What Will Happen When Affliction League Ends

Such an L post. Why create artificial scarcity by not adding this extremely high variance item to core? Why reward price gouging and hoarding? Why prevent many twwt combinations from ever existing? Awful design. Pretending we care about standard power creep after crucible is insane.
Glad to hear from the sound of it That Which Was Taken is going core at least!
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
madmessiah wrote:
ClumsyParasite wrote:
RIP to the best league of all time. I’m sure it will be followed by another absolute banger.


its one of the worst leagues for sooo many reasons... just cuz its provided shit ton of currency doesnt mean it was best.. there was nothing and i mean nothing interesting about league mechanic besides shit ton of currency...

Different people like different things, just because you find it bad doesn't mean everyone does... tons of people have an a blast playing this league.

i didnt say they didnt had fun but they had fun cuz of shit ton of loot ... no one absolotely no one liked the mechanic behind it tho... like why would they you have to go woods to gather shit to play the map...
Banger league this season!

Thank you GGG for always putting in amazing work. My fiance and I had a blast this season. Learned more than ever, looted more than ever, made more toons then ever, and had a blast. I can't wait to see what we get next. The QoL things already will be a nice improvement.

Stay safe exiles! See you in the Necropolis!
Figured the ascendancies would be removed but was kind of hoping we'd get to keep our charms and such as a souvenir at least. Just something fun to link in a few years.
Ashriel wrote:
Glad to hear from the sound of it That Which Was Taken is going core at least!

"All Affliction exclusive uniques will be added to the core drop pool, except for That Which Was Taken (this change will happen in 3.24)."

We keep the ones we own I believe but it's not going core otherwise.
Do you really need to delete the charms we've paid a fortune of ingame currency to acquire???
Why not keep them as a trophy at least, like in the legacy league?

And does this mean that the wildwood ascendancies will never return?
But can't the league also come on standard?
She's too good

bye AfFliction, we'll miss you

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