What Will Happen When Affliction League Ends

Bushido74 wrote:
How many players are in favor of these deleting items and ascendancies who even play standard? It in no way affects established players only those casual players that spent their efforts to make something decent for once. These charms never made the average player OP. What a dick move to alienate the novice struggling players GGG. I won't be back to play in the next league if all my efforts and time were spent for nothing. I just bought charms in trade to finish my build and enable others. I won't recommend this game to anyone else. GGG caters to the top 10% of a player base who don't even play standard. Why is this crap announced at the end of the league, knowing this I would have never played Affliction.

As someone who plays on Standard and in league (more on Standard but the ratio depends on league interest), I can offer at least one good reason for the decisions that are (unfortunately) bringing you and some others frustration.

I can say with a high degree of confidence that GGG doesn't make these decisions out of callous disregard for your sense of progress, accomplishment, or in-league acquisitions. On the contrary, I believe that the company has a high degree of respect for player accomplishments, which is challenged by their innovation in constantly bringing in new content, which itself adds new variables to the equation of the game. Each decision with respect to what stays and what does not is looked at from a standpoint of maintaining balance with consideration of the extant and new variables.

Consider this: The sought-for balance is one in which the range of player power in both Standard and league should be confronted with challenging content at any position in that range, if possible. Players on Standard have access to a galaxy of legacy items, with mods and mod-value ranges that are no longer obtainable, because their combination can (particularly if combined with league-only mechanics and items) be absolutely game-breaking...and what I mean by that is that it is possible to assemble combinations of skills and items which would render all game content minimally challenging (at best).

In league, players do not have access to those legacy items, but they do sometimes have access to new mechanics and items with offer a similar (albeit more limited in most cases), but temporary capacity to become extremely powerful. Affliction has been one such league.

The new ascendancies, along with the items they enable, are very strong. I'd go so far as to say that, without buffing all enemy content considerably, there would be no easy way to not "break" Standard's challenge curve, if the new ascendancies/ charms/ tinctures were to remain. In other words, we can't really have both (all of the legacy stuff plus all of the league-only power) on Standard. Even the TWWT jewel and single-use spectre corpses are quite powerful, and will enable builds that did not exist before in Standard...so, if you aren't too angry with the news, it might be worth getting some if you haven't already.
Last edited by MoonPeace#1394 on Mar 14, 2024, 11:34:58 PM
Totally disagree with you. There is no need for a strict balance on the standard. The standard should be a reflection of what players have achieved after spending hundreds and thousands of hours on the game. I don't see any problem with overbuffed and broken characters on standard. Balance is in the leagues, new content is in the leagues, achievements and rewards are in the leagues. So let players just have a chance to have fun and play an overbuffed character once in a while. What's wrong with that? If a player has spent thousands of hours on the game, he doesn't deserve it ? In my case GGG for the last couple of patches broke most of my characters on standard. They either became weak or not playable at all (Hello Vortex). Is this a good result of investing my time in the game ?
ClumsyParasite wrote:
RIP to the best league of all time. I’m sure it will be followed by another absolute banger.


I did not care for it at all. POE seems to be going more and more away from being ennjoyable for me.
Gid_PathofExile wrote:
Good Riddens Affliction!

MF should be good, but not this good.

Teir 7 endgame farming is lame. Most currency should come from T16/Bosses.

Also made all other currency making content trivial (besides mirror tier item crafting).

I made like 50% more Currency this league farming t16s than t7s.
The only reason why T7 was meta, was due lower Gear requirements to clear them.

So yes, you dropped the most currency this league from t16s.
madmessiah wrote:
ClumsyParasite wrote:
RIP to the best league of all time. I’m sure it will be followed by another absolute banger.


its one of the worst leagues for sooo many reasons... just cuz its provided shit ton of currency doesnt mean it was best.. there was nothing and i mean nothing interesting about league mechanic besides shit ton of currency...

Well the person enjoyed the league and so much they find it the best league.
You know it´s just an opinion, like yours this league wasn´t that great.

There will be never a league where EVERYONE will say: Yep, best league ever.
Thats just now how it works.

good changes. exactly same as i suppose they should be.
don't rely only on greedy comments here from ppl that want more and more and more.

personally i totally 100% agree with this migration. good job ggg
johnnysd wrote:
ClumsyParasite wrote:
RIP to the best league of all time. I’m sure it will be followed by another absolute banger.


I did not care for it at all. POE seems to be going more and more away from being ennjoyable for me.

good example that you cannot please everyone, this is an absolute best league ever in PoE, the fact you didn't enjoy it, means you don't enjoy PoE, it's that simple
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
So good stuff goes trash can again… No, I dont play “MF” character(s), I dont have mirrors and cant be happy about crazy inflation. I dont judge people who play to loot though. Good for them if they enjoy it. I enjoy wildwood itself, its strong mysterious vibes, very well-made unique monsters, mini bosses encounters, shrines, lore etc. I enjoy tenths of cool unique corpses you can use to create interesting builds. I enjoy wildwood ascendancies and especially wildwood rucksack. There are so many exciting things about Affliction league which arent about loot. Yeah, I do understand that you guys want to tame insane powercreep which wisps brought to the game. I dont understand why get rid of some decent amount of quality work you made for us… Because you dont want to balance it, right?
Best league ever! My 1st Mageblood. My 2nd 40/40 (will be soon) EZ 400 div extra which I dont know where to spend. all that with pretty much same relaxed playstyle

Please make something similar! People like juicy drops

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