I know this is not a bug but a feature but could you rethink your decision to remove Winter's Bounty? Hit-based Cold Snap is pretty much dead without it because I don't see a real way to generate frenzy charges quickly enough on bosses. Maybe I'm missing something though...
The league mechanic is great btw. I think it's ok for it to be punishing and not every build needs to be able to do all content well. The only critic I agree with so far is that melee gets punished too hard and it's already an archetype that gets the short end of the stick in pretty much every area of the game.
Take this with a grain of salt because I have not progressed to high level content yet. However, I think it's too soon to talk about nerfs. It would be very sad if you nerfed it now and in 2 weeks, when people have become better, they just breeze through every sanctum run.
Posted byfadekill#2729on Dec 11, 2022, 5:37:00 PM
Somehow i cant see the bug where vaal flicker crashing the instance and makes u lose the map
Posted byata191#3573on Dec 11, 2022, 5:37:02 PM
So I can't give an honest assessment of the league without my post being deleted?? Can I say it's not enjoyable?
Posted by60x7#2399on Dec 11, 2022, 7:55:54 PM
Sup Community_Team, just want to say this live update format is very cool and I hope it does help the dev team as much as it helps the players know whats up
The pale flame of his heart disappeared in his azure reflection.
The work of a life.
Ambitious, and unfinished.
Posted bylindre002#2361on Dec 11, 2022, 8:05:17 PM
Is the fix for Soul Mantle going to be only for that item, or are hexes from sources that can die going to remain this way all league?
Posted byEvildeathcrab#0614on Dec 11, 2022, 8:06:35 PM
Pleasssssssssss fix olroth i miss xxx divine right now
Posted byAlmaz2201#5168on Dec 11, 2022, 8:09:28 PMBanned
GGG has added a mod that "Reflects [elemental] ailments". Not sure if the intended behaviour is as it currently stands, but with 78% cold res, I just got frozen for the full 3 seconds. It seems to reflect the ailment including ailment value/duration that the enemy target receives instead of being based on your own resistances and ailment reductions.
Posted byEzces2Ezces#5564on Dec 11, 2022, 9:02:41 PM
fadekill wrote:
The league mechanic is great btw. I think it's ok for it to be punishing and not every build needs to be able to do all content well. The only critic I agree with so far is that melee gets punished too hard and it's already an archetype that gets the short end of the stick in pretty much every area of the game.
Main problem is account binded sanctified relics.
Posted byPeaceWa1ker#6385on Dec 11, 2022, 10:00:55 PM
@Bex_GGG I do appreciate the effort you've put into this thread. May I put my own feedback?
I am a fan of the timestamps and the strikethroughs. However, I would prefer if the updates were formatted a bit more, because the way it is, it's a heterogeneous mixture of updates, bug notices, and clarifications.
Instead of:
1500 - We've gone through your feedback regarding picking up Aureus Coins and will make the following improvements in a future patch/hotfix:
We're slightly reducing the delay before Aureus Coins can be picked up
We're slightly increasing the pickup and attraction range of Aureus Coins
1350 - The following bugs should be fixed in a hotfix later today:
Vaal Flicker Strike and Vaal Cleave sometimes causes crashes - Fixed.
Delirium isn't pausing while in the Sanctum - Fixed.
We've also investigated a few Hex related reports and can conclude the following:
We clarified earlier that Curses would expire when you die, however we should have further clarified that this behaviour also applies to anything that dies/expires after applying a Curse. This means that Traps with Curses are currently working as intended.
When a Hex under the effect of Cursed Ground would be consumed via Hexblast, the curse is not reapplied. This matches behaviour with things such as Lightning Conduit with shocks from Skitterbots and is also how it would have worked with the old Doomsday keystone passive. While this is the intended behaviour, we may revisit its mechanics in the future.
Hexblast consumes the Hex with the lowest duration remaining. For Cursed Ground, the Hex lasts as long as the ground does so it effectively has no duration for this case.
Can we have this?:
1500 Anticipated Changes - We've gone through your feedback regarding picking up Aureus Coins and will make the following improvements in a future patch/hotfix:
We're slightly reducing the delay before Aureus Coins can be picked up
We're slightly increasing the pickup and attraction range of Aureus Coins
1350 Completed Bugfixes
Vaal Flicker Strike and Vaal Cleave sometimes causes crashes - Fixed.
Delirium isn't pausing while in the Sanctum - Fixed.
Clarifications We've also investigated a few Hex related reports and can conclude the following:
We clarified earlier that Curses would expire when you die, however we should have further clarified that this behaviour also applies to anything that dies/expires after applying a Curse. This means that Traps with Curses are currently working as intended.
When a Hex under the effect of Cursed Ground would be consumed via Hexblast, the curse is not reapplied. This matches behaviour with things such as Lightning Conduit with shocks from Skitterbots and is also how it would have worked with the old Doomsday keystone passive. While this is the intended behaviour, we may revisit its mechanics in the future.
Hexblast consumes the Hex with the lowest duration remaining. For Cursed Ground, the Hex lasts as long as the ground does so it effectively has no duration for this case.
Posted by2ne8#0028on Dec 11, 2022, 10:32:17 PM
We've also investigated a few Hex related reports and can conclude the following:
-We clarified earlier that Curses would expire when you die, however we should have further clarified that this behaviour also applies to anything that dies/expires after applying a Curse. This means that Traps with Curses are currently working as intended.
-When a Hex under the effect of Cursed Ground would be consumed via Hexblast, the curse is not reapplied. This matches behaviour with things such as Lightning Conduit with shocks from Skitterbots and is also how it would have worked with the old Doomsday keystone passive. While this is the intended behaviour, we may revisit its mechanics in the future.
-Hexblast consumes the Hex with the lowest duration remaining. For Cursed Ground, the Hex lasts as long as the ground does so it effectively has no duration for this case.
First: Stop saying that everything " working as intended "its not funny at all, traps never work this way and you guys know it, stop this madness and fix HexBlast problem pls!
Second: What the point of Cursed Ground if its just worse SelfCast varient at that point? Isn't this gem not created to work in synergy with Hexblast and re-apply curses over and over again? Cursed Ground is useless "Put two steps into selfcast to get nothing in return?", no thanks.
Third: Again Cursed Ground, why it has no Duration, what the point of it?
Working as intended - Working as intended - Working as intended> =D
Posted bySkileto2#4444on Dec 11, 2022, 11:00:16 PM