafts for "annul a suffix" and "annul a prefix" so that hitting 3 affixes during a reforge doesn't block the ability to use the "reforge keep ___fix" bench craft. Or maybe make it possible to imprint one set of affixes on a rare (e.g. imprint all prefixes lets you reset the item to just the current prefixes removing all suffixes). Or do something else similar so that once you've gotten all the prefixes OR suffixes you want, there are ways to continue to try to improve the item without completely bricking it.

This is even affecting those of us who rarely reach a level of wealth where we can afford to do serious crafting during a league. I no longer have aspirational goals for building up to crafting a fancy double influenced rare, because the increased number of points where you have to completely start over from scratch on a failure means the cost is easily 10x what it was last league.
Whi not sai it direkt u dont vana nev ppl , and u dont vana cazoal ppl . U vana onli u vhale and that all , u make game dam hard and muve all lot in 14+ map gread u have u pervfekt game U and dam strimer vho have no life . And stop delete coment on ppl u have no shame ruin dam legue and u stil posting bulshit
Thanks for the update. Don't cave, Chris <3
hello chris, maybe u play some acts before making leagues? thanks for making game more shitiest
AhuraFortunata wrote:
On that note, how the fuck do you even get implicit mods on jewels now? Pre-craft and post-craft. Correct me if Im wrong here, but Harvest was the only way to get jewel implicits reliably, and now we cannot AT ALL.

You can close your Eyes and Vaal Orb your Jewel. Then enjoy your bricked Jewel when you open them again.

I dont get why Chris and his developer team love RNG so much.

I enjoyed Harvest as it came out as League at most. Even the garden building was brilliant IMO.

In Harvest i played multiple Characters, even until two weeks to the end of the league. I love deterministic crafting as a lot of other players, because you can work toward something for yourself.

And now? I quitted after my first map, and have to say that I only got so far because i leveled with a friend. Whitout him i would have quitted after Act 5 or something because of this horrible AN modifier System. Not to talk about the nerf after nerf after nerf leagues, where player power was getting worse until we got to this, the lowest point right now. No fun allowed seems to be a part of the concept too.

Im 3500 hours into this game btw. so you can tell i love(d) it at some point.

Back to Harvest:
As it is so overpowered for their vision to trade this crafts off to other players, the solution is so simple as mentioned here quite often now. Make harvest crafts non tradeable and let us craft our own Items as we want them.

After you craft an Item with Harvest Craft make them non tradeable in the market, so only you can use them for example...

But yeah nothing will happen and the RNG Fiesta will bring this game to its end in some Months.

My Support and playtime has also ended, and will return no time soon i think.
Last edited by sowozup#5533 on Sep 2, 2022, 4:33:52 PM
AhuraFortunata wrote:
Cant say much about meta crafting, but my one qualm is why removed the jewel implicit craft?

I dont get it, GGG think jewel implicit is too op or what? If that is the case, they could easily stealth nerf it via weights, why then removed it altogether. On that note, how the fuck do you even get implicit mods on jewels now? Pre-craft and post-craft. Correct me if Im wrong here, but Harvest was the only way to get jewel implicits reliably, and now we cannot AT ALL.

Basically, we now have LESS CHOICES, and same grind, if not even more grind than before. People dont mind the grind, that Im sure, but at least give us goals to do so.

Obviously you just slam your 5 divine Cluster jewel with a Vaal Orb and pray to RNGesus, duh.

I like to imagine my Exile rubbing the jewel and orb together like a caveman trying to invent fire.
Last edited by Verdale#4745 on Sep 2, 2022, 4:34:46 PM
Could of swore in your post 2 hours befor this one you said tainted currency buff, yet no mention of it anywhere here? Are you guys just saying stuff to make people happy then just pretend like it was never said??? I cant imagine changing the tainted back to 50/50 cant be much more work then chaning 1 value on python like program yet, there still is no change.
titandi wrote:
Could of swore in your post 2 hours befor this one you said tainted currency buff, yet no mention of it anywhere here? Are you guys just saying stuff to make people happy then just pretend like it was never said??? I cant imagine changing the tainted back to 50/50 cant be much more work then chaning 1 value on python like program yet, there still is no change.

lies and deception!
Harvest bruh

Eldritch currency only works for 4 slots, and the rest?
Last edited by Olendoirus#1418 on Sep 2, 2022, 4:55:19 PM

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