POE 2 ✧ Lahkesis Queen of Chaos ✧ "Essence Drain " Guide releas (Showcase video update 0.1.1)

adavydow#2566 wrote:
any chance you can share a screenshot of your passive tree?

Ingame tree does not fit to the screen for a nice screenshot, this one is from mobalitics, what I'm working towards.

Ingame tree is similar, but not all of the curse nodes are taken yet (I de-prioritized those, which give no/low curse efficency).

Note: if I didn't have mana recoup on gear, I would pass through the left branch to the mana recoup node. Don't want damage taken to mana % be higher than mana recoup, mana is a problem without it.

Curious how your setup with Chronomancer is playing after a couple more days. I rerolled but still only around 25 so a ways to go.

Is there a way to go ES as Chronomancer? Like recoup life to ES ? (Idk, probably not)

Curious how your setup with Chronomancer is playing after a couple more days. I rerolled but still only around 25 so a ways to go.

Didn't have a lot of time to play during the week, main change is update tree for the weapon swap.

I use ED on my chaos damage talents +lvl wand and focus, while the rest of the skills are with mana regen wand and shield for block.

Having shield helps with a survivability and mana wand solved all mana issues. I'm spending 90% of the time in shield swap, using focus only to cast ed, which I usually immediately follow by contagion to swap back.

It's cruise control in the first few map tiers where I can afk in rituals, but once you climb higher, survivability drops immensely as there are more and more oneshots, so recoup does not help (I'm on ssf, so my gear is not great, with good gear you probably can build a bit more survivability, but I still doubt that recoup will help from non-white mops in high tiers).

It's not a build problem, but overall I found it extermely hard to upgrade gear in SSF. I've stuck in the first set where I was able to max my resistances for ages. As there is no crafts and resistance flipping, I think it will be great if GGG will allow us to change runes to balance resists.

I have mixed experience with blink. Some bosses have abilities which are designed with dodge in mind and blink with cd just don't cut it. For now I've disabled it on one of the weapon swaps so I can roll if needed. Maybe with changes to the roll from the latest patch blink can be dropped completely.

Damagewise I don't see any good way to scale it, but in higher maps it looks like it's survivability check, not damage check like in POE1. Still would like at least some way to scale other than +lvl and additive damage.

Totem survivability is crap, even with resist support and gems for totem survivability (real totem nodes are too far to get, but I've even considered annoiting it, not sure if it saves the situation, though). More than half of the damage comes from it (poison to consume with ed + 70% wither), but during maps it lives 0 seconds. In lower maps I often put it behind me and bodytank mobs, so they don't touch it-). Works for bosses, but you need to recast it constantly.

Would definitely try to push it farther during the weekend, but I have feeling that I'll be abandoning the ship.

Is there a way to go ES as Chronomancer? Like recoup life to ES ? (Idk, probably not)

There is 3% recoup in the talents, but that's all afaik. Can justify a single es/armour hybrid piece of gear (I opted to 100% armour though), but no way to build it with ES. Moreover, I don't think it's the way to go (even if there is some unique which converts life recoup to ES) as recoup really wants damage mitigation, which ES is not and there are really good mana recoup nodes which push us to partial MOM mode, which does not work with ES.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:13:19 PM
Deleted. Was a wrong info, based on tooltip bug.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 11, 2024, 11:56:04 PM
Guys i lvl up one chrono and one infernalist for Chaos dot build, i'm still pretty new to poe 2 i dunno if infernalist with demonic form is good in Endgame ? Is the demonic form enough to compete against weapon stat at the end ? I dont really know how powerfull they can be

Hi, I'm running a ED + Contagion + Double Blasphemy + Hexblast build but running out of mana often when spamming Hexblast on boss. Any recommended mana regen nodes? Attached is my current passive tree.
Guys, what u think about infernal flame? Maybe solve mana issue with hexblast
One more discovery: totems are now minions (probably known fact and I was just in a tank).
This changes a lot, as it allows more ways to increase effigy survivability and allows us to use minion pact with just effigy.

Currently using this supports for ED.
1. Swift Affliction
2. Chain (or Persistence, both are QOL improvements)
3. Chaos Mastery
4. Drain Ailments.
5. Minion Pact.

Didn't have time to run with this setup (just tried that it works during the dinner break), will test how it feels later.

Will think a bit more what to do with this knowledge on Saturday.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:15:40 AM
Anyone able to test the new leech and if bloodmage interacts fine with ED?
the leech seems to be bugged to me still
My take on the build: https://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/profile/d20c7f59-361d-4242-b860-f972145bad2f/builds/6298d281-4417-422f-b0bd-9782e7eba4b1
Sorry for the typos, it was written away from computer, will try to review/correct on the weekends.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 12, 2024, 9:05:40 AM

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