Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

remove mark boberts bring Chris back!!! we are not buying support packs or lootboxes until boberts is leading game designer
too long, nothing to do. I advice to divide 2 part for 4 month. 2 month as a period
Airbourne13 wrote:
I'd rather GGG took their time and released more polished content. An extra month gives a lot of time to refine mechanics.

this league got 1 extra month. You like how it was?

I don't usually play the quarterly beta-tests.

But I do note patterns. People were screaming at GGG to take their time and do it right back when they were running their staff ragged on a 3 month release slate.

So they did.

Now a swarm of people are howling that it's taking too long to get them their dopamine hit.

Unpleasable fanbase indeed.

Well taking you time to polish your leagues is fine. But the leagues we get atm are not polished at all, we need 10 bugfix patches in the first 3 days nowadays.

Has nothing to do being unpleasable its just tedious having a broken league all the time with 4 month cycles...
Last edited by TayPoE on Jun 6, 2024, 3:28:29 AM
Performance is in a bad state, i may not have the best pc but still, getting worse. so maybe not going 40/40 this league.

that and necropolis corpse management is a disaster, would have needed a whole better UI and stash and whatnot.

have fun making the next league, see ya
Airbourne13 wrote:
I'd rather GGG took their time and released more polished content. An extra month gives a lot of time to refine mechanics.

this league got 1 extra month. You like how it was?

I don't usually play the quarterly beta-tests.

But I do note patterns. People were screaming at GGG to take their time and do it right back when they were running their staff ragged on a 3 month release slate.

So they did.

Now a swarm of people are howling that it's taking too long to get them their dopamine hit.

Unpleasable fanbase indeed.

Look, 3 months and a normal league, or 4 months and a terrible and boring league. Something's wrong, right?
worse league of all time
Usually i do not post that much, but i have to throw my 2 cents. I've joined in Ritual (Maven) and what a ride it was, got me addicted to this game like no other since UO.

What I really miss is the expansions and progression backstory, we have nothing since 3.17. No lore, no story, no development, just leagues without a context and most of them don't become core in any way, why? Because they have nothing to do with the storyline (if it exists anymore?). Seems now that every league is released to be exploited in some way by streamers and organized groups, we are not all at the same level anymore when you start a new league. The feeling of an ARPG is ruined by market manipulation and MF groups exploiters (if you play trade league like most of the community).

3 months league is the right formula, you got that right in the past, reducing resources because of POE2 and not being able to fullfill the Poe2 "expansion" to be released this year, now maybe with luck, as a new game, late in 2025? Not worth it most likely, at least for the devoted fans of POE1. Of course you will get a lot of new people coming from other franchisings.

Just to finalize, there could be a lot to talk about regarding 3.24, almost everyone here or on reddit/youtube have talked about it, but end game Atlas tree was a great addition to the game, probably one of the best recently, but, adding so many scarabs ruined that IMO, you don't even need the tree anymore for most of league mechanics. There are simply too many scarabs.

Stay sane exiles.

Well done GGG!

Best gaming company ever.

It's time to go see some blue sky or meet some humans irl. Our impatience is only proof of the quality that POE has provided us with for so many years.

You will have my support (discreet but permanent) again this next league.

Well done!
Necropolis was too short for me.
I just didn't want another magic find - oriented league.

Good things about Necropolis:
-the league mechanic is a step forward upgrading the crafting system;
-new mods on maps is generally very welcome;
-T17 maps with interesting fights is awesome;
-loot distribution around end game bosses was kinda necessary;
-the improvement of scarabs was great;
-the rework on the atlas tree was refreshing.

Bad things about Necropolis:
-incredibly silly and sort of unfinished design of the league crafting mechanic;
-another magic find league;
-economy shifted too much (again);
-too few new transfigured gems - I genuinely expected at least 25-30 new;
-no significant ascendancy changes - people are expecting a lot here;
-melee and physical builds keep receiving 0 love;
-still no automated trading/AH;
-still many wrong tooltips among items/skills/passives, etc.;
-the "Deal with it" was a disrespectful and unintelligent slap in the face.

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