My Bonestorm/Reap Blood Mage starter for PoE 2 - THE JOURNEY PAID OFF

How do you deal with stuns?
Every other mob gives a micro stun and throws a bonestorm...

Hello Exile!

Yes, the stuns are annoying AF, you can for sure work your stun threshold with your gear and tree in some way, my experience has not been bad with stuns overall really, only specific cases.

If you're on the way to Blood Magic, close to that Keystone, are some stun threshold nodes, maybe that's the way

GLHF Exile!
ramzen#5275 wrote:
Bro what is your twitch? I looked it up and couldn't find it. I just wanted to see some gameplay regarding this build, thanks.

Hello Exile!

My twitch is, the pfp it's just a badly done image of myself with my favourite cap (an orange one)

Hopefully you find my content either entertaining, educative or both.

GLHF Exile!
Siup8697#8210 wrote:
Hey. I am trying to go for melee like build with bone storm for bossing, and dot bleed ignite. Any idea what to change improve here?

Hello Exile!

I can't open the source you gave, the link's maybe down or the post was deleted.

GLHF Exile!
Xiromtz#6869 wrote:
Hey, first off I think your build is really cool and I love that you keep updating daily with new ideas.

I've been going down a very similar build path, taking inspiration from you here and there.
Now I do have a question about the Combat Frenzy interaction.. Sorry if this is a noob question, I'm relatively new to the series..

How do you distribute your stats now that you need to slot in combat frenzy? Given the default gem level of 8 it will require at minimum 61 DEX to slot in, however that stat does absolutely nothing for my character?

Also now I have to level DEX for combat frenzy, INT for bonestorm and actually I want STR for the juicy HP.. It feels like we're spreading stats a bit too thin now? Am I missing something?

Hello Exile!

Yes, the attribute requirement are a pain in the ass to get, hopefully soon enough we'll get Astramentis and just forget about this, but it's a "major" problem regarding everything we do want in the build.

Hopefully you'll find attributes in gear to get it done better.

GLHF Exile!
gracias mi rey, no entendi nada la build pero se ve interesante, despues la estudio bien, +10

Hola Exiliado!

Te agradezco las palabras capo! Que bueno ver a otro argentino aca jajaja espero que estes disfrutando la build maestro.

Cualquier cosa me contactas si necesitas ayuda o no entendes algo.

GLHF Exiliado!
Nibi#6155 wrote:
....... Of course OP is a Pippa fan and comes up with this build name lmao

So far I am kind of digging blood mage just running around using Bonestorm and Bonecage and it is getting the job done but life leech node feels like it doesn't do a damn thing

also Life Remnants sometimes spawn in the weirdest freaking spots I really wish they would appear next to our character or at least have a larger range to be sucked up

Hello Exile!

Yes, sadly I fell into the VTuber rabbit hole years ago, now enjoying Phase Connect content a lot since Hololive became boring to me. Glad to see someone who knows Pippa here!

The thing about Vitality Siphon is that it's noticeable enough to run it, i mean, when I'm using it over Gore Spike i feel i deal less damage but SOMEHOW my life in 99% of circumstances never goes down beyond Overflow, but if I'm using Gore Spike yes I do a funny number in damage but if I get cornered, swarmed or something it becomes harder to survive.

It's hard to put in words since we don't have PoB but yeah, that's my experience. You always can use whatever combination you like, please do not take my adive as holy word.

GLHF Exile!
Hey !

Thanks for the inspiration, I gave up my chaos dot build for yours. But I'm going for bleed in addition to physical and critical damage.
By the way, I'm using a unique item that might interest you: Redflare Conduit.
It's a torso that's likely to generate powers charges with hits :D
Hey, this is the best build I've tried so far for BM. I also found a unique that adds to the build - The Devouring Diadem - consumes a corspse every 3 seconds to heal 20% of life, which as you stack more hp 20% is quite a lot for a passive heal. Helps when things get a bit sticky.

Also trying the chest the person above me mentioned, always get 1 charge every bonerstorm. Also means you can use culling again, which can be paired with 12%hp recovered when culling support (Life Drain on Power Siphon)
Last edited by MatPandaZ#4977 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:10:07 AM
just a heads up; cast on crit is garbage with bonestorm, apparently only a single *tick* is applied per cast; imho does not worth 100 spirit tax to cast a single skill per 4-5 bonestorm casts.

might as well self cast corpse explosion / snipers mark / profane ritual or whatever else you want to open a slot for shield/focus
Here to share my own findings from what I've tested and noticed.

The Combat Frenzy + Resonance combo is just bad sadly. At base Combat Frenzy can only generate up to 1 charge every ~6s (scaling with level). Trying to push it harder (Profusion for a chance at more charges, Ingenuity to reduce its CD, Perpetual Charge for a chance to retain charges) still tends to average less than two charges per Bonestorm. Just way too much investment to probably still be worse than Pierce support.
I never tried this with a Serpent's Egg (amulet with the line "Gain an additional Charge when you gain a Charge") as even with it I can't imagine this gets there. All that said this is a promising idea that I will keep in the back of my mind for whenever we get new things to use. I think its very possible a single new unique could push this setup into a critical mass where the charge generation does outweigh the average consumption.

Redflare Conduit (chest with the line "20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit") seems to almost always generate one power charge per Bonestorm (my guess is that it rolls the chance for each hit, but is capped to generating one charge per skill use). There also seems to be a bug where sometimes it will generate a large number of charges, immediately capping your charges, thus emptying them and shocking you. even going frame by frame it just jumps from 0 straight to seven seemingly in a single hit, so no clue whats going on there.
All that said this items seems fine I guess? Due to its lack of meaningful stats I personally will just be running a decent rare for the foreseeable future, however if they fix this bug as well as allow Potential to support Bonestorm, it could be really good then.

I'm pretty sure Blood Magic is also bad. I'm not certain as I've not tested it specifically, but I have tested with a jewel which says "X% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs" and the total cost remained the same, only shifting it from mana to health (ie a normally 100 mana cost skill with a 10% jewel would go from costing 100 health + 100 mana to costing 110 health + 90 mana). I can only imagine Blood Magic works the same as the working is the exact same.

Lastly I'm pretty sure Inevitable Critical is bad. As per the "Sustained Skills" keyword,
Sustained skills cause a large number of Hits over a period of time. They roll for Critical Hits independently each time they damage enemies, rather than rolling once for the entire skill as other skills do.
I'm pretty sure its only granting the crit chance to the first hit (assuming it crits), not all hits. That said I've not properly tested this (I'm not sure how really without a nice training dummy) and its possible that the crit chance it grants is locked in for the duration of the cast. That feels to me like a reach though and I only think that might be the case because its a recommended support, but hey Potential is also recommended and can't even be equipped.

My personal setup at the moment is just keeping it simple. Bonestorm with Brutality + Arcane Tempo + Inspiration. And Profane Ritual with Unleash + Profusion + Fast Forward for charge generation. Also if anyone isn't, I highly recommend a simple Bone Cage setup (personally using Lockdown + Spell Cascade + Bludgeon) it is an absolute life saver against the enemies Bonestorm loves to miss, like the various snakes and fliers.

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