The transition from CW to Mark & Jonathan is complete - This is a buff

1453R wrote:
It's not that there will be more or less currency in the market - hecc, if those Trading Venture screenshots were anything to go by, currency will be exploding from the optimancers' ears - it's the fact that currency bots will be able to corner the market on this stuff to a level never before seen by (PoE-playing) mankind. A single bot supplied with enough base currency could buy every single divine orb on the market in literally seconds and then resell them at whatever price they wished. The only control on this outside the gold cost will be a player's ability to supply their bot with chaos to buy divines with, and any flipper/UHV trader worth the name will make that a nonissue within an hour of setting up their divine-buyer bot.

Flippers, UHV traders, and botters will be able to accelerate the price development in a given league by orders of magnitude, and ordinary players will be left in the cold holding the bag for it. Unless - unless! - the gold cost is at precisely the correct sweet spot where it's trivial for ordinary players but debilitating for flippers who never actually play the game and UHV traders who make tens of thousands of trades a day.

It'd be fantastic if Grinding Gear nailed that sweet spot on the first try, but I honestly hold little hope of that. Bleh.

Actually, what you are worried about IS removal of divines on the market

You see, if bots buy every divine, that means divines are being removed from circulation and people are left with less divines, that would be why they could sell the divines for wathever price, less orbs on the market and theorical monopoly

But would people actually buy those overpriced divines? Speaking in pratical usage, divines are rather worthless outside metacrafting. And metacraft is barely used outside crafting on super high level. I know they will want to sell divines for 700c, but people will actually buy for that price?
Im rather skeptical, that would just make set divines as more valuable, people will buy stuff with just divines got from ships and stuff and item sellers will have to drop prices to move their stuff because people wont have as many divines in hand as they wont be buying them as much(even if simply because they are more expensive, thus people will be able to afford less of them)

And the guys buying them en mass? This type of market corner attempt happens every now and again, and what almost always happens is the would-be scamer being stuck with massive amounts of products they cant convert into cash(because, again... people will actually buy those overpriced divines?)
I hope you're right. Either way, better to see what the fallout will look like in a temporary league than as a permanent core feature of Path the Second from the outset. Here's hoping GGG can stick the landing.

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