Recent Economic Abuse

Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
Playing the game as GGG designed it? You cant fault people for being clever and taking advantage of it
Fubgun RMT
Bug exploit is a bannable offense, they should be punished accordingly for abusing it to set an example. Do not allow these people ruin the game. The game should be played the way it's intended, it's not intended to find ways to abuse the game to systematically generate currency repeatedly.
sulix wrote:
What is there to discuss? This is just like Empy abuse in Ultimatum league. Just ban for the league and void the wealth generated by this.

I am not a big fan of comparing this case to Empy's. Well for multitude of reasons. First and foremost - Empy's group (iirc) used oversight in game mechanic which allowed them to effectively print infinite loot, limited only by hardware with 0 investment on their part. Second, i think Empy's case in my opinion had more to do with public backlash at the time, and not the aboos itself.
I am just happy that the devs are getting their hands on it! Go Neon!
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
AxiomOfAnarchy wrote:
Sounds like they simply made use of a combination of intended mechanics that worked a lot better together than GGG had anticipated; they didn't exploit a bug, obvious or otherwise. At most, the excess wealth from the mechanic should be rolled back.

Calling for them to be banned, permanently or otherwise, is a completely fucking insane response to this, on par with calling for someone to get the gas chamber for jaywalking.

100% this!
Simple2012 wrote:
Bug exploit is a bannable offense

What "bug" was exploited?
life isn't fair
What wrong they do ? Playing too good in game?
What difference beatween scarabs"abuse" and optimal scarab using?
You can costomise your maps but if you build it too good we will fix you.
Maybe hexblast builds is abuse too?

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