Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Item Filter Information

Isn't filter info usually the last drop before the league?

Are we not getting a "new & changed gems" page?

How about *at least* the new gems? It's really hard to judge the retaliation gems from just the level 1 versions.
Hi GG, please explain how the market rate in currency exchange is calculated ?

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ NEVERSINK TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ
Is there going to be a new tier of Bone Helmet as well? I went through the itemization list, and couldn't find anything that would match it; but as a standard drop item, there should be a new tier of that as well ya?
No Crimson Temple? Remove Oil Extractor? Keep corpses? Remove quantity? Change for the sake of change. Unreasonable.
We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of Settlers of Kalguur.

Lol built in item filter. I wish.
Few Questions if its okay?

1. Are the rings from Lake of Kalandra (Dusk Ring, Penumbra Ring, Gloam Ring, Tenebrous Ring, Shadowed Ring) returning at all?
2. The Various Affliction Corpses are listed as "New" Items, versus returning items. Is this on purpose, or an accident?
3. Are any of the "Atlas" base-types going to be getting a new tier of armors?
Everything looks nice, and i'm looking forward to the league!

Ps, don't make poe 2 too easy pleasepleaseplease.

Everyone at the last couch play test said they felt bosses were easy..
Removed Items

Oil Extractor

That is incorrect. Oil Extractors have only been drop disabled not removed. Item filters with rules for "oil extractor" still work.

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