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It here
So after 8hours and a good sleep they still didnt do shit for consoles.

Im glad they deployed 4 hotfixes for PC. But console? Nah WE can wait another day or two.

Compensation for a fuck Up on GGGs Side? Hell nah but buy 90€ Supporter pack thank you! No Money from my Side again
Wow finally gz GGG thanks for good beta test :D
Hi, I've encountered an issue with league mechanic UI.

It's mostly unfunctional and in some cases even unplayable with 5:4 screen ratio aspect. I know it's not popular and I could change the resolution, however it's far from comfortable.
I don't remember any previous league UI that would have so limited functionality on non-widescreen ratios (such as clicking the Shipment button in Tujen's Shipping screen is impossible due to the Harbour "window" obscuring it's inputbox, Town Map panel has only Shipping button available, cause I believe the rest is obscured by sidebars), so I think it's a real issue. Also I don't remember the game clearly stating that 5:4 screen ratios are unsupported.

Therefore I humbly request for it to be fixed. I am in no position to demand anything like that, so I don't even expect to make it as comfortable as for 16:9 screens, but at least fully functional.

Thank you.

Of course I am switching the resolution as a workaround, but I hope not for too long.
Been stuck in Act 2 crashing every time I get to The Western Forest zone.


Reinstalled the game
Verified files
Tried D11
Tried D12
Tried Vulcan
Reset the zone dozens of times
Updated to all patches

This is the same machine I played the game on 2 years ago... and I've been hard stuck Act 2 for 5 hours.

Cannot load into the game after I went to Act 3 because it has soo many player idling there.

I was able to login once saw them, then game crashed.

can we do something and let people stop idling in the act's town? maybe if they idle get teleported to hideout or something????
Im disconecting every 10 mins bescause of to many actions :) so frustrating after so much tieme los
A big PS5 bug to report. Respec currently does not work if you're using Regrets. Respec with gold works fine
Game "not responding" after pressing "play" button in main characters menu (stuck at "The Sarn Encampment" loading screen for me. Any known workarounds?
AkutsuX wrote:
AkutsuX wrote:
Have they acknowledged this "too many actions too fast" issue? On any long zone I will be disconnected for this reason without fail. I have no macros running, and thus far have just sped through zones as fast as I could. But now on the Control Blocks I literally can't get to Casticus in time before the game kicks me, actually unplayable.

Self bump with what I've tested.

1.) zooming through the zone with quicksilvers and movement spells

can't make it to the end without the game kicking me.

2.) going through the entire zone only using left click move held down

game still kicks me for "too many actions"

3.) taking a "break" by not pressing any actions halfway through the map

might be just my perception being skewed but it felt like it let me stay in the zone for a longer total time, but still kicked me before i got to the end.

At this point I've probably tried to run through Control Blocks 15+ times now and am probably just gonna stop playing if this isn't addressed soon.

This is still happening, I've managed to narrow the issue down to:

If you hold down m1 to move for too long in one map it will eventually boot you for "too many actions", I circumvent this by binding move to a keypress and pressing it over and over instead of holding it.

While this works to avoid the issue, I'd rather hold m1 down to move and hope this gets fixed soon.

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