3.21.2b Patch Notes

Allow us to CHOOSE to use the old engine if we want. Done, problem solved and everyone is happy.
This is absolutely hilarious to me.

This patch addresses nothing.

The game is still unplayable for many.

My specs:

Radeon RX 6500XT
Ryzen 5 5600G

Three days ago the game was perfectly smooth. Now it's a complete cluster####

I know my system isn't top of the line, but this is a 12 year old game. Give me a freakin' break.
Last edited by ADStrafe#7486 on Jul 26, 2023, 10:11:47 PM
Cybersonic1234 wrote:
Murmuüre wrote:
i7-12700 + RTX 3070Ti many lags and overall worse performance on new poe engine.

Please tell me youre joking im perfectly fine with an i7 9th gen and a 1070


This is my specs in my other PC made for gaming, for me this is enough. Never had a fuckin game use almost all the VRAm of my gpu.
Last edited by Rex_Inferno#1061 on Jul 26, 2023, 10:32:24 PM
The game is still a stuttering, unplayable mess for me. I can't even run around my hideout w/out dropping 20-30 fps constantly. The performance graph is volatile. No, it is not the shaders loading. I've tried every combination of graphics settings and recommendations from all the forums I could find. I also did all the steps in the troubleshooting guide. I even restarted my computer.

GTX 1080
16gb RAM
Raxefal wrote:
Allow us to CHOOSE to use the old engine if we want. Done, problem solved and everyone is happy.

Unfortunately it won't work like that. They need new engine to be able to construct better vfx and other post processing effects, to keep to modern graphics standards. Meaning old particle engine will likely be incompatible with new effects they add/convert from old effects.

So while I also got fps and graphical issues here for the first time since getting new pc, we are stuck with new engine, and can only wait for actual fix.
Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Jul 26, 2023, 10:23:59 PM
AintCare wrote:

So this meme of poe1=poe2 is actually true?

Edit: imagine Blizzard making d2 into d3, and not d2+d3

Yes, to an extent. Increase in system requirements is inevitable, to support heavier assets. Right now real problem is that even UFO-grade pc's run with poor performance. As for lower-end systems, it was a matter of time before they are phased out.
Was expecting a hotfix for performance or something but guess not lol
Thank you guys for the updates for this awesome game :)
Guess we just have to be patient.
Still getting stuttering and stuff..

6650xt / ryzen 5-3600 / 32 gb ram /windows 11
According to poe.ninja: 0.1% players use cobra lash :)
AintCare wrote:

So this meme of poe1=poe2 is actually true?

As memey as it sounds, always has been.

No enough graphics sliders on the options because "streamers may choose game performance over game looking good", or because hacky workarounds like Delve shadows.

They implement performance upgrades that seem not to be working in all renderers.

It's sad, but welp, seems easier to "convince" people to gaslight and shame players here and in Reddit that to solve the problem they caused.
Ah the good times, when i used to open POE afk sell/trade hideout simulator while watching a series and/or playing another game.
Last edited by Rex_Inferno#1061 on Jul 26, 2023, 10:35:51 PM

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