Introducing the Currency Exchange Market

Mentoya wrote:
GGG probably doesn't make much money on Standard, so they could care less if the VERY SMALL Standard playerbase isn't happy. I don't blame them.

The amount of players within Standard is supposedly like 15 to 30% of the players.

Also to anyone asking for this in SSF, which I saw a few, please watch the video. It very quickly explains why it won't be in SSF. Also just watch the video in general, it is 5 minutes and will quickly answer most your questions.
Gold fee looks to high for me... and i am curious how it works when you play as a bosser ? Does Maven or other pinnacle bosses drop gold ?
is 105k gold a lot for 3k alts?
very very very nice
"Not for SSF".

Thats all i need to know.
Khenshiro wrote:
Finally an automated trade! We’ve needed it for years!

1. why not allow standard players to use it?

This system should not be league-only! Standard players also buy tabs and others... they also support you! This contempt for standard players is truly detestable.

2. There is a transaction limitation per day, this is perfect for avoiding bots. So question: Why also add a price in "gold" to farm to be able to do the transactions, it's ridiculous and it's just to disgust the players.

You have finally made a decision that many players have been waiting for a long time and you have found a way to ruin the idea.
We wonder if you didn't do it expressly to find excuses for people to hate it and thus be able to delete it as quickly as possible.

Your update is huge and has a lot of very nice ideas but this mania for sabotaging everything in each league is really incomprehensible.

1.) It's to prevent bots, as gold cannot be traded, prevents botting from automatic buy/sell price fixing. As well as mis-price sniping on a large scale, there will still be bots. Mostly active players who bot when they go to bed/work.

2.) There's no limitation per day, it's current active trades. So you can't have more than 10 different exchanges at once.

Also GGG doesn't care that much about Standard as it's <10% of the community.
The only people in standard league are the ones that want to abuse unbalanced things, or don't want to do the campaign ever again. Let the active league prove it's good for the game, then it'll come to standard. It's not like standard has gotten significant content additions in years, you can wait a bit longer.
Nice job!
Cool pog 10/10
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
Meit_Grigori wrote:
The amount of players within Standard is supposedly like 15 to 30% of the players.

This is for sure not the case. Players playing in standard are not affected by most changes in league, so they should be relativity flat line in player numbers. So retention in the league affects them way less. Turns out that is not the case and indicates that standard players are less than 5%.

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