3.21.2b Patch Notes

Sunyata_ wrote:
ziipher wrote:

again, go post in technical. There are less than 100 people currently posting in technical that there is a problem.

Technical support is for people who need *support*. Players don't need support becaue they can't do anything about the game's rendering engine. There's nothing for people to ask, your assessment is wrong.

ziipher is a troll. this patch clearly came with issues that can't be fixed by 'troubleshooting'
ziipher wrote:

go ahead, look.

I am currently doing maps. Not having any issues. Using alchs for everything.

again, go post in technical. There are less than 100 people currently posting in technical that there is a problem.

Could you please link a imgur of a completed simulacrum or juiced up t16 map that you did? And also while you are at it make sure to display the in-game fps option and on what character you did it. I believe these tasks won't be a problem for such a high skilled player like yourself.
Last edited by Rex_Inferno#1061 on Jul 30, 2023, 10:30:35 PM
ziipher wrote:

go ahead, look.

I am currently doing maps. Not having any issues. Using alchs for everything.

again, go post in technical. There are less than 100 people currently posting in technical that there is a problem.

Bro. please stop typing in here. You are a clown.

League is dead, 90% of players are not playing and there is still 3-4+ pages of complaints in a ROW at the Bug Reports section for CPU performance. Here is the link since you keep mentioning "Technical Support", so you clearly have no idea what you are looking for: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports

You have no problems with patch? Post a video of you doing 80% Deli map with Harbingers, Beyond & Headhunter on a projectile based character or stop typing. Nobody has problems doing T1 maps on a Ground Slam Champion doing 1 attack per second. You can shoot 85 projectiles per second with Vengeant Cascade? then we have an FPS problem, when it worked fine the last patch.

41 Attacks per second with 15+ projectiles each attack. 615 proj per second.

Post vid or stop talking.

Last edited by Arkuza#1885 on Jul 31, 2023, 4:28:26 AM
Arkuza wrote:
ziipher wrote:

go ahead, look.

I am currently doing maps. Not having any issues. Using alchs for everything.

again, go post in technical. There are less than 100 people currently posting in technical that there is a problem.

Bro. please stop typing in here. You are a clown.

League is dead, 90% of players are not playing and there is still 3-4+ pages of complaints in a ROW at the Bug Reports section for CPU performance. Here is the link since you keep mentioning "Technical Support", so you clearly have no idea what you are looking for: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports

You have no problems with patch? Post a video of you doing 80% Deli map with Harbingers, Beyond & Headhunter on a projectile based character or stop typing. Nobody has problems doing T1 maps on a Ground Slam Champion doing 1 attack per second. You can shoot 85 projectiles per second with Vengeant Cascade? then we have an FPS problem, when it worked fine the last patch.

41 Attacks per second with 15+ projectiles each attack. 615 proj per second.

Post vid or stop talking.

I'm honestly just curious to see how low this soyboy goes
Rex_Inferno wrote:

I'm honestly just curious to see how low this soyboy goes

Lol, his highest level character is like in the 70s or something. Probably doing T1 maps with a Threadripper and claims he has no issues when this exists

Example 1:

Example 2:
Last edited by Arkuza#1885 on Jul 30, 2023, 10:49:24 PM
Arkuza wrote:
Rex_Inferno wrote:

I'm honestly just curious to see how low this soyboy goes

Lol, his highest level character is like in the 70s or something. Probably doing T1 maps with a Threadripper and claims he has no issues when this exists

Example 1:

Example 2:

There's even the dev guy from this recent Exilecon as an example that showcased a fire projectile active skill, i believe it was volcanic fissure or something else. Having performance drops in a 4090 mid the showcase in a chill map without monsters and stuff.
Last edited by Rex_Inferno#1061 on Jul 30, 2023, 10:56:18 PM
Rex_Inferno wrote:
Arkuza wrote:
Rex_Inferno wrote:

I'm honestly just curious to see how low this soyboy goes

Lol, his highest level character is like in the 70s or something. Probably doing T1 maps with a Threadripper and claims he has no issues when this exists

Example 1:

Example 2:

There's even the dev guy from this recent Exilecon as an example that showcased a fire projectile active skill, i believe it was volcanic fissure or something else. Having performance drops in a 4090 mid the showcase.

Yeah. I saw a lot of stuttering at the exilecon showcase, lmao.
Post a video of you doing 80% Deli map with Harbingers, Beyond & Headhunter on a projectile based character

I ran a 40% delirious map with Ice Shot and 4 Manaforge triggers, with no issues. Once I moved the PoE shader cache to my SSD and set the size of the NVidia shader cache to Unlimited, my maps have been fine. However, I keep checking this thread, because standing next to another player in the Rogue Harbor sends my latency through the roof. If I stand on the other side of the Rogue Harbor, it gets a lot better.
ziipher wrote:
lordzelzard wrote:
ziipher wrote:

Looking over the page there are less than 100 people posting to GGG about their technical problems.

Weird right? You would figure the support page would have threads with 50+ pages if it was affecting a large group of people. I guess no one really wishes to have their client working as they need it to be.

this guy is HILARIOUS!
theres plenty of people here complaining about the problem.
theres even a guy in a guild with 140 people claiming that MAJORITY of them suffers from the same problem....and yet

ziipher: nuh uh.They wont make another patch because 99.9% of the base have no issues.

it really baffles me.
i thought people who played POE are good at math as well.
well....i guess thats not always the case.LOL!

I am not a troll, and if that person was speaking the truth about having issues, they should be posting in technical support.

They arent. I can see technical support just as you can.

There are very few people posting.

So someone is lying and it isnt me.

I do not doubt that you have issues, but complaining that its the patch and not something on your end is the issue here.

also, how many is plenty? Majority who have posted in here havent posted a second time as they most likely fixed their game.

Technical support, as i said, has very few posts about people having problems.

holy moly!
level 85!!!!!!!!!
and with items less than 2 div??????
and you claimed that you didnt have any performance issues because youre still in white maps?????


O dear lord.
this is hilarious.
i doubt youre even doing 8 mod fully juiced deli map,but,hey,what do i know,right?
i guess we need to bow down to your 'expertise'.
ok,go back and play your white map,buddy.
you still have 18 days to farm and upgrade your item.its pretty shitty tbh.
Ye, I need a new PC, but going from zero crashes to not finishing an act without a couple is something else.

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