Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

I guess PoE 2 killed PoE 1. Five years passed since Exilecon 2019. Heard that there will be PoE 4.0 anyway.

What is that 3.25? PoE 4.0 when?

I noticed that the recent leagues are having lower quality than before.

I guess the "boat" will go before PoE 4.0. As an Exile with the Original Sin, I don't mind PoE 2, but PoE 4.0 come on G66.

Actually screw this guys. The Exiles on the "boat" will be leaving soon. Get on the "boat" before it's too late!
Last edited by KingKaloyan on Jun 5, 2024, 4:01:32 PM
4 months league again Sadge
another 4 month league, how unexpected hoho

Hopefully not yet another or worse Path of Diablo III league.

The insane power creep needs to go
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jun 5, 2024, 4:45:37 PM
sad exile noises
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
Oh man , this league lives up to its name - NECROPOLIS !
Last edited by kory1979 on Jun 5, 2024, 5:12:30 PM
Where are the Events ?
Youre prolonging yet another league - it would be awesome if you added events.

LIke mayhem / flashback stuff like that, stuff thats not new doesnt require much to pulloff.
Talismannn wrote:
lol. FREE game. FREE expansions and yet.. people bitch and whine about timescales.

Constructive points about leagues I can understand. Devs needs feedback so they know what people like and don't like so it can be updated / altered. Constant bitching from the community however just drives them down and who wants to work in that shadow. We WANT the devs to be happy in their work so they do their best work. Kick them constantly and why should they bother about a community that does that.

yip. 4 month league before and EXPANSION. This is normal. its not a league,, its and expansion.

FREE - LOL.without money u cant compete with another players who have stash tabs. U even cant trade. Nice free, funny boy. PoE game about trade(ggg many times sayd this).
And we WANT good game(leagues) we NOT CARE about happy or not happy devs. Its theyr job, they get money for job.If they not like mark sayd "deal with it"
Last edited by Airbourne13 on Jun 5, 2024, 7:03:18 PM
The excitement just isn't there for me anymore. I'm ready to try POE 2 or the next big thing...
maybe we can pull some people off PoE 2 to get these back down to 3 months?
it would be a little more acceptable if leagues still didn't need 3 patches in the first week.

it feels frustrating spending money on supporter packs knowing most of the money is not going to the game i playing.
Last edited by DragonSound on Jun 5, 2024, 7:26:53 PM
I'd rather GGG took their time and released more polished content. An extra month gives a lot of time to refine mechanics.

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