Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

No point in playing anymore. Evry1 gonna be killing bosses B4 we start.
I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game, cosmetics, coins, tabs, still they do the same Coupe every time, learn how to launch a game because it's becoming evident that you can not and it's fkn sad, an apologize isn't meaningful at this point, everyone finds you unhelpful, waste of time xxxxxx
Khiljaz wrote:
Last league you blamed a holiday, this league its Sony, the truth you don't really try hard on the weekend XD

I'd get fired from my job if I caused this kind of delay on a deadline and pissed off this many clients.

Don't forget, they set the deadline themselves!
Look it's one thing to keep us informed about the situation, it's another when you keep us blind for 8hrs and then come out with a statement with a indefinite time of start.. I took the weekend off and Monday and even gave up another game that'll lose my top 100 rank spot to play/race and here we are having to guess when the damn game will be playable ??? Come on ggg I've been playing since synth and never encountered anything like this. Hopefully you'll be able to make this horrendous league start up , thinking free gift boxes? Ps PLEASE TEST PATCHES ON BOTH CONSOLES BEFORE RELEASING. thanks -weigh
I'm watching Poe ninja. If 1 player hits 100 B4 keyboard fix I'm deleting game
Long__One wrote:
I'm watching Poe ninja. If 1 player hits 100 B4 keyboard fix I'm deleting game

pls, NO!)
You should already get used to the fact that every league has its first day of beta testing
I would think yall would know not to push an update on a Friday afternoon. Me and my buddies were joking all week about how confident/foolish yall must be to do this.

I was like surely with this many leagues under their belt they have it under control. Clearly I was the fool.
Last edited by GQueDeuce on Jul 26, 2024, 11:53:50 PM
Why buy supporter packs when you don't even test properly on the platform I play on? If this was crossplay the entire league would have been delayed.

I understand virtual keyboard failing, but I cant even type a character name with a Real USB keyboard. How?
Had $100 to spend on PoE or Diablo 4. Just bought the $89.99 D4 expansion. Oh well.

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