My Bonestorm/Reap Blood Mage starter for PoE 2 - THE JOURNEY PAID OFF
Hi, had few findings that i didny really find in the main post, maybe they will help anybody.
1. Charges generation Culling with Power Siphon is extremely good. You can also add support that heals you on cull. With WASD movement u can put in on left click and simply click highlighted monsters. FEELS GOOD. What I did for automation during maps is Cast on Minion Death, Profane Ritual. I took a scepter for off-hand with sh.tton of spirit and due to not having any minion nodes in the tree, skellies die very fast whenever they sapwn (can also use infernal legion) I have yet to try the combat sth tech as mine doesn't work on bosses that don't spawn adds. Unless there is some way to spawn corpses lol then plz let me know ASAP, as I came to like all my skeletons (named left to right, Rodrigo 1,2,3,4,5,6) 2.Utiliy Pierce was meh. Ricoshet still clunky. FORK IS GODLY. I have yet to test if it changes my dps on bosses (shouldn't probably), but only god knows why, fork makes projectiles change trajectory, focusing all of them on your coursor before fork, makes clearing 500% (random numer lol) faster 3.Damage Didn't see you pick it, but Armor Break is broken AF. There is a node in top-left side of a tree that ads armor break for all phys dmg. Literally Tripled my dmg against bosses. Still dunno what to do to keep pain offering alive. Sometimes use contagion for hinder and whenever i get next slot, freeze buildup. |
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"Turns out this was just the Lust for Power keystone, no bug at all, my bad. |
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I took some inspo from this and decided to forge my own path with Napoleon Bone&Artery. I still take a lot of crit and crit damage, but instead forged a path NW towards the phys damage and bleed/armor shred nodes. I use cull to grab power charges and additional healing, Detonate Dead with increased aoe, echo and bleed chance, and I'm looking for the unique Couture of Crimson Gilded Vestments so any life leach I do will overflow my health
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" Hello Exile! I'll be trying to use it at the highest level possible for the ammount of DEX i can get. Hopefully it'll be 13+ GLHF Exile! |
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" Hello Exile! The armor piercing nodes ARE INDEED STRONG, not much for the bleeding thingy but the +X% INC PHYS DAMAGE and the Armour Break lines holy it deals damage, I'll be incorporating those in tomorrow's final build guide. Sadly I still didn't get to try Fork, I dont really wanna change my gem set-up because it just feels good, the second I get a 4th support slot I'll try it. In regards of the Power Shiphon culling, first of all doesn't work with the Resonance set-up, because the Power Charge from Power Siphon gets converted into an Endurance Charge because of Resonance, and second in MY taste (mine one and only, not trying to influence anyone with this) it doesn't make it, yeah the culling feels good but having to cast it MANUALLY when you have to: Kite + do the channeling trick + aiming Bonestorm it's just an ammount of work that doesn't even get's it there, and i already just cuck packs. AS I SAID THAT ONLY LAST PART IS MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE Thanks for all the detailed and enthusiatic feedback! I appreciate it a lot! GLHF Exile! |
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" Hello Exile! Excited to see how that overflow leech technology would work, At the start didn't even thinked about it since already we have a chonky life pool thanks to Sanguimancy combined with the fact that it REDUCES maximum life by a huge 25% it's just getting dicked down even worse because you have Gore Spike in my head at least sounds like it's not gonna do it really, but at the start of making this I didn't think about the Armour Break shenanigans and holy it deals damage, so it could work. Please share your results with overleech, I want to read that. GLHF Exile! |
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After playing with it for the day, I'd like to second that yeah Fork support feels excellent for clearing and I will be sticking with it. I honestly believe it performs better than if we were able to constantly maintain a few power charges, though there's no reason you can't run both. I'm still using Profaned Ritual alongside it.
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Just to clarify, I am not trying to get some OP super powerful build or anything. I am running what I like and am running what works for me. I saw bonestorm and I liked it, along with unearth and bone cage. I was only looking for some comparison because its nearly impossible to get any feedback from #general. That said I was looking for someone who has experimented with a different skew on the same skill to see if there was any improvements.
I can't say I am doing any 5k or something like that. I don't lose to bosses typically unless I get smushed by 1 hits ect. I don't stack crit tho seeing that one guy I might have to reorganize my talents for more crit and crit damage as it seems to scale very well with bonestorm. Originally I wanted to trying to run a minion build but that is meh, and I have never been a fan of SRS being as it is always what people use. That is why I ended up being as hybrid as a I am. My pack clears look fine. I don't need to run or hide from most enemies tho I still get some finnicky spots right now in act 6 where my minions all die and im left running for my life as squishy as I am. Mainly looking for input or any hints or ideas regarding how bonestorm works. DPS wise it looks fine, according to the in-game POE its like 1.2k dps. I cannot really compare it to anything though as I am running about 5 skills. The only comparison I have right now is my own view and that is SRS which seems to do about 1/7 to 1/4 a rares HP bar in 10 pops while bonestorm is doing about the same per full charge. Main concerns for me is if there is: 1. Increasing total number of projectiles 2. reduce spread 3. improve damage per volley (bonestorm has the drawback of not being very good if not at least 40-50%) Personally I have focued towards bonuses towards ailments or after crits effects to boost the base DPS. As bonestorm is calculated per hit/20 times it makes sense you could feasibly crit on the first 1-4 and gain a bonus to dps for the remaining 10-16 projectiles effectively giving bonestorm a mid-flight dps boost as effective as 90% uptime allowing for more mobility as you do not need to worry about keeping certain buffs up. Also would love a way to generate power charges effectively that doesn't gimp my current build. But yeah just looking for comparison and insight as I am basically feeling in the dark with it myself, never had a build work for me in POE1 that wasn't a guide and this is the first time I have done 100% of the build myself. |
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" Hello Exile! I'm glad that you're having fun, that0s why we're in the game in the first place! Minions do not get along anything that's not minion related, the variant of this build that runs minions want those minions to just die as fast as possible, so you'll get the idea that minion boosting synergies things are not getting along with Bonestorm. To be frank, you need to clear a pack in 1-2 Bonestorm casts, that'll be being 3-5 seconds, if you're not doing that, please reconsider investing more into Bonestorm since minions in Blood Mage are just straight up not good. Crit, at least for MY personal experience and taste, feels like a must, but there's 3 clear variants for this build (full crit, armour break/bleeding and detonate dead), the first one it's the one I'm running now, getting as juicy crits as possible, the second one it's good for those people who enjoy DoT builds (not my cup of tea) and the 3rd one is for insane clear, but half the build is getting into the trash can in boss fights (DD in bosses is not that good), so check the comments since there are literally every type of variant-type player here! Also I'm really proud that you're making your own path/build here, not everyone does that and even more gets their mouth full of big words when they can't even follow a guide, so keep getting on it! In this game everything's possible, so there's a way to make yours work, maybe you just don't get how YET, but you'll eventually find it! GLHF Exile |
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I've been messing around with a bunch of Bonestorm setups in this thread and the other. Currently I've settled on:
Bonestorm with Brutality - Scattershot - Fork - Splinter. Bone Cage with Lockdown - Spell Cascade Detonate Dead with Magnified effect - Unleash - Corpse conservation Vulnerability with Persistence (May drop this, since armor break is very reliable without) Scattershot makes the charge feel WAY better. Once I get the armor break passive skill tree node I'll swap Splinter for something else, but this setup has been completely melting Act 3 Cruel. Your first Bonestorm will almost always kill at least one enemy, then just spam detonate dead and everything will evaporate. Single target its also very good, though I think there is room for improving there. I am curious how/if Heft would work. Not sure what maximum physical damage does exactly since I haven't encountered a damage roof. |
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