Blightspawn not working properly(i assume)

Hello everyone,

it appears the blightspawn atlas notable is not working correctly or its working is not communicated very clearly.

From my understanding every killed boss should have a 30% chance, 4x5% from small nodes leading up to notable and notable 10%, on death to add another reward chest to their corresponding lane which becomes availabe upon blight completion with the default reward chests.

However whenever i complete a blight encounter the chest amounts visible from the start (regular portals, 2x 3x etc.) are still accurate 100% of the time i get that 30% chance is not guaranteed but having completed a number of blight encounter and never once seing the chest amount increase especially in the lane only spawning bosses its really frustrating and very unlikely to be happening a couple times in a row. You sadly get all the risk and literally none of the rewards in some cases.

GGG pls fix

EDIT: at this point unless you really really enjoy blight its probably not worth it since you are missing out on a big chunk of the loot on low portal maps and ggg doesnt seem to care all that much i recommend trying out different strats until a fix comes up
Last edited by Plokon200#0995 on Aug 7, 2024, 6:36:24 PM
Last bumped on Feb 7, 2025, 6:21:24 PM
i'm running blight since league start as i always do and can confirm, this is bugged or doing something different... every single time i checked the number of chests, they were the same from when the encounter started. It is bugged or it does not work with the lane of only bosses, what kinda defeats the purpose of the notable.

GGG help us please!
Specced blight because this node seemed cool. Have not gotten a single bonus chest in any of my maps. It's definitely not working.
Can confirm this does not work. Please fix!
This indeed does not work. It raises the difficulty of blight encounters extremely and does not offer proper rewards. Also the bosses spawned this way do not have a chance to drop their respective blight uniques too.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
bump, blight players matter
Bump, please fix this.
Noticing the same thing... seems that whole wheel is useless.
I even wrote the support about it and they, which now seems to be a lie, said they forwarded the problem (and many other known bugs and issues) to the team. It's really disappointing to see that so many little bugs get fixed but blight yet again gets the "we don't care"-treatment. :(
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Node still does not work
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!

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