What Will Happen When Affliction League Ends

Looking forward to the next league
We better get another expandable inventory item in Necropolis or we riot.
Very few leagues going core recently.
Getting tired of borrowed power.
Gotta keep the power creep while adding harder content to the end game:
T17-T20 maps and a boss at the end of it.
time for the slow slog grind for week or 2 till u just throw in the towel
Sure the best league doesnt go to core and ultimatum and synthesis did, the 2 worst leagues.
johnnysd wrote:
ClumsyParasite wrote:
RIP to the best league of all time. I’m sure it will be followed by another absolute banger.


I did not care for it at all. POE seems to be going more and more away from being ennjoyable for me.

Statistically speaking, you are the minority on that opinion. Affliction had the best retention rate in ages.
Affliction was the most fun I've had in ages!
so we getting a huge TWWT inflation on prices in standard?
or are they removed entirely?
What will happen to master missions we have in standard after Necropolis league launch?
I really loved this league. had lots of fun, but i keep constantly freezing in jucy maps, its shame for me :( hope can be fixed.
i want to subscribe

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