Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

maxtraxv3 wrote:
jewel is useless, if you cant stun bosses who would use stun? no one, becuase it would break there build, it would have to be a major part of there build, but it doesnt work on bosses so what would be the point of lose alot of power on boss?

and the new card for talisman? why isnt talisman removed from the game yet?
it doesn't provide any thing good.

Bro you can't read or smthng?xD
You can stun bosses and you can be stunned by bosses, and card is not for talisman

GGG said they don't like reddit, but amount of shit here on forum is like much worse
(mb i think so because i don't browse reddit too much)
self stun build log in dood
"no view is wider than the eye"
alex_disp wrote:

Any sane player would try to get stun avoidance in one form or another, for the simple matter that default stun duration is 350ms and you will only recover life for the hit that stunned you, you can get hit multiple times during these 350ms and these hits will deal full damage to you. Imagine 4 Shaper balls flying at your face - 1st one stuns you, you get 55% less damage from it(wow great!) aaand then the next 3 destroy you while you're standing stunned like a fool(also elder slams you at the same time).

Are you sure of this ? (genuine question)

From the wiki I saw pinnacle bosses can't be stunned while stunned, but nothing about such stat for players. Also, the fact that Cast when Stunned cd is lowered to 0,1s looks like you can be stunned more than once per 350 ms
PoitelMarto wrote:
alex_disp wrote:

Any sane player would try to get stun avoidance in one form or another, for the simple matter that default stun duration is 350ms and you will only recover life for the hit that stunned you, you can get hit multiple times during these 350ms and these hits will deal full damage to you. Imagine 4 Shaper balls flying at your face - 1st one stuns you, you get 55% less damage from it(wow great!) aaand then the next 3 destroy you while you're standing stunned like a fool(also elder slams you at the same time).

Are you sure of this ? (genuine question)

From the wiki I saw pinnacle bosses can't be stunned while stunned, but nothing about such stat for players. Also, the fact that Cast when Stunned cd is lowered to 0,1s looks like you can be stunned more than once per 350 ms

I'm not 100% sure but I think this is how it works judging by the chainstun mechanic. So if you get hit many times you have these 0.35s intervals where you're standing and then a brief moment where you try to move but can't. If stuns stacked you would be standing whole time, so I suppose you can't get another instance of stun while already stunned. You can get stunned right after stun duration on you ended though.

You can stack stun duration reduction and get it lower, so instead of getting stunned 3 times per second you can get stunned 10 times, that's why they lowered CWS gem. But anyway, you can't really move or do anything while stunned and usually in endgame bossfights standing still will kill you, even with 55% damage reduction. because, for example, the jewel does not affect damage over time, so you're gonna eat those Maven or Shaper pools while standing stunned.

Upd: there may be a synergy with Glancing blows. When you block a stunning hit you will still be stunned briefly(block animation) and take 65% damage, then you reduce that damage even further. But stun is still chance based so a hit that damages you for 40% of your HP can roll to be non-stunning and jewel will not trigger.
Last edited by alex_disp#4958 on Apr 5, 2023, 10:56:41 AM
stun and stun duration is fact right on the wiki page.

350ms base stun, which is quite a long time as Alex pointed out. During that time you cannot be stunned again, but you would still take full damage. The jewel would only be useful against single big hits. The reverse of armor. And in order to effectively use it, you need to not be immune to stun or avoid stun in any way. Which, in itself, is a far more dangerous prospect imo.
Last edited by jsuslak313#7615 on Apr 5, 2023, 11:30:47 AM
will i get banned if i say "stun deez nutz haha gottem" ?? asking for a friend
maxtraxv3 wrote:
jewel is useless, if you cant stun bosses who would use stun? no one, becuase it would break there build, it would have to be a major part of there build, but it doesnt work on bosses so what would be the point of lose alot of power on boss?

and the new card for talisman? why isnt talisman removed from the game yet?
it doesn't provide any thing good.

Read the jewel:
x% of Damage taken...

You don't take damage when you stun enemies.

Thus this jewel is incoming damage prevention as long as it does not 1 shot you and is a hit that stuns YOU.
Egyrt98 wrote:
GGG said they don't like reddit, but amount of shit here on forum is like much worse
(mb i think so because i don't browse reddit too much)

The problem isn't the quality of garbage posted on reddit, it's the quantity of people that all agree to said garbage.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Momentum - nice joke, GGG. Onslaught was much better on start

Onslaught - killing enemies almost permanent 3s 20% boost (1lvl), U dont think about hit someone =
U run, u kill group of monsters, after 4-6 sec(0-2 sec without buff) killing next several groups and so on

Momentum - you should hit STANDING enemies ot channel ( cyclon in 2023?) . So then only 2s buff, but 75%(or <40%??? I dont know 1lvl bonuses, introduced 20lvl gem 20% qual) boost for 5 hits while stading =
U run, u kill monsters but u deal not 5 hits, usually only 1-2, after 2 sec u lost 15-30%(dont know bonuses for 1lvl gem) boots(3-5 sec without buff)
might be good with move. skills - leap slam, shield charge ond so on but gaining maximum 1 momentum of 5

On active skills <- worse (less duration, need hits rare mosters which slowdown running)
on movement skills -> better then attack speed/onslaugh, might be good movement skill+ AS+ momemntum if works
Last edited by KoTLIIpeguHrePa#6752 on Apr 5, 2023, 3:04:41 PM
Nice :D

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