New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

GrayndZux wrote:
Really not a fan of how many skills lost flat added damage.

I think balancing around such skills is very much worth it for the game, where we'll have early league/SSF options that are less weapon reliant to scale.

I don't care if we have parity across the board, and maybe even want to avoid that and keep builds feeling distinct. I do however want to have options that feel good at every point of the game. The changes seem really good for expanding options between high end builds, but I think they may be hurting lower investment builds, and opportunities to use lower damage uniques with interesting effects.

I haven't done much theory crafting or calculating quality changes, so hopefully I'm just wrong and most builds will at worst fit added cold/lightning support and scale off those.

Yeah but as long as spells and other strange skills are not like D3/4 bad scaling it's still fine.
Whirling Blades

New: Attack Damage 314.5% of base
Old: Attack Damage 150% of base
New: Effectiveness of Added Damage 314%
Old: Effectiveness of Added Damage 150%
Hide Differences

New: Dive through enemies, dealing weapon damage. If dual wielding attacks with both weapons, dealing the damage of both in one hit. Only works with Daggers, Claws, and One-Handed Swords.

Did you guys forget to add *cannot be supported by multistrike* or it can be supported now?

Zeyhn wrote:
Will the 'Sublime Vision' jewel work with the banners? It does not currently since it has the aura tag, but now with the new version it is more of an active skill.

The Banner Effects are still Auras, just as Smite provides an Aura which does not benefit you any longer once you use Sublime Vision. Nothing will change about those interactions just because they don't reserve Mana.
Last edited by Ragganmore on Jul 24, 2024, 4:38:03 PM
Ragganmore wrote:
Nerfing Double Strike of Impaling into uselessness even before release. Damn. So now slotting regular Double Strike does 35% more damage than its Impale Version on an Impale Build.

Why do you expect transfigured gem to be better than regular in everything? It was never intended to be that way. If a new gem has more speed or convenience, then it is natural that it will have less damage. Transfigured is an alternative gem, not an improved one.
PoitelMarto wrote:

Well Eviscerate seems better as far as ailments are concerned, 1350% dmg effectiveness without less ailment damage.

By the numbers, yes, but it requires a specific weapon and shield.

Ignite with Fulcrum has a clear advantage in its duration and mobility. It is enough to get a block at least once and extend the ignite until the next block or cooldown. You can't do that with bleeding.
JMT wrote:

Did you guys forget to add *cannot be supported by multistrike* or it can be supported now?


They moved the reminder to Multistrike. It now says "cannot support travel skills".
QQPQ wrote:
JMT wrote:

Did you guys forget to add *cannot be supported by multistrike* or it can be supported now?


They moved the reminder to Multistrike. It now says "cannot support travel skills".

off :/ would of been fun.. thanks!
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
Bulwix257 wrote:
Why did you gut Double Strike of Impaling?

I was building around it daily in my POB since the patch notes dropped.

It numbers were not even that good, other melee skills are much stronger.

Can you please explain?

+1 on the theorycrafting part - it seems more like a meme dream to make an intended impale skill good for melee than just converting a non-impale one to simply a superior version.

Also, I think they "nerfed" it just because the bleed version had some flat phys dmg which they took out while the impale version didn't have any to begin with. It's funny that they will not let impale gems that are not exploitable with some cheesy gimmick to live a little. The impale clusters are also bad - ok, Brutal Skewering as a node is nice, but everything else is just dumpster for the amount of skill points you have to use.

Double Strike of Impaling itself feels horrible to play until you add +2/3 to strike targets & splash and even then the clear is odd since there's always a few mobs positioned perfectly to not get reflected impale damage. Gem swapping for bossing/mapping already shows a design flaw to the vanilla melee skills. The fact you are also forced to play a two hander to do decent damage with insane investment and close to no defense is also beyond me. There is no incentive to play this type of skill when the toll is so big.

I don't even want to start ranting on the removal of impale from dread banner - it only makes me sad to see this.

As much as I love theorycrafting unusable melee skills and impale specifically, again I feel forced to just stick in an impale support and just add some minimal investment to chance to impale and call it an "impale" build.

This is so far the best game I've played as it just gives me so much freedom to think and expand my ideas on builds, but why the only good builds need to be those exploiting the heck out of specific broken interactions.

Please, revisit impale as a mechanic, and make it work as it is intended for the skills that were designed to use it.

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